Can I be your strength ? 🐺🐾

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" Thanks for bandaging my wound, Dad " Valt said to Mr . Aoi after he finished treating the injury on his waist

The events of the previous night were unbelievable but he couldn't refuse by saying that they were just a dream he needed to return to his time

He glanced out the window to where the villagers were rebuilding the houses "Do you need help with the houses?"

"You don't need to do that attacks like last night are common in our time " He said but he went on to warn him

"I'm worried the Sacred Jewel will attract more powerful demons plus there are also humans who will do anything to take the jewel from you word will quickly spread that the jewel has returned you need to be careful with who you trust " Placed his hands on the blue hair males shoulders

"Can you tell me about Shu? You said he's an half werewolf but he protected me from that centipede I would like to know if I can trust him "He pictured the expression when Shu had took the jewel from him

He said he wanted to be human Does the jewel have the power of changing a person? He touched the jewel hanging around his neck Mr . Aoi had fashioned a necklace for him to wear the jewel

"He was pinned to that tree long before I was born there had been a lot of rumours for why he was cursed I don't know if you can trust him but the enchantment will keep him at bay the pray you chose is a strange one though " He changed the subject to the jewel

" I don't know why the jewel was inside you but we cannot let it fall into the wrong hands "

"You said your sister bound the jewel to her body do you think the reverse is true too? Could her soul be inside the jewel? Yesterday, the jewel created the image of my mother and protected us maybe my mother and your sister are connected " He saw how Mr. Aoi's brows furrowed

Valt can understand that the possibility was outlandish because they were from different times

Yet, Valt held the hope that he could see his mother again he looked from the jewel to Mr. Aoi the situation could be the same as his dad where they appeared the same but were different people

" My Dad in the future must be worried about me it has been a day since I fell into the well I would like to return to my time and tell him what happened at least " Valt said sadly while lowering his head

"I understand how you feel but there might not be a way to return but we should also focus on protecting the jewel "

Shu stood in front of the Red Dead Eye Tree and the question is what he should do next echoed in his mind he touched the place where his best friend no friend more than like a brother had shot him

As he did, his fingers brushed over the bell they enchanted him with the man could easily stop him with one word but had to wait until the man left before he fled from the village he don't have anywhere to go whom he could call home so he found himself returning to the tree

The grass crinkled behind him but he didn't sense a menacing spirit approach him he looked over his shoulder while spotting the man from last night

He muttered a curse when Valt turned towards him and their gaze locked Shu already thought he intended to take him back to the village and he started preparing for a run but also doubted that will he would be able to flee far due to the bell around his neck

Valt walked to him was carrying a basket of food rather than a weapon to subdue him Shu decided to wait and see what the man would do

He took a pear out of the basket tossed it to him he caught it with little effort but he looked at it suspiciously " Is this my final meal before you kill me? Where did you get so much food? " Shu questions

"Are you always this sarcastic?" Valt rolled his eyes till placing the basket on the ground next to the tree

He sat on a large branch and plucked out an apple for himself " The villagers gave these to me I can't eat all of these by myself so I thought I could share them with someone are you hungry?"

The villagers would refer to him as Aoi-sama and ask him if he would use the jewel to protect their village like his mother had he began to feel overwhelmed by their expectations

He went into the forest so he could be alone with his own thoughts but Valt unconsciously walked to the tree and found Shu thought that he looked lonely as well so he wanted to speak with him but the werewolf remained quiet

They were strangers so Valt can understand his reluctance to speak casually with him he bit into his apple and enjoyed the silence of the forest

He tilted his head back to stare at the green rooftop above them his gaze fell onto the small mark in the tree trunk he lightly placed his finger over it

" There's an arrowhead in here I thought it was a diamond when I was a kid we're in the same situation, aren't we?" Valt asks without making an eye contract

"Why would you even say that? " Shu tilted his head slightly while studying Valt's face and his soft , brown chocolate eyes also was surprised to see compassion in his expression

"My Dad told me that you were pinned to this tree more than fifty years ago this tree kept you from aging and dying but the world has changed so much we've both been taken across time this world must be also as strange to you as it is for me now " Valt took out another apple and cut it in half offers one to Shu with a kind smile this time, Shu takes the apple

"You're the strangest human I've ever met, Valt " Shu said between bites of the apple slice

Valt couldn't help but notice Shu's sharp claws and he was reminded that he was part of a demon/monster/werewolf the apple's juices slid onto his fingers and he licked it off

Valt took out his napkin while grabbed Shu's wrist His grip was gentle but firm as he pulled him closer

"It's dirty to lick your fingers like that just at least wipe your hand properly, Shu you're part werewolf but not a caveman you better take my napkin this time " Valt placed the cloth in his hand

