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Back To School—Again.


I wake up groggily, and groaned as I rose and winced when my head ached so bad.

Damn, another dream about Chat Noir! Why not Ladybug or something!?

Shimmer was still sleeping, and it was still 5:37am and I was supposed to be up at 6. Chat Noir isn't here anymore...wait no! SNAP OUT OF IT! It's not real..

Last night, I was a wreck, and I felt so embarrassed on breaking down on him just like that. I only knew him for like a few days, as Louisa and Moonlight. But he's very cool.

And flirty.

I shook my head.

Even though it was a dream, I still feel embarrassed.

I squint my eyes as I open my curtains.

Aww, the door is locked.. it really is just a dream..

I unlocked it and went outside feeling the early morning breeze. I look at the view. Cars and buses on the road, some people on cafes, eating. People crossing the road...

"Louisa?" A cute voice calls me from behind.

"Oh, hi Shimmer! Morning!"
"Hmm..morning to you too..."
"It's still early. Why are you awake?"
"Yeah it's still early. I should be asking you. Why are you awake?"
"Woke up. And had a bad headache."

"And that's because you didn't eat for the rest of the day yesterday!" She crosses her arms. "Yeah, come on, don't scold me right now..."
"I'm not scolding you, I'm just saying..."

I stretched and went inside, her drifting beside me. I closed the door behind me.


"Let's go down. I'll make breakfast."

"Oooh! You cook?"

"Yeah, I do. Come on."


"I wanted to do Sunny-side up but, I was in a mood for Scrambled eggs." I place the plate on the table, with scrambled eggs and bacon.

"They smell good!"

"Haha, yeah, they do! Wanna taste them?"

I cut out a small piece of egg and bacon.

She tastes the egg first. "Mhmmm!" Then she tries the bacon. "Wow! This one is delicious!"

I giggled.

We were chatting along, when a door opened. "Shimmer!" I whisper. She hid under the table.

One of the maids came out. Actually, they're all like my Auntie and all. "Hi Auntie Emilia! Good morning!"

"Oh, dear! You are up early? Are you okay now?" She washes her hands and looks at me.

"Yep! Better now!" I say as I scoop a spoonful of food to my mouth.


I dress up in my usual and famous outfit. Black shirt, skinny jeans, and the red checkered polo, unbuttoned. Hm. No, let's try something different.

I then wear my black sling bag, and my blue backpack.

I have a scooter that was given to me, and I wanna use it to go to school. I wear the helmet, knee pads and elbow pads and off we go!

I arrived the school early, and I park my scooter at the side:


I went in the classroom, and sat on the first row, in the left. I didn't know who would be sitting here, but I hope it would be near Mari or Adrien.

I take my phone out and went to the group chat.


Hi guys! Morning! I'm in school early. Anyone coming too?

Ooh! You are? Cool! I'll be coming!

Aww what! I wanna come early too! I miss you, gurl!

I'll be coming too in a min, my dudes and dudettes!

Most of you are coming?? I'm still eating, what the!?

You are all ANNOYING! You have disturbed my  b e a u t y   s l e e p!

I think at this point of time, you gotta be whether eating or having a bath.



Good morning everyone! Sorry for the late reply!

Good morning to you too, Rose! And everyone who's not responding but only seen! 😊

That is true though! But the fact that you're still okay with it makes me think you're an angel

Yeah! Too precious to be hurt. :(

Anyways, I'm almost there, Lou!

Okay! I'll be waiting!

Oh no, my dudes! I forgot my headphones!

That's bad news!

I won't be able to accompany you, Louisa! Next time!

I'm dressed up and I'm coming.

Meaning you have just newly went


There ya go. Lol.


Aww, come on! Not like this! Louisa! Help??

No way! Ask Mari!

Marinette?? 🙏🏻


I'll help you, Adrikins!

No thank you! I have arrived! Bye!

I'm a few steps away from you Lou :p

"Hi Lou!!" Marinette came in the classroom. I avert my eyes and it land on her. I brightened. "Mari!!!" I stood up. She ran to me and we hugged tight.

"Woah! Can I join the hug?" Adrien came in the classroom next. I smile. "Go ahead!"

He joins the hug. Marinette turns red. When we break the hug, I swore I saw Adrien look at my outfit and smile.

"Louisa!" People have said in unison, and have joined the hug. "Juleka! Rose! Hi!"

Everyone broke free.
"It's nice to see you again!"
"Yeah! Where were you?"
"What were you doing??"

"Have you heard about the new hero?!"

Another voice came.

"Hey, girl! What's up?"
We hug.
"Hey Nino!" I see Nino coming in.
"Yo, dudette Louisa!"

And soon, the rest of the class came, saying hi.

"It's nice how you still remember us!"

I give them a smile.



This is my first Authors Note in the story!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story so far!

Now, I'm here to explain about parts of Louisa's dream/s.

The second one, Louisa's Story(2)
The parts:

—He hurriedly went to the bathroom, closed and locked it as he went back to normal.
Plagg came out, asking for cheese.
"Here, and be fast! I can't just walk out as Adrien here!" He whispers.

After a minute he transformed and went to her directly.


—Adrien hugs her, and she wrapped her arms around his torso.

Then her heard a muffled yawn.

'Oh? She goes sleepy after crying?'

"Louisa? Are you about to sleep?"


No answer.

"Louisa? Loui? Mademoiselle?"


He had barely caught the words.
He smiles, and he didn't care how many times he had. "Claws in." He whispers.

He goes back to his normal form and Plagg came flying out. "Hmph. Couples."

"Shut up, Plagg. I'm only being a friend."

"Whatever you say, kid."

Adrien looks at the girl hugging him.
"Is she actually asleep?" He asks himself.

He slowly and carefully carries her bridal style. 'Definitely is sleeping.'

He placed her gently on her bed and covered her body in her blanket. She stirred and mumbled, "Chat Noir..."

He sat on her bed, just like what happened last night.

"Someday, I'll be Adrien visiting instead of Chat Noir.

See you again tomorrow. I'll be waiting."


So! The first part, she didn't dream that part. In her version, she was sitting on the bed, waiting for him, staring blankly at the floor. That part was an add-on by me, so that y'know, you'll know what's going on.

The second part now.
She also cannot read through Chat Noir's thoughts. And the only part that she was still conscious and about to fall asleep was in the part she was saying "...t..ha..nk...y..ou..."

And the rest of the scene, in where Adrien and Plagg were talking, was not shown in her dream. As I've said, it's just an add-on to widen the scene a bit.

Soooo that's about it!

Thanks for reading!
Don't forget to vote on all the chapters!
•3• ~ chu!

Bye bye!


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