The Place Between

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 Meribella had never given much thought to the afterlife. Fae rarely did, and though her human nature shaved a few years off of her life expectancy, she expected to have a few more centuries before being forced to contemplate the Great Beyond.

But, as she sat in a field of wildflowers, the breeze blowing through her hair tangy with salt from an ocean shouldn't couldn't see- only hear and smell- she decided she would have never bet on death being like this.

Yet, there was something familiar about this place. A sense that she'd been here before. She stood and looked around. As far as her eye could see, there was nothing but natural beauty. A world untouched by progress.

She might have enjoyed it more if she weren't alone.


Meribella spoke to their bond, knowing he couldn't hear her from here. Not that she really wanted that kind of connection. She was not so cruel. He needed to grieve for her and move on. Even without her voice echoing in his mind, she knew it would not be an easy task. Raff loved fiercely and deeply. 

And theirs was a forever kind.

She moved toward the sounds of the sea. A swim sounded nice, and if this was her version of heaven, the water would be the color of glass and warm enough to swim without clothes. The sand would be so white it would almost make the eyes hurt to look upon it, and where the sea foam brushed across the sand, it would turn gold.

Yet, the further she walked she noticed small imperfections in her new world. Broken blades of grass that turned to ash when her fingers brushed against them. Swathes of black winding through the green, and flower petals fell from healthy blooms without provocation.

"What is this?" She touched a wild rose with the tip of a finger and watched in horror as it turned brown with decay.

"He holds on tight, your Raff. This rot is his doing. His anger."

Meribella shrieked and spun around. Her hands pressed flat against her stomach, and she winced as remembered the knife slipping through the skin just above her thumbs. Three women watched her from a few yards away.

Two were nearly identical. Slanted eyes, full lips, and willowy frames, they walked in tandem. Hair the color of stardust over her shoulder, the one on the right regarded Meribella with cool blue eyes. The woman on the left had hair black as pitch and eyes like the harvest moon.

The third woman was as short as they were tall, with skin like coal and hair of fire. She radiated with nervous energy, and even as she walked her hands moved around her as if she was conducting a private symphony. But like the other two, her eyes never drifted from Meribella.

"You know who we are?" The small one asked.

Meribella licked her lips. "I think I have an idea, but I've never met you here before."

The one on the right- the one she suspected was Astra- smiled. "This is the same place as always, child. Only before it was a wasteland because you weren't supposed to be there. It fought against your presence. It welcomes you now."

"So I really am dead. I mean, I knew it, but it helps to hear someone say it."

A bark sounded behind the women, and they parted to allow a blur of silver and white through. Aurora launched herself at Meribella, knocking her over and licking until Meribella was laughing.

"Oh sweet girl, not you too."

"Not quite," Celene said, staring at the wolf pup with great fondness. "Wolves are creatures of spirit. They can traverse the world between life and death with ease, and Aurora has always been special."

"The place between..." Meribella repeated the phrase, not missing its importance.

The sisters sighed as one, and then they lowered themselves to the earth as friends might do when preparing for a long chat. Amphrit fidgeted and broke apart blades of grass, all the while she scanned the horizon as if waiting for someone to arrive.

"Nerida told me you three were Fae Queens, not goddesses."

Astra clapped. "Right to the point, this one."

"I warned you that she'd be cheeky when you picked her," Amphrit said.

"And you," Meribella turned to Celene. There were so many things she wanted to talk about, but before she lost her nerve, this had to be said. "Don't you think it's time to forgive and let go? Raff and his pack are good men. They shouldn't pay for the sins of their fathers."

Astra and Amphrit tensed. Their eyes widened as they waited for their sister to speak, but Celene just gave Meribella a sad smile.

"I would lift it if I could."

"What do you mean, if you could?"

"Darling girl. What do you know of The Uprising?"

"It was a war over humanity. There were Fae like Morgan and angels who were angry that the gods favored the humans. After they were defeated, most were cast into the Underworld, and the nine queens of Avalon appointed Arthur and his Knights as Guardians of the human realm."

"Eight. Eight queens appointed Guardians. The ninth was banished. Her name was Morgan le Fae."

"Ugh, so that bitch really was a queen."

The sisters laughed. Amphrit softened a bit and moved closer to Meribella. She smelled of sand and lavender, and it calmed her.

Celene resumed the conversation. "The gods have not been heard from since humans were created, but as man grew in power, our kind were weakened and pushed back. They feared our power or worshiped us. There was little in between. We established Avalon as a safe haven because what humans don't understand is that without magic, they would cease to exist. But we also keep a very precious item there, and to protect it, we sealed ourselves away. And that's why I can't break the curse. In Avalon, I have no real power over the world of men."

