Chapter 5

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Next Day...

Taehyung POV

The school ended earlier than usual and no one knows the reason. I exit the buiding jogging outside ready to go home but some voices made me halt on my tracks.

"Yah! Shoo"


I sighed recognizing these voices. I don't want to bump on Y/N and Jimin again because crossing ways with them means trouble, especially when they are fighting like this. I twist around to take another way without glancing at them.

"Don't run, I already saw you~" Jimin chirped.

I let out frustration groaned, even in this situation his smug personailty is not going away.

Gripping my backpack straps, I slowly turn around as if I am about to witness murder scene but met with Jimin lying under Y/N as she was on top of him choking his neck while other hand ready to punch him. Both of their irises along with their design underneath their uniform is glowing and mixture of green and blue auras surround them as Jimin mana is green but worst part is that both of them were staring at me with this scary sight that I almost felt little threatened and shivers runs down my spine.

"Congratulation!" I chirped back at Jimin sarcastically, keeping my image.

"Yaah! Help me from this monster" Jimin pleaded weakly gesturing his jaw at Y/N as she stares at me angrily while tightening her grip around his neck, earning painful whimper from him

Like challenging me to come and save him.

"I don't want to die before eating my delicious food at home" I rejoined, more like I-don't-know-who-are-you before turning around to walk causally like nothing happened.

It's awkward after what happened so avoiding her is best idea.

Jimin was about to call out again but instead I heard suffering muffled voice, probably Y/N is clasping his mouth close. I stomped out because I don't want to witness real murder attempt.


When Taehyung left, Jimin weak, innocent and victim-like expression change into mischievous under my hand like he was waiting for Taehyung to leave. I didn't realize when I got distracted loosening my grip and power as he took advantage of that and used air element sending me fly away from him like disable bird.

I screamed my lungs out but hugged nearby tree branch on time like failed koala before he could send me out in space. Jimin took advantage of that too before I could process what happened I am already glued to tank like snail as thick loosely rod-like stems is tied around my whole body with branch.

I don't know which type of power he used but he was fast. Now I regret for not being serious for studying "how to use magic on tree." And now If I try to break through using my magic power, it will break the whole branch due to close contact with my body.


"Not happening suckers" He exclaimed punching his fits in air as victory like he conquered the whole world before running away.


Hairs on my neck stand when I saw giant ants are crawling on branch. Getting scared, I quickly tried to summon small amount of my power only to break through stems. But it didn't worked as I hear faint noise of cracking of branch below me.

"Don't use magic dummy"

I hear familiar voice behind me, I cran my neck toward source and found Taehyung sitting on same branch.

When did he get there?

Maybe I didn't noticed because of my screaming and stuff but why he is awfully this close? If my power had accidently touched him then he would've been died right there and then his family would blame me for that.

"Why are you here?!" I snarled, "Don't you have fear for your life?"

"I would like to ask same the question" He rolled his eye, "Seriously? Who use magic on tree branch with already heavily weight present on it? Do you want to fall and break your bones? He inquired sarcastically before attempting to crawl on me.

"Huh? Wait! Don't come close!" I quickly warned

"Shut up, I am trying to help!" He snapped

"How half-human can help me?" I mumbled.

I feel his weight as now he is on top of me. The Branch groaned below me but he ignored, obviously not caring about it because even if it will break and fall he will basically use me to land on ground.

He suddenly pulled out scissor from his pocket with his fingers around it's handle as he aparts it and close it making snipping sound playfully cutting the air with smirk on his face...even in this situation of life or death.

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously who use this nowadays?" I piped

"It's quite useful right now and way better than all that screaming and overflowing magic" He said that and begins to cut the the stem starting from my neck to my back. I almost flinch thinking he woud accidently cut my robe too. I feel the tightening is loosening around my body while he keep backing away.

Finally I let myself free from remaining stems and without any problem I land on ground stabilizing my weight by using air element.

I look up and saw Taehyung hugging branch for his dear life before attempting to climb down the tree.

I can't use my magic on him to help him get off. What should I do?

"Hey..." I called out, my tone is calm but slightly stern. I extend my both hands out toward him like he is some sort of parcel or something, "Jump." I demanded.