He let go of his hand but Shu still felt his warmth linger Shu wiped his hand and still watched him from the corner of his eyes Valt was certainly different from other humans

"I never heard of a human giving a werewolf a lecture so casually aren't you going to ask me about the reason why I was cursed by my brother oh! I mean by my friend? Most people would ask me about that by now " Shu thought that it would be best to bring up the topic himself because it was better choice without staying silence

"I overheard a lot of things from the villagers " Valt admitted

Shu winced as he thought of what they might've told him his brown eyes didn't hold any judgement or fear towards him " But the truth is that I really feel much comfortable talking with you but you might not feel the same I won't force you to talk to me about something so personal anyways, you cleared it up with the villagers for them to let you go " Valt smiles cutely

Shu didn't correct him or told him that he broke out of the feeble prison they put him in Valt twirled the protective beads he wore around his finger he thought of his uncle's warning "Honestly, I wouldn't be this brave with any other demon but don't need to worry about you attacking me with that bell around your neck, I can subdue you by simply saying " sit "

Following his words, Shu was pulled to the ground Valt gasped and knelt next to Shu to help him up he gently rubbed the spot where he hit his head

He scratched his cat ears lightly and they moved in response "I'm so sorry, Shu I really didn't mean to activate the incarnation like that I'll surely be more careful not to say it from now on. Are you hurt?" Valt started apologising again and again if the white hair male don't stop him he will say sorry until the whole day ends up

"I accept your apology but can you stop petting me as if I'm a cat ? I'm a half blooded werewolf " He couldn't tell him that he enjoyed the way he scratched his ear

He pulled his hand back and Shu sat up Valt noticed that Shu's ears twitched wondered if his heightened senses heard something he didn't Shu stood and said, " You should go back home the forest is full of demons "

" I want to go back home but I don't know how " Valt sighed curling into a ball

" The well brought me back in time ,... I wanted to go back but don't know how to fight demons who wants the jewel this situation is complicated "

" If I were you, I would throw it into the ocean getting rid of that troublesome thing with the tides, it'll be moving constantly ,there are yokai after the jewel but only a few of them can sense the it it'll be a while before any of them finds it" Said Shu returning the napkin whom Valt gave him the era was harsh and he didn't know if Valt could survive in it

"But if I don't guard the jewel, who will?  If l don't ' Someone else have to deal with it right ' until it's too late , I can't be that person because..." Valt trailed off and gripped the necklace

"What if I gave it away the person might be killed for the jewel? What if someone finds the jewel and uses it to hurt others? That's worse than accepting this task by myself "

Shu could see that he was frightened and uncertain yet he wasn't running or hiding from the responsibility he decided that Valt was as brave as  also was strange

Valt stood on the edge of the Bone-Eater's Well stared down the dark tunnel after he talked with Shu , he wanted to find more answers could he return by jumping back into the well?

The jewel might be the safest in his time where there weren't any demons then again, he might find himself in a different time period again

He stepped off the ledge and returned to solid ground he considered what he should do next the centipede demon was terrifying to him knowing that he would have to face more eventually

Valt had never been in a fight in his life so how could he keep the jewel safe? He would have to talk to his Dad asking him to teach him how to use a weapon

A chorus of wings broke his concentration quickly looked up to see a murder of crows fly through the sky in the tree nearby, Shu was perched in a tree

"If you're going to be staying in this time period, you should be more aware of your surroundings those crows would've attacked you if I hadn't been hunting for my dinner " Said Shu making an no caring face

" You were going to eat those things?" Valt grimaced

He moved to stand beneath the branch "Do you intend to sleep in the forest as well? If you don't have a home, you can come back to the village with me , I'll make you a proper meal that doesn't include wild crows I'm a good cook but I'm not familiar with the cookware of this time period " Said Valt worrying about the white hair male like a mother do for her child

" You don't need to go out of your way to help me I work the best alone " Shu tried to brush him off

He could sense danger nearby and the crowd were likely after the Sacred Jewel his peaceful nap would be ruined if demons attacked the forest So, he decided to protect him while he was in the forest

"If you change your mind, Mr. Aoi's home is the wide hut with the chimney goodbye, Shu "He said while continued back to the village

Valt looked back to Shu seeing him walking away he thought of his wish to become human became curious about the man he turned back to chase after Shu for talking more with him

A hand clapped over his mouth and stopped him Valt tried to call Shu's name instinctively but the hand stifled his voice he fought against the person's grip and tried to free himself but they were stronger than him

He began to panic when he saw more people approach him they were human but he didn't recognize them as any of the villagers

They dragged him away to a stone house deep in the forest was shoved to the ground but he managed to catch himself he scraped his hands against stones and winced in pain