"You are the first person we've been able to speak to outside of Avalon in centuries my dear," Astra said. She reached out and touched Meribella's face. "I feel this Blessing of mine has become more of a curse, but we knew we would need you one day."

"Me? Why me, specifically?"

"The selkies pulled away from the world after the war. I gave them the power to keep it safe, knowing one day someone would break away and have a part human child. The timing had to be right. It's your humanity that makes the Blessing so strong. It's all the best parts of our worlds."

"We can't stay here much longer," Amphrit said suddenly.

"There's so much we want to tell you, but this place is Morgan's domain. If she finds us here, she could break into Avalon. That's her goal. To gather what she needs to break the seal on Avalon. You are- were- one of those pieces. We only came here to help you move on."

"Why was I stuck here?"

"Nerida's soul didn't want to let you go, and she has a different destination than you do. You will reside in Avalon with us," Amphrit said.

"Is-is there something I can do to help Raff? To make him understand? To ease his pain?" Meribella asked, looking around at the spots of decay. To know he felt so strongly against her that it followed her to a different plane. It was like she'd been stabbed again.

Aurora whined, and Celene froze. Her delicate brow wrinkled. "Are you certain?"

Astra sighed a dreamy smile and nodded. "It would work, and it would be a nice gift to tide her over until we can fix things."

"Aurora, you are my companion which means you can follow us to Avalon. You'll be with her there." Aurora growled. "Fine, you know your own mind. Always have."

A cold wind rattled through the prairie. Amphrit jumped up like a startled rabbit. She pulled at her sisters. "Whatever you're going to do, do it now. Morgan is here."

"Remember this, Meribella. You are the Guide. You must find the Guardian and the Gatekeeper. Find them before Morgan does or there will be no third chances."

"Wait, how can I do that?" Meribella shouted. Lightning forked across the sky. "I'm dead."

Celene ignored her protests. Grabbing her hand, she put it on Aurora's head. "This is going to make you safe. Just you? Do you understand?"

"No," Meribella blurted.

"You'll understand."

"What? I'll understand what?" The roaring wind swallowed her words. Celene pushed a finger against her forehead, and Meribella's world disappeared.


Coughing, Meribella shot up to a sitting position. She clawed at the cloth covering her face until at last she was free. Drawing in air like a starving person, she moved her hands over her stomach, searching for an open wound. The skin was smooth and unblemished. The markings from the fertility ceremony winked in the twilight, the silver a lovely compliment to the places she sparkled from the seaspray.

A wet nose nudged her palm. She jumped in surprise, and then again when the raft she was on rocked from the movement.

"How?" she whispered, scratching Aurora behind the ears.

'My gift to you.'

"Holy shit."

If a wolf could laugh, then Aurora was laughing hysterically. 'That's a very you response to this. We won't always be able to communicate this way, at least not so clearly. Soon my thoughts will fade to feelings you'll understand, but we will share strengths. The way it was meant to be when my brothers first bonded with man.'

"You did that for me? But no she-wolf ever agreed to bonding with humans before."

Aurora licked Meribella's face. 'We're a picky lot. You're the first who is worthy, but it was also the only way to bring you back- to tether your soul to something still living. There is too much at stake'

"The Guide. The Gatekeeper. The Guardian. Do you know who they are?"

'I've an idea about the Gatekeeper, but there are so many Guardians. How do we know which one?'

Meribella sighed. She didn't know either. And she was tired. Coming back from the dead would do that to a girl. And, from the looks of things, she had quite a swim back to the coast. Bits of firelight glimmered in the distance, but she knew it was the clear night that made it so easy to see. The Island was at least two miles away. Not to mention, if what she saw in the world between was true, Raff was pissed as hell. There was going to be little sleep tonight, and not in the fun way like the night before.

"Do you feel like a swim?"

"Let's see how far you can push me first.'

"I don't suppose I can shift now?" she asked just before she jumped into the ocean. She was relieved to see the familiar light blaze through her skin, somewhat terrified that this new bond between her and Aurora meant she'd lost that part of herself.

'No can do. That was never part of the original bond.'

"Of course," she muttered, putting her hands on the raft and kicking her legs. Swimming made it harder to talk, and while she considered reaching out to Aurora through telepathy she was afraid Raff might hear. She wasn't an expert on it, and already, she could feel his essence humming in the back of his mind.

"Aurora? What did Celene mean about being safe? Aurora?"

The wolf didn't reply in words. A shocking image went through her head, and Meribella's cheeks grew so heated, she wondered if the water around her might boil. Again, there was a sense of laughter from the wolf.

'Bet he won't stay mad too long.'

Meribella grinned, picking up speed. "It's a hell of a bargaining chip. That's for sure."

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