His eyes widened, "Are you nuts? How you are suppose to caught me?" He asked unbelievably.

"I am stronger than you think" I uttered confidently.

He scoffed, "Using magic strength and normal strength is quite different Y/N-shi" He intoned with hint of amusement.

I feel butterflies in my stomach hearing "Y/N-shi." No one ever called me that. Everyone speak formally with me using "Your highness" "Your grace" "Princess or just "Y/N""

"Yah! Just jump, I don't have all the day for you" I said trying to remain stern as possible.

Suddenly raw emotion flickered dangerously his eyes with challenge as his lips slowly tugged up from corner in devilish smirk.

I gulped the lump in my throat while re-thinking this decision.

But what could possibly go wrong? He is weak half-human anyway.

And then he jumped...

I am laying on bed as Royal healers are healing my bruises, scars etc. I am glaring at Taehyung who is amusedly watching me while sitting on particular chair with his hands cuffed together and Royal Guard next to him.

Yup even after surviving the deadly tree branch I still got damages on my body because this heavy ass dude jumped on me and unfortunately I was the one who told him to do so, I can't complain.

"Told yaa!" He exclaimed with victory grin on his face earning shocked looks from Royal healer, guards, helpers, butlers, advisers blah blah all of them are accomplishing me for the treatment of my beautiful skin.

They are suprised because no one ever talk to Royal family like this.

"Injuring royal family is big treason, you know" My father's personal adviser Park Shivay calmly asserted directing to Taehyung but there is still threaten in his statement.

"The princess asked for it" Taehyung claimed leaning back to relax, "I tried to stop her. I should be getting gold metal for trying to save the princess who couldn't even save her own self using her mana power" He affirmed.

Shivay give him warning glare, "No any wizard dares to talk to Royal family like this while you! Half-human have this much courage!"

"But I talked to you, You don't belong to Royal family..." He said flatly.

Shivay eyes widened as he stares daggers at him

I surpassed my laugh. He is right. Shivay always act so high and mighty since I am young princess can't put this adult in his place because it would effect my image around people.

"Guardian is here" I heard guard voice behind the door.

"No, don't let him-"

"No please, Let him come in" I said cutting off Shivay. I can't stay any longer in same room with Taehyung, it boils my blood.

The door opens with thud as one man who is wearing cloak walks in, the moment his eye fall on Taehyung he quickly rushed for hug.

He is wearing cloak so he is basically wizard...Then probably Taehyung's Mother will be human.

I watch Father and son interaction as He pat his head and drew back taking good look at Taehyung face with love and concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Taehyung nodded showing his boxy smile.

His Father noticed handcuff around Taehyung's wrist. Next moment got me shocked when he glare at Royal Adviser with glowing purple irises while still holding Taehyung in his arms.

How can he keep this close while magic power is almost emitting from him? Is he not worried about his son getting hurt?

Judging by how unbothered they look this is not new for them.

I made my mind to read again about Half-humans after this healing process is done.

"Why his hands are cuffed? He didn't do anything wrong"

"Calm down, will you, Taemin?" Shivay said smoothly like snake, "It's for security purposes, we were going to uncuff him the moment his guardian would enter"

He gestured the maid as she quickly kneed down to Taehyung inserting key to uncuff his hand.

"Security purposes tsk! What harm possibly a child could do harm?" His Father inquired before glancing at his son hand being uncuffed.

"We used cuffs free from magic" Shivay said ignoring His Father's question, "to keep your son safe"

"Good job" He said like boss complimenting his subordinary.

Taehyung inherited sarcasm from his Father.

Taemin opens the door holding Taehyung hand to walk away but stopped as Taehyung look at Royal adviser.

"Before going..." Taehyung point his finger at Shivay "Your son Jimin glued the princess around branch so don't forgot about royal treason"


Everyone gasps looking at Royal Adviser as he stood there with pure shock on his face.

"I was about to tell them anyway" I chime in, rolling my eyes, "Thanks for informing them before me...Whatever"


"Yeah?" I quickly respond. I am suprised at my own self because I don't usually respond like that.

"See you around" He said before walking out with his Father and closed the door behind.

Involuntarily smile crept on my face like idiot.

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