Valt pushed himself up scanning the room bandits blocked the door knowing that he can't escape easily his Dad did told him humans would be after the jewel too so he held onto it protectively

"Who are you?" Valt stood and faced them

They approached him and he took a step away from them desperately searched for a route he could escape but there were too many people

The most he could do was run and dodge their attacks one of them managed to grab his arm and restrained him again "Let go of me! I won't let you take the jewel "

"Hold him still I'll take the jewel right off his neck " The tallest man of the group stepped forward with a long sword

He was looking likely the leader of the bandits he stumbled as he walked and swung his weapon haphazardly Valt shuddered when the man stood over him doubled his effort to escape another person clapsed his free arm to hold him in place

The man swung his sword downward and Valt felt blood on his arm it wasn't his blood though he was shocked that the bandits' leader had injured his comrade

Without his grip on his arm, Valt was able to dodge the man's next swing he also pushed aside the other person restraining him so he wouldn't be injured either

Valt noticed how the leader was staggering as if he was drunk he picked up a spear that one of the bandits dropped but don't know how to use it but he held it in front of him

The spear allowed him to keep a safe distance from him he countered the man's sword but it wasn't as effective as he hoped it would be his sword was powerful enough take down the pillar next to him

The building started to collapse around him and Valt had to leap away from the falling ceiling as well as the man's sword the other bandits appeared confused as the scurried to escape

Debris struck one of the bandits and he fell to the ground Valt helped him up and waved to a man nearby pointing his spear at the door "Get everyone out!"

"Yes, Boss!" He yelled

Valt couldn't respond because the man was rushing towards him he ducked out of his path and bandit leader crashed into the wall the impact was enough to create cracks in the wall

Valt scurried to his feet and walked to the far side of the room might be able to defeat the large man if he made him run into enough walls

"Look here!" He yelled and waved the jewel in his hand

Valt managed to evade the man but it was difficult with rocks falling around them the third time he led him to another wall, he tripped over a rock

The jewel flew out of his hand and it skipped across the room he wanted to go after it but the man was already standing over him with his sword

                                   " HELPl!"

A blur of red stepped in front of him Shu caught the man's hand and stopped his sword relief filled Valt's chest when he saw him Shu kicked the bandit and knocked him back into the wall

He held out his hand to help him stand " This place reeks of death and dead bodies you can handle yourself better than I thought if you took down these people "

"I didn't " Valt bit his lip when he saw the dead bodies

He gasped when the bandits' leader stood once again there was a hole in his chest where Shu had kicked him a crow demon broke out of the body and Valt adjusted his grip on his spear "What are we going to do?" Valt asks the older male

"I'll fight it run back to the village and get your Dad As long as that crow doesn't eat the jewel, it's weak " Shu extended his claws to fight

He kept Valt in the corner of his eyes so could protect him He saw that his face become pale and the sight confused him for a moment Valt rushed to a pile of rubble and he dug through the rocks

"I dropped the jewel earlier Please, keep that demon busy while I find it " Valt searched through the debris but the crow was faster

It swooped past him and picked up the jewel in its mouth before Shu or Valt could do anything, The crow swallowed the jewel then began to grow it broke the roof and chunks of wood started to fall over them Shu covered Valt's head with his arms to protect him

After the dust settled, They leaned away from each other Valt searched the sky for the crow and spotted it in the distance he took Shu's hand pulling him out of the building to chase after it

"The demon is flying towards the village I can sense the Sacred Jewel we need to stop it before it reaches the village and hurt someone"

"How do you plan to catch that crow? Neither of us can fly I can run faster but that won't help us much, Even if we manage to cut off its wings, The jewel will heal the demon's body " Shu pointed out yet he continued to running beside him

Valt thought over what they should do until he spotted a lone horse a few feet in front of them it must've belonged to one of the bandits

"I have an good idea" Valt grabbed the bow and arrow quiver

He shrugged them onto his shoulders before went back to Shu " At this situation we can take down that crow if we work together you will run as close to the demon as you can and I'll shoot it down "

"First of all you treated me like a cat or dog now using me now like a horse " He groaned but knelt in front of Valt

Valt climbed onto his back and wrapped his arms around his neck Shu adjusted his hold on his legs so he wouldn't slip before he ran forward

Valt was surprised how fast he was but Shu's hands kept him from falling he trusted Shu so he let go of his shoulders and took an arrow from his quiver

Valt imitated the archers he saw in movies and held the arrow against the bow yhe bow string was stiff it was difficult to pull it back he aligned the arrow head with the crow and let go of the string

The arrow cut through the air but it didn't fly very far before it descended back to the ground he muttered a curse while taking out another arrow

His second arrow missed as well and Shu asked, "Have you shot an arrow before? We'll never be able to shoot down that crow if you don't put more power into that arrow "

