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A Boy Waiting Near The Stairs


Louisa decided to walk instead of using her scooter (or bike, she doesn't want to remember it), and the calm breeze made her feel relaxed

And it would feel nice while I'm sleeping in bed...

Apparently, she hadn't moved on that she didn't have at least 5 minutes to sleep back again, until her phone rings.

Her so-called drowsiness were washed away by a wild wave, which was the phone call.

It was her parents.

She answered it rather quickly.
"Mom?! Dad?!"
"Woah, woah, calm down dear!"

Some people looked at her, and she waved them hi, and continued to walk.

"How are you?! Are you coming back?"

"Were fine, hun, and no, we aren't coming back yet, sadly..." the voice changes, and it was her dad. "Don't worry, though! We're in your Grandma's huge house here. It's comfy!"

Then the phone was taken away.
"Anyways, how are you there? Everything's going alright, there?"

Louisa has just came by the bakery where Marinette is. Her parents were instead there, preparing to open, and they see her, and made a hand signal that she already went on.

Oh, she's early too? Yay!

"Honey? Louisa? Hello??"

She forgot someone was on the phone.
"Oh! Yeah! Sorry, uhm, yeah, everything's good here! I just passed by Marinette's bakery, and I got distracted, hehe..." even though they could not see her, she places her hand at the back of her neck, smiling sheepishly.

A sigh was heard on the other end. "Well, that's Louisa alright." Louisa smiles and laughs a bit.
"Well, you almost might be in school. Call you later! If you're still awake, of course."
"Okay! Look forward to it! Bye!"
"Bye, honey. Stay safe there!"
"No boyfriends yet unless we approve!" Her dad adds.
"Hahaha, of course! Bye!"

Then the call ends.

And that was enough to make her day.

I arrive in school, and I spot a blonde haired boy, sitting on one of the stairs, looking at his phone from time to time.

I hesitated to call out. "A...Adrien...?"
The said boy looks up, and his face brightens. His smile, wide.

"Oh, hey! You're here!" He stands, and goes to me.
I wave a little, with a smile. "You look like you're waiting for someone..." He was still wearing his bag. "...and you don't even wanna miss him/her emerging out of the wall or something..."

"Yeah! Well, I was waiting for you though..." he smiles in a dopey way.
"Aww, that's so kind of you!" I punch him lightly in the arm. He laughs lightly, rubbing his arm a bit. I throw an arm around his neck, and mess with his perfect blonde hair.

He laughs, and I smile, so wide, that my cheeks hurt, but I didn't care.

This added up to my happiness.

We head to the classroom, my hand on his waist, and his arm on my shoulder him making me laugh every step.

For some reason, the warmth feels comfortable and oddly...familiar....
His perfume smells good too, and is pleasant for the nose.

This boy is one big package for Mari!

We arrive in the classroom, the teacher still not in view.

"Heyyy, dudes!" Nino greets us.
"Hi! Morning to you all!" I make a peace sign from the hand that's on Adrien's waist.

As we go to our seats, Nino says something again. "Looks like it went well, didn't it, dude?" Adrien gives Nino a look that I can't even describe. "Ahaha, you know, waiting for her and stuff." Nino smiles, a peace sign made beside his face.

"Yeah, it was worth it." Adrien says calmly.
"What did you two talk about, eh?" Alya goes in the conversation.
"Jokes, how's our morning so far...." I continue listing out the things and Alya holds out a hand, and I stop.
"Man, I thought you both of you talk about something cool..."
The squad, namely Mari, Adrien, Nino and Me and Alya, laughs.

And this added too, once more! To my happiness.

And I mean, we're not officially a squad, but you know, we're like one.

Later at break, I was with Nathaniel, talking about illustrations and all.
Nathaniel likes to illustrate too, though he uses digital too. We draw Ladybug the most, and he shows me a drawing of Moonlight.

"She's pretty too, right?"
"Yeah, she is!"

I can't help but feel flattered. Uhm, well uh as Moonlight— and Louisa. Hehe.

"Hey you two lovebirds!" Alya suddenly comes out of nowhere, and had her arms on our shoulders. "Let's go back to the classroom, shall we?" She beckons her head somewhere, and we see people exiting the canteen, and it was minutes til break is over.

Nathaniel gathers all his drawings, and I help him, and Alya was already walking out, waving.

We both walk to the classroom together.

They're not bad at all!
In fact, they are unique. Hihi.

Adrien was talking to Nino and when he saw me, he waves, and stands to give me the way.

When I have sat down, I slip a cookie in my bag, and it was gently pulled from me. I smile and doodle at the back of a notebook, and Adrien and Nino continues their conversation, that of course, I don't wanna hear what boys talk about.

"Oh hey! Isn't that Ladybug, Chat Noir And Moonlight?" Adrien's voice made me come back to earth.

"Huh?" I look at the notebook. And it is indeed them, though in a quick version.

"You sure are good in drawing..." Nino says, looking at my drawing.

"Hey, let us see!" Alya says, and I laugh, showing her my notebook, and both girls compliment me.

Apparently, it had been passed to other people except Chloe, and I feel very embarrassed to show them a very random and bad drawing.

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