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 Raff crouched at the edge of the forest and waited for Meribella to emerge from the sea. Valencia's boat made getting to and from the Temple Island easy, and once he hid it in a cove near the Harpy Clan, he shifted and raced through the trees. He needed to see for himself that she was healthy and whole when she returned.

Caspian's recent actions had done much to improve Raff's trust. Not to mention, the man was clearly in love with Addien. Raff was whipped enough to recognize it in another person, but where Meribella was concerned, he couldn't be too careful. And, while he didn't blame her for the events that had happened on the island, he had to be honest- he didn't fully trust her. How could he when her body had been poisoned for weeks with a substance specifically designed to make her lust after Caspian?

His ears twitched at the thought of what could've occurred if Caspian had pressed the advantage. He still wanted to punch the man in the face for daring to put his hands on a woman without her consent, no matter that the selkie's self-loathing had been obvious when telling Raff the truth.

Good intentions or not, there had to have been better options than drugging Meribella to keep her safe. Memories of las night flooded his mind. She'd been so hesitant at first. Not in her desire for him, but in her willingness to be touched. The first time she flinched, Raff had pulled away only for her to throw herself into his arms, her face shimmering with tears.

It wasn't until that moment that he realized how much anger was warping his heart. Anger he had misdirected towards her. He'd heard the shame in her voice when she accused Caspian of raping her. The moment he understood she blamed herself for what happened, his tears mingled with hers as they held one another in the Temple.

"I love you," he said, putting both hands around her face and pressing his forehead against hers.

"I love you too, and I'm sorry."

"For what?"

He knew what is was for, and earlier that evening, he'd intended to collect on an apology. But now... he would not let her sully herself with culpability. It didn't matter what her body had wanted, her heart had not been willing. She was a victim.

"I know now that he didn't... we didn't... And for some of those days, I couldn't remember why it bothered me so to think we had. I forgot you, Raff. Forgot everything."

Raff wiped a tear from the corner of her eye with his thumb before sliding the digit down the glittering path on her cheek. He rubbed it across her mouth, tugging on her lower lip, before going to her chin and pressing up so she had to look him in the eye. Gods, how he had missed those turquoise eyes.

"You never forgot me, not really. If you had, you would've never questioned it, and before all that happened, we were connected."

"Our thoughts," she said, her eyes widening. "I forgot that too."

"I could feel you even when I couldn't hear you. I've never heard of such a thing, but I clung to it. And no matter how hard things get between us... wipe that dirty smirk off your face missy."

"Sorry," she giggled, her hands turning adventurous. His refusal to blame her had lifted a weight from her shoulders, and it was clear in the curves of her face as she tried to close the gap to kiss him.

He pulled back, knowing once they started touching one another, there would be no more talking. And there were things that needed to be said. "No you're not you little minx. I want you to know, from now until our last day, I won't be separated from you again. Even if it means we can't touch one another, I will satisfy my desire for you with my eyes and ears. As long as you're near me, it'll be enough."

She nodded, rising up on her knees and curling her fingers around the sash of her body suit. The fabric ripped as she tugged. "It'll be enough. But we will have tonight."

Raff shook away the memory before it turned to events that would cause too much distraction. Especially in his wolf form where his animal instincts would override common sense.

A sharp pain flared in his left flank, and he whipped his head around, snout open and teeth snapping. Lincoln jumped back before his throat was crushed, but his lips were peeled back and a deep snarl rumbled in his chest.

"Stop that. Nerida is waiting on the beach, and she'll hear you."

"Do you know where I've been all night?"

Raff didn't rise out of his defensive stance. His Beta's body language was still broadcasting an intent to attack.

"No."  Yes. Raff had been made aware of what had to be done to contain his Beta while he ran off after his supposed near demise.

"Locked in a fucking cage."

"Looks like you're out now."

"What the actual hell? One minute, I was on my way to talk some sense into that woman of yours, and the next, I wake up in a cage in the middle of the woods."

Raff sighed, well huffed was a more accurate term, but he dropped to his haunches. With a quick glance at the beach to make sure there was no sign of Meribella, he decided to come clean to Lincoln.

"I'm sorry. It was important that you didn't know what was happening. In fact, I only told Valencia, and that was because I needed her help."