"This is my first time but I had to try!" Valt was frustrated with his own inability to help

He could see the village in front of them and a sense of dread fell over him the demon flew into a crowd of people working in the fields , People started screaming as the crow picked up a child

"There must be another way to take it down let's head to higher ground and jump down on it we need to be careful not to hurt the boy " Valt suggests

"You like to order me around like you are my master, don't you?" Shu complaints as he jumped onto a tree branch and followed the bird

Valt buried his face into his shoulder so he wouldn't be hurt by the branches he felt the air rushing past him and he looked up Shu seemingly flew over the tree tops the distance between them became smaller they were almost above the bird and Shu summoned his claws

"Shu , When you kill that crow, I want you to drop me " Valt looked down at the river

The crow was flying low over the water so the distance wouldn't hurt him beneath his hands, Shu's shoulders tensed

It was clear that he was doubtful of his plan "This is the only way to save that child, I'm a good swimmer so don't worry I trust you so please trust me as well" Valt said in a softer tone

" You really are crazy " He said as he loosened his hold on his legs

Shu jumped onto the crow and used his claws to stab it the boy fell out of the crow's talons and Valt jumped after him he grasped the child's arm and pulled him into the safety of his arms

They plunged into the river but Valt was able to recover quickly he swam to the surface and kept the boy's head above water

Valt pulled them onto the rocky shore and his breath was ragged a few villagers ran towards him and one hugged the boy tightly "Thank you so much for saving my son!"

"It's okay , I'm glad that everyone is safe" He smiled at the family

He looked back to Shu who landed on a rock nearby Valt followed his red eyes to the crow floundering in the river without its wings

The limbs it lost started to drift back to the demon and he remembered that the jewel allowed it to heal itself a leg floated nearby so he grabbed it to prevent it from flying away again

It was difficult to hold onto the talons Valt thought quickly and tore a strip of cloth from his shirt he tied the leg onto his arrow before he posed to shoot

With the limb, The arrow would be drawn to the Sacred Jewel he couldn't miss  whispered a prayer and let go of the string this time the arrow flew directly into the crow and Valt cheered

His excitement dwindled when a flash of light erupted out of the crow Valt was almost blinded by how bright it was and he had to cover his eyes

He thought he heard the sound of glass shattering. Rays of light shot through the sky in random directions like shooting stars

The light faded and Shu moved to stand beside him "Your arrow was powerful it should be enough to keep him from recovering for a while ,We should take the jewel from it while we can. You can sense the jewel, right? Where is it now?"

"I..." Valt's eyes never left the sky where he saw the light " Omg! I can sense it all around us it's not in one place but how can... The closest place is a few feet away from us in the forest. Let's go" He grasped Shu's hand and led him into the forest

His words were confusing but he helped him search through the bushes for the jewel he found the crow struggling to fly with its wing pierced by an arrow

Shu grabbed the demon and it turned to dust in his hands the only thing that remained was a small, pink shard "What the hell is this? Where's the jewel?" Shu questions being confused

"I think this is the jewel " Valt bit his lip

He placed his hand over Shu's and the shard glowed between their fingers "This is a fragment of the Sacred Jewel, The jewel must've shattered when I shot it with my arrow " Said Valt stared up at the night sky and thought of the jewel shards

How many were there? The shard they recovered was small if the others were the same size, There could be hundreds scattered across the country

He could sense them if he concentrated but they were faint guilt clutched his heart he needed to recover the jewel but he knew he can't do that alone

Next day.....

Valt entered the forest in order to searching for Shu he took the familiar path to the Thousand Year Old Tree and found Shu as his usual self sleeping like when they first meet each other

Shu's ears twitched at the sound of footsteps and he opened his eyes "You shouldn't be out this late, Valt If you're lost, I'll take you back to the village " Shu rubbed his eyes still being sleepy

"I wanted to speak with you something important " Valt slipped out the pouch from beneath his shirt

" The villagers helped me find a few more shards but we only recovered two of them the shards are small but they still hold the power of the Sacred Jewel we need to find all of the shards before anyone else " Valt says in a sad tone

"I don't know why you're telling me all this " Shu tilted his head at him

Valt knelt in front of him gently wrapped his hand around his a warm glow appeared around them and Shu recognized it as the jewel shard's light was surprised that Valt would give a demon one of his shards.

"I want to find all the jewel shards but don't have the power to fight on my own please give me your strength will you help me for finding them " Valt squeezed his hand looked into his eyes

"After we put the jewel back together, I promise to make you human Please, help me " Requested Valt while giving him his famous puppy eyes whom no one can refuse it

Plus his offer was enticing to Shu Yet, it was his brown eyes that made Shu more fall for him answer:



   " I'll help you no matter what it takes in return "

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