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The King, Queen, and Princess


Louisa walks on the sidewalk casually, on her normal face.

Suddenly, she hears someone crying.

Louisa cautiously looks on where the voice came from.

She saw a little girl, standing in one place, holding a teddy bear on her arm, desperately looking side to side, constantly wiping the tears falling by her arm.

She goes to the little girl.

"Hey, are you lost?" She asks gently. The girl nods. "I-I'm l-looking for my M-Mommy.." The girl hiccups.

"Well, I'll help you with that. But first, let me calm you down." She smiles, and opens her arms. "Want a carry? Or a piggyback?" The girl weakly smiles and nods. "Carry."

"What flavor do you want?"

"Chocolate and Vanilla!"

"Okay! Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream with sprinkles and chocostick to wash away the sadness! The add ons are for free!" The man winks and gives the girl the ice cream. She smiles and starts licking.

Louisa smiles at the girl and thanks the man. "Thank you very much!" The girl looks at the man and says the same thing.

"Well, let's hope we can find a policeman or woman here on the park.."

"Louiii!!" The girl turns her head.

"Oh, wow...."

The boy slightly pouts. "That's your reaction when you see me?"

"Don't be a child, Adrien...I have something to worry about here..." Louisa looks at the girl, holding her hand. Adrien follows.

"Oh? Who's this?" Adrien kneels and looks at the girl. "Hello! I'm Adrien, I'm Louisa's best friend!" Adrien gives the girl a smile.

"Come on, introduce yourself.." Louisa pats the girl's head.

"I-I'm D-Daisy.." she gives a shy smile. "I-It's nice to meet you..."

"She's lost. She's looking for her mommy. Can you help me?" Louisa looks at Adrien's bright, green eyes. "Yeah! Sure, why not?"

"I think I saw a police man here earlier..c'mon, follow me.

Adrien's eyes seemed to sparkle with happiness, and Louisa was sort of denying if she really did see sparkles.

While walking, Adrien spoke, while holding Daisy's other hand, and Daisy smiling happily, with Chocolate smudged in her lips. "So, are you really gonna stay here for good? Not unlike before that you had to suddenly go? Where were you?" Adrien was throwing her questions, and Daisy was skipping and jumping.

"Hmm, yes, I will stay here for good, and I won't suddenly go, but I guess I can't promise you that—" she mumbles that last one lowly, "—And I was somewhere far away from Paris and was home schooled." Louisa smiles, and looks at him.

Adrien's smile grew wider, and he looked happy. "Well—oh! There's the police man!" He runs first, leaving the two females walking. Louisa kneels to her level. "You're going to see your mommy soon. Let's go?" Daisy nods.

Louisa carries her, and goes to the two, talking. Just as she was near enough to hear, she saw Adrien glance at the black haired girl and look back at the police.

"—-she saw the girl was lost, and her names Daisy. Can you help us?" Adrien finishes his sentence. The police nods. "Thank you for reporting this to us, sir and miss. Actually, there was a woman saying she lost her daughter, so that might be the thing."

"Yay!" Louisa cheers. She places Daisy down, and she looks up at her. "That might be your mommy, Daisy!"

"Yep. So now, you can entrust me to her, and I'll bring her to where her mom is." The police smiles kindly and extends a hand to her.

Daisy hides behind Adrien's pants leg, and pulls a side of Louisa's jeans.

"Oh, don't worry Daisy! He's a good guy, he'll help you find your mommy!"

"—-Which he might've had, Adrien."


Daisy came out, and slowly placed her small hands on the policeman's matured hand. She looks back at the two teenagers.

"Thank you!" She smiles brightly.

"Hehe, You're welcome, your majesty!" Louisa did a curtsy. Adrien played along, bowing.

Daisy giggled "No! You two are the King and Queen, and I'm the Princess, so I should do the curtsy!" She did the curtsy and laughed. 
She made her teddy bear bow too.

Louisa and Adrien laughed along.

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