The red wolf in front of him bristled, and his amber eyes flashed. "Not only am I your Beta, but I'm your best friend. I've dug through a burning building for you, searched for you for days when you were missing, and watched you almost die yesterday. Not once have I ever abandoned you, and you couldn't trust me!"


"No, fuck this shit. I'm done."

Before Raff could say another word, he felt his friend slam a wall up between their connection. The force of it made his head ache and spots form in his vision. They both whimpered, swaying on their feet, and then Lincoln turned and ran.

As much as Raff wanted to go after him, he couldn't. He had to stay here and make sure Nerida bought the story that Caspian and Meribella spent the night with one another. He returned to his crouching stance and stopped a growl from passing his lips. Where were they anyways? They were supposed to be here by now.

If that sonofabitch... the thought faded as Meribella's dark head broke the surface of the slate gray water. The robe she promised to keep on clung to every curve so tightly, she might as well have been naked, and the selkies on the beach were not shy in their admiration as she walked out of the waves. Caspian followed behind her, his charcoal seal skin falling from his shoulders and rolling down his hips.

Raff's tongue curled out as he tried to grin in his wolf form. Caspian might be almost equal in his height and muscle, but it would seem he fell short in other matters. If he'd been a man he would've chuckled, and a pang shot through him as he wished Lincoln was at his side to gloat.

"Let us see your marks," Nerida demanded.

Meribella raised her brows and glared at the Leopard Clan leader. Though she'd admitted to Raff that Nerida was now aware of the animosity she felt towards her, it was imperative that Meribella play nice. There was nothing nice in her expression as she lowered the robe to just above her breasts.

"My, my, my," Nerida exclaimed as she ran her fingers along the silver swirls, "I've never seen markings so bright before. My son took very good care of you last night. Perhaps so well that you might forgive an old woman for meddling."

Meribella's skin heated with power, the shine blazing in her eyes, before it faded as she forced a smile to her face. Putting a hand over her stomach, she said, "We can agree to forget what happened. If only for the child I'm carrying."

"I had your best interests at heart, my dear."

"I'm sure that's the case," she replied, tugging her robe over her shoulders before looping her arm through Caspian's. He smiled at his mother with just the right mixture of fondness and pride to be convincing.

Nerida turned to face the others gathered on the shore. "You may each go to your clans and tell them the ceremony was successful."

They bowed in acknowledgement and started back to their homes. A few paused long enough to clap Caspian on the back or give him knowing winks. Rage made the hairs on Raff's body quiver. How he would enjoy the look of shock on their faces if he shifted into his human form and showed off his own set of glowing marks. The ones that would give him credit for the brightest markings Nerida had ever seen.

But it was only his male pride that was harmed. Meribella was safe. She was not actually carrying Caspian's child. And once Nerida was brought to justice for her crimes, they could put all of this behind them.

"Caspian, perhaps you should let Meribella go on and get some rest. I'm sure she's quite exhausted. I'd like to speak to you alone."

"I am very tired," Meribella confessed.

Caspian pressed a kiss on her temple and withdrew his arm. "Of course. You must take care of yourself now. I will be along later to check on you?"

She nodded, folding her arms in front of her before going up the hill. He noticed the way she kept her gaze straight ahead.

"You need to calm down, sir." Her voice whispered through his mind like satin. All of his anxiety and irritation faded at the sound. This connection proved she was his and he was hers. No matter what others saw or thought.

"I can think of a few things that might help."

"They might help, but I don't think it'll calm you down."

"We can both calm down together afterwards."


"Can you blame me for trying?" A giddy sense overwhelmed him, and he realized he was feeling her laughter.

"I suppose not. I'm heading to the cottage to "rest." Can you be at Valencia's in the next hour?"

"I can, but Caspian said he couldn't get away until after midnight." Meribella was no longer within sight, and Nerida had dragged Caspian into the sea, too far even for Raff's sensitive ears.

"That's fine. I'd like to talk some without him anyways. Nerida won't question me visiting family."

"Then I'll see you in an hour. And hey-"


"If you see Lincoln, be prepared. He's pissed."

"When is Lincoln not being pissy?"

"No, he's really hurting." This time, he couldn't separate her emotions from his as concern washed through him.

"He'll understand. We'll make him."

"I hope you're right."

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