Making Up

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A/N- This is my standard mature content warning. I debated whether or not things would get steamy in this chapter- mostly because to me, Meribella and Raff's relationship has always been about who they are as a couple because they can't be completely consumed by the physical side of their relationship like a lot of couples. It's about how they want each other regardless. And then I thought... who am I kidding- these crazy kids haven't been able to touch each other in months. So... you've been warned, and I'll put a page break between the mature content and where the story picks up without it (you don't have to read the steamy for the chapter to really make sense)


Sunlight striking her face pulled Meribella out of the very best dream. One she didn't want to leave just yet. She rolled to her side and snuggled into the pillow-the very hard pillow- and tried to get back to where she left off.

Raff settled between her legs, his strong hands gripping her hips as she arched her back in response to the trail of fire he was leaving across her stomach. Gentle kisses and nips, never lingering in any one place but still enough to ignite fiery tingles in her blood. She dropped her knees to the side, hoping he would take the hint. Instead, it had the opposite effect. He stopped and grinned up at her, his dark hair falling over arctic eyes darkened to indigo.

"Someone is impatient. Don't you know good things come to those who wait?"

Frustration made her grab him by his hair and drag him upwards. He didn't fight it, taking advantage of the movement to lavish attention on her breasts before placing that talented mouth on hers.

It was a brutal kiss. Hard. Almost punishing. There was no softness in the way he moved, splitting the seam between her lips with his tongue so she opened for him with a gasp. His lips curved into a smile just before he pressed the advantage, thrusting into her mouth at the same moment she felt his hand slip between her thighs. Like the kiss, it was an assault. His thumb pressed down against her sensitive flesh while his long pointer finger penetrated her body, mimicking the movement of his tongue.

Unable to hold still, she broke the kiss with a hiss as pleasure rocketed through her body. It came so fast, she barely had time to breathe before he tangled his hand through her hair and gripped tight to keep her from moving.

"I've gone months without seeing your face while you come for me," Raff growled. He continued to pump into her, adding another finger, his eyes never leaving hers. "I'm not going to miss a single moment."

"Oh gods," she panted, jerking her hips against his hand as she neared her peak again.

He winked. "No, just me."

Words were difficult to form, but she managed to reply, "Even better."

She shattered and only when she stopped trembling, did he remove his hand. Cupping her neck, he lifted her up and kissed her again. This one was tender, and on his lips she tasted tears. But she didn't stop to ask why he was crying. She was crying too, and every touch and sigh conveyed emotions words were not capable of describing.

"Meribella. Wake up."

"No," she groaned, slamming her lids shut. Why was dream Raff telling her to wake up? There were so many things to do yet. Her hand wrapped around his--

She squealed as she was rolled to her back, and her eyes snapped open to find a very amused Raff hovering over her. And a very turned on Raff based on what was pressed against her stomach.

"As much as I would love to reenact last night, we've got to get you dressed and back to the mainland."

Meribella lifted shaking hands to cup his face. "I thought it was all a dream."

"Oh, I heard what happened in your dream. Naughty girl."

Even though his words were teasing, she saw the relief and joy in his expression. And he pressed his palm against her hand, leaning into the touch as he released a ragged sigh. Then, he pulled her hand away and pressed kisses against her wrist.

"Come on. Let's get dressed before Caspian returns." He jumped off of her, and immediately, she missed the weight and warmth of his body covering hers. "You're not moving."

"Can't I enjoy the show?" she asked as she raked her eyes over his abs as he buttoned his jeans.

"Meribella." Hearing the exasperation and desire in her name made her heart swell. Gods how she'd missed hearing him speak her name like that.

"Alright, I'm moving," she whined, standing up and stretching before reaching for her clothes. Only to find they were unwearable. "I was the one who was impatient?"

Raff looked at the lace rags and puffed out his chest. "I seem to recall you did quite a bit of the ripping. There's a robe at the end of the platform. I'm sure they provide one for that very reason, though from what I've seen of the island so far, most selkies aren't fussed one way or another about going about nude."

"True." She tapped her chin. "I could probably just skip it."

Within a flash, he was at her side, gripping her by her thighs and hoisting her to his waist. She wrapped her long legs around his body and had to stop a moan from slipping through her lips as the rough material of his jeans scraped against her hot center.

"We have a lot to talk about, you and me. But one thing that I'm going to make very clear. You're mine. I'm yours. And I don't share. So you're going to put that robe on, and we're going to talk to Addien about some different clothing choices."

