It was long time ago 🌿🌹

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The Thousand Year Old Tree was the first thing the blue hair male would see whenever he walking out of his home

( Sorry couldn't found the correct pic but l will replace it later )

He don't know why but he was drawn to it ever since his boyhood there was a mark on the tree trunk and it looked like a diamond which was embedded in the wood

He turned his focus back to his morning chore humming softly and sweptwing the leaves on the shrine's ground

His Dad was the shrine's caretaker and Valt started living with him after his mother died in illnesses
He respects his father very much then he would help him around the shrine even after he moved out

A white cat ran past him and scattered the leaves he was sweeping into the air several kids followed the cat and started to chased it around the tree like a real mouse and cat

"Please , boys, be careful you shouldn't be playing here it's disrespectful to the spirits who made their homes here " Valt stepped forward to stop them before they could damage the old tree

" I remember when I was your age i was also full of energy too but we need to channel it properly you boys can play by the gate over there " He gave them a light lecture before he patted their heads

" Then what about our cat ?" The boy pointed to their pet cat while he was busy with giving a lecture to the boys, the cat had wandered to a nearby shrine

( Hope this guy will be perfect for your imagination )

It jumped up and grab a braided cord charm Valt gasped when sawing how its claws turn the cord to strings the cat managed to use the cord to climb to the opened window and jump inside

" Don't worry I will surely get him " Valt told them while running after the cat

He picked up the remains of the charm: a bell hanging on a string then, he slid open the door and peered inside

His father gived him many warnings to never enter the small building echoed his mind he didn't see or feel anything dangerous though there was a flight of steps that led down a pit at the bottom stood a simple well

It was dark inside but Valt could hear claws scratching against wood he walked down the stairs and each step made his feet feel heavier

Valt didn't know why the well suddenly seemed ominous telling himself he needed to get the cat it was difficult to see in the dark but he spotted the cat scratching on the wood

" There you are, you little troublemaker come here "

He picked up the cat and cradled it against his chest Valt started to walk away with it but a chilling realization mades him stop the scratching sound never stopped but became more louder

Slowly, Valt turned around and stared at the well he thought the noise was coming from inside the well, as if something was trying to break free it's has been sealed for a thousand years so there shouldn't be anything inside

" Valt?! " He jumped at the sound of his name Mr. Aoi was the one who called him and he turned around

" I told you to never enter here, hurry up Come back " He said urgently there was fear in his eyes

" I will be right there, Dad " Even though Valt didn't understand why he would be scared for his safety, he tried to reassure him

The cat jumped free from his arm landing on the well's door he quickly tried reaching out for picking up the cat again but at the same time, Mr.Aoi raced down the stairs to stop him

His fingers brushed over the well and the spell tags sealing it started to glow

The ground began to shake and Valt was too confused and at the same time very shocked to react he quickly grabbed the cat stepping back from the well

Chunks of wood flew into the air as something broke out of the well Valt gasped at the sight of a giant centipede rushing towards him he couldn't escape before the demon grabbed his arm and dragged him down with it

Valt struggled against the centipede the best he could but it had a death grip on his arms he frantically looked around for help his heart sank when he saw that his surroundings had changed to a violet abyss

They were falling slowly unfortunately he couldn't see the ground the large fangs on the centipede opened revealing a woman's face " I can sense the jewel's power in you young boy now be a good boy and give me the sacred jewel "

"Sacred jewel? I don't know what you mean by that just let me go! " Valt starts screaming shoving the centipede away from him

He felt a burst of energy flow through him and an unknown light started bursting out of his hands the centipede winced away from the bright gleam while letting him go

They were both blinded and Valt could't help but closing his eyes he was almost too afraid to open them eyes again

He took a deep breath slowly opening his eyes to his relief, the strange world he found himself in was already gone Valt sat on at the bottom of the well

Don't' knowing that what he just experienced was come from the shock of falling or something else he stood on his shaky legs starting upwards.

"Dad are you up there? Please throw down a rope so I can climb up " No one answered

His brows furrowed in confusion because he knews that his own Dad wouldn't abandon him he couldn't wait at the bottom of the well for help

Valt cautiously tugged on the vines lining the wall to ensure that they wouldn't break from his weight placing his foot on a protruding rock he started to climb up as he neared the top, he can saw the clear, blue sky above him

Valt exited the well founding himself in a whole new world a forest surrounded the well instead of the shrine was in before stepping out of it he looked around for searching anything familiar

There was nothing but just trees around him and he couldn't see any sign of human civilization then his eyes fell onto a tall, familiar tree that stood above the others "The Thousand Year Old Tree!" He mumbled in his own mind

He ran towards the only thing he could recognize Valt pushed past the branches and bushes which was blocking the path

The greenery became sparser as he approached the tree and the sunlight shined over him he walked out of the bushes and stepped in front of the tree

A handsome man was sitting against the tree trunk and appeared to be sleeping thick vines circled the man and there was an arrow in his chest

Valt don't know what happened to him but it saddened him that he was left for dead he thought he deserved a proper burial the man must've been stuck to the tree for a long time for vines to grow around him Yet, the man's body hadn't aged

"Are those cat or dogs ears?! " Valt asked the question even though there was no one around who could answer it

He reached up and lightly touched the ears they were warm then he moved his hand to the man's chest He hadn't a heartbeat

He realized the man was dead but he could hear his soft breathing sounds and rushed towards to save him

"Don't worry, I will take you to a hospital " He was panicking what to do he don't know this place well neither

