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After Daisy and the Policeman left, they were walking back to the place where Adrien was doing his Photoshoot.

"It's near the fountain again, and I don't know why he wanted someone. The last time I had collaborated was with a kid, which was Marinette's—"

"Oh! There you are Adrien! Where have you been!? I thought you were only going to get your partner! We have wasted so much time! Where is sh—?"

The photographer looks at Louisa.

Louisa's POV

The photographer looks my way, and for some reason, I suddenly felt conscious. I was wearing a white shirt, and skinny blue jeans, and of course, along with a black sling bag, where my phone, money, and lip balm is. And more stuff. I forgot to wear my red checkered polo(long sleeved in case you might be confused).

My sky blue eyes looked at Adrien's bright green ones, and it was beautiful to see.

He understood and began to speak. "Oh yeah, she's the one that's gonna model with me. She's Louisa Agreste, my sister—oof!" I elbowed him in the rib part.

"Ahaha— I- I mean Louisa. Let's not mind the last name." Adrien rubs his side.

The photographer quirked a brow, and I guess he looked amused.

"Hmm, you're a beautiful girl. And your outfit is great for the shoot! Sort of matching." He looks at the both of us. "Now let's proceed! Enough chit-chats!" He motioned us to our positions and started posing like he says for us to do.

"Now, cross your arms, both of you and do back to back." We did what was told, and he started picturing in different angles.

He was saying different poses and did them, as always. But one that made me shocked was—

"Now, I want it to be like a Prince and Princess." The photographer stated. "But we're unlucky, you are not wearing something like a skirt or anything..." He looked dejected. But we were in luck, I guess.

"Heeeey!! Louisaaa!!" Maddy was waving from afar. She was wearing a white dress. Which is my clothing, by the way.

I ran to her and asked, "Hey can we exchange clothes for a while? Great thanks!" Before she could answer, I dragged her to the CR which was built in the park. I shouted to the photographer and Adrien, "Be back soon!"

After that, I came out running wearing Maddy's outfit, and Maddy just stayed inside the CR, cause she just wanted to.

Adrien looked at me, as if I was a completely different person. "Woah! I didn't see a Louisa for a second." I merely smiled.

The photographer clapped happily. "Yes! Yes! Perfect!!" We went to our places and waited for instructions.

"Now, Adrien, I want you to hug her form behind. Your arms should be in the waist—yes, yes like that!—" Adrien has wrapped his arms in my waist, from behind. I froze but softened because it was oddly, warm.

"Then you,—" he was referring to me, "— hold—" I already knew. I held Adrien's hands. Like I didn't want him to let go. "Yes! I love it! Mwah! Now, Louisa look try to look at him and smile." I did. Then he started clicking away.

Inside, I felt very embarrassed and conscious. Man, I've never done this close contact with a boy that's not family.

After those "Prince and Princess" poses, I change back to my white shirt and skinny jeans.

Have I mentioned that the photographer made Adrien carry me bridal style?

Well I guess I have now.
Let me tell you.

Look, you never know you might fall and who knows how many fats I have in store in me. I felt bad for Adrien, because he had to carry me, and it would be better if Marinette was in my position, she'd be happy.

But I'm not sure if Marinette still likes him. I didn't bother to ask.

Adrien's POV

The photographer looks at Louisa, and then after that, her light blue eyes looks at mine. The blue shade in her eyes looked very pretty— and magical too. But I felt like she was telling me something through that stare.

Then it clicked.

"Oh yeah, she's the one that gonna model with me. She's Louisa Agreste, my sister—oof!" I got elbowed by her on my side. I was just teasing, and saying she was my sister and all.

I regret it. Well, not much but there's regret there.

"Ahaha— I- I mean Louisa. Let's not mind the last name." I rub my side.

The photographer quirked a brow, yeah, me and her get along well. Hehe.

"Hmm, you're a beautiful girl. And your outfit is great for the shoot! Sort of matching." He looks at the both of us. "Now let's proceed! Enough chit-chats!" He motioned us to our positions and started to say stuff like he usually does.

There came a time that he wanted us—or rather, me to wrap my arms around her waist. That was...very uhm, shocking. And surprising. Next, she held my hand! She agrees to this??

And one more pose was me carrying her bridal style. Now, she wasn't heavy, in fact she was light! But not as light as a pillow though.

In the end of the Photoshoot, she waved and said goodbye to me and him, and went to the CR. She then came out with her normal clothes, and her friend, I suppose her name was Maddy, and walked out of the park, her hair, tied in a ponytail.

Adrien Agreste

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