Meribella laughed, digging her fingers into his hair as she  rocked against him. There were a million things they had to discuss. Hurts that had to be addressed. But this moment was going to be the last time they could just be Raff and Meribella together for a long while. The teasing. The fighting. The laughter. The passion. It was a gift she refused to rush.

"Meribella, you are going to be the death of me."

"What if," she said, catching her breath as he dropped to his knees and put her on his back. He bucked his hips against her, intensifying the sensation and making her eyes roll back in her head. "What if I like the clothes?"

His response was to move faster. Over and over again, he drove himself against her until she cried out, and he dropped his head against her chest with a grunt.

"Shit. I haven't come from dry humping a girl since I was fifteen."

She giggled. "Aside from the fact you just mentioned another girl while you were between my legs, I'm going to guess that's a compliment?"

He helped her to her feet and kissed her forehead. "Of course."

"You didn't answer about the clothes."

He exhaled and gave her a look as if he knew exactly what game she was playing. "You and I both know if you loved the clothes, I'd keep my mouth shut. But you don't. So you should save them for the bedroom."

"Fine, fine."


She picked up the robe and slid her arms through it, marveling at the change in the swirls on her skin. Just as Caspian promised, they'd turned silver. She smirked as she thought about the previous night. They would've turned silver a dozen times over.

"Meribella, come look at this," Raff called.

Tying the belt, she returned to his side. His arms were shoved in his t-shirt, but he'd stopped before lifting it over his head. Confused, she looked where he was staring. There on his shoulder and spreading across his chest, were the same marks that covered her body. In the morning light pouring through the Temple's ceiling, they flashed and glittered every time he moved.

"Oh no. Is that supposed to happen? Is Nerida going to inspect Caspian for the marks?"

"If that asshole set us up," Raff snarled.

Anger filled her at the thought. Surely, he would've had nothing to gain by letting her spend the night with Raff? The selkie gave up a chance to produce a powerful heir, and his profession of love for Addien seemed genuine.

"He's supposed to be here soon, but does it really matter? Worst case scenario, Nerida finds out we're not playing her game anymore. I made it fairly clear she wasn't my favorite person last night."

"That's just it. If this is a setup, then we've played right into her hand. She would've wanted Caspian to make the switch."

Rubbing her eyes, she tried to draw a calming breath. "Does it never end?"

"Well that doesn't sound like your night went well. Regretting choosing him over me?"

Caspian sauntered down the hall and into the Temple's cavernous room. He wore leather breaches, but his chest was bare. Meribella searched for any signs that he might be scheming.

"Did you know this would happen?" she demanded, pointing at Raff's chest.

"Did I know- oh shit." Caspian hurried over, his nose wrinkling as he reached the platform. No doubt the air smelled of sex. "I've never heard of this happening."

"What does it mean?"

"Hell if I know. The color change is supposed to mean the gods accepted the magic, and it's a physical sign of your blessing."

"Do you think it's because we didn't actually, um, you know."

Caspian arched an eyebrow. "If I ever forget you grew up around humans, I need only hear you stumble over talking about sex, but I don't know. I suppose it could be, but I don't know what purpose it would serve. I would at least think if he was going to be marked, it would've remained gold."

"I guess you'll just have to keep your shirt on in public for now," Meribella jested, offering Raff a weak smile even though the added complication made her feel ill.

Raff responded by squeezing her hand before tugging his shirt over his head. "Guess I can manage that, but we need to figure it out. These days, I don't trust magic."

"What happened?" she asked.

He shook his head. "We'll talk about everything soon. Just get back to the island safely. I'll see you this evening."

"B-but," she rambled, clinging to him. "I just got you back."

"We're not going to make the same mistake twice. We're stronger together. I should've known that then, but I sure as hell know it now. Just trust me. Trust us this time."

"Gods, we were stupid."

Caspian snorted and then raised his hands in mock defense. "Sorry."

"We were manipulated, but again, that's for later."

"Okay. Raff?"


He paused at one of the columns. The forest was a blaze of emerald and sunshine behind him. The sight took her breath away, but it gave her courage.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," he replied and then bolted into the woods.

"He's a freaking werewolf, Meribella. He's going to be okay."

"Shut up, Caspian," she snapped, breaking into a run to keep up with him as they headed back to the ocean. "You've got a lot of making up to do and not very much time." 

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