He gripped the arrow to pull it out but was stopped before he could Valt heard the arrow buzz past him before it struck the wood above his head

He yelped and instinctively ducked his head pressing his face into the man's chest a strong unknown hand pulled him away from the tree

"Wait, this man is still alive! We need to take him to a hospital and save him "

Valt looked back at the man for a moment, he was certain when he saw that the white hair male opened his chrisom red eyes their gaze held until he closed his eyes once again

"Please, let me go! There is all a big misunderstanding here " Valt insisted

The man that had captured him took him to their village they called him a demon and yelled other confusing accusations

He stiffened when one pointed a spear at him the weapons they had were as ancient as the buildings around him it was clear that he wasn't in the world he knew

" Look at his strange clothes, he must be a foreigner sent here as a spy " One of the villager yelled

"What if he's a kitsune ?" Another one suggested

"What the hell is going on here ?" A loud voice cut through the crowd

" Dad ?" Valt was confused to see his Dad but he same time was happy to find someone he knews very well yah his own dad

He ran forward and hugged his Mr. Aoi hoped that he would give him some answers and helps him to make some sense of the situation he found himself in now

"I don't know how but found myself here after I fell into a nearby well, What is this place "

"Who are you? I don't have a son also l'm not married yet!? " his heart sank at his words taking a step back he shooks his head lightly Valt looks back at him when Mr. Aoi placed his hand on his shoulder

"If it's true that you fell into the Bone - Eater's Well, this is your home but not your time there are spiritual grounds that can connect to different times and the well is one of them " Mr. Aoi explain's while pointing towards the well where he has come from

Then, he gestured to the tall tree where he saw the man earlier " The Red dead Eye Tree is another they have a powerful spiritual energy that can even bend time "

" Mystical forces brought me back in time? Is there a way to take me back?" Valt's head started spinning

He was still trying to make sense of the situation he found himself in his stomach rumbled audibly and Mr. Aoi gave him a sympathetic smile

"You've been through a lot and you must be hungry You can rest and eat in my home, I will do my best to answer your questions "

15minutes ago.......

Valt sipped the tea Mr. Aoi poured him while he looked, sounded and acted like his Dad , the man wasn't the person he knew everything was surreal to him

He told him everything that happened after he fell into the well Mr. Aoi just nodded solemnly in time with his short story "Do you know how the well took me back in time? Maybe I can use it to go back home"

"The deity in the well is benevolent so she wouldn't take you from your home that centipede demon you describe shouldn't have the ability to pull you through time either Idk how this could have happen " Mr. Aoi paused for few minutes thinking over the possibilities

His face became grim before saying that, " You mentioned that it wanted a Sacred Jewel "

" Yes , but don't know what even that is I'm not wearing any jewelry like that the only thing I have is this simple bell " Valt took the bell charm whom he had picked up earlier

He paused when he noticed that it was glowing faintly he rolled the bell in his palm and it jingled lightly the world held magic and Valt considered that was the cause of the glow

" I thought the Sacred Jewel was a power lost to time " Mr. Aoi said turing Valt attention back to him

" The Sacred Jewel can grant its holder the powers of a miko and a demon wars had been started to possess the jewel until a priestess sealed it in her soul she also ordered that her body be burned after her death then her ashes were placed in the Bone-Eater's Well " Mr. Aoi explains him about the past life stories

" I can only imagine how difficult that had to be for her family to stop the fighting , They even had to sacrifice their daughter " Valt bits his lip

He placed the teacup down while sighed His reflection in the tea was the only familiar thing in the world " I never heard of that legend before, In my time we don't have such things like demons and magic why would the demon think I have it? "

"My sister was the priestess that sacrificed herself to seal away the Sacred Jewel you look remarkably like her " Mr. Aoi didn't know what to make of the person before him

" Wait wait wait his sister no way he looks whole similar like my present timeline dad he don't have any sis " Valt head started spinning Again don't know where to begin with

" A-and he even said that she also much looked like me it's that's mean in the past they was not in a husband and wife relationship but sister and brother no no what the hell is happening over here " He questioned himself until he suddenly stood up making the older male leave in shock

Mr. Aoi thinked that did he mentioned something wrong that makes him looking much depressed

" Your sis was she really looked like me no no l mean did she had a short black hair and Brown chocolate eyes like me was she much cheerful and always smiling good at cooking, Cleaning l mean like a perfect housewife also like baking sweet stuffs tell me tell me if l'm not wrong " Valt stupidity asked tones of question without taking a break or stopping

" Um... Let's see well yah! The hobbies, Behavior , the looks you mentioned somehow correctly some of them matches with my sister but she don't have any children before her death but you're not a reincarnation of her either your souls are different. The centipede demon must've mistaken you for her based on your appearance "

" So, she thought I had that jewel you said that she didn't have the power to manipulate time " Valt said sitting Again on the chair

" She doesn't but the jewel does "He didn't explain further but his grim expression made Valt think that there was more

Mr. Aoi stood saying that " We need to return you to your time as soon as possible hopefully, you can return the way you came I will help you through Red Eye's Forest it is the home of many demons "

"Thank you for your help, Dad Oh, I mean, Mr. Aoi " Valt bowed his head even if the man wasn't his Dad , he was able to trust him

He followed Mr. Aoi out of the hut and looked forward 's the forest a light blanket of colours was draped over the sky and it made a path Valt unconsciously took a step towards the forest

He stretched a hand to the sky and spoke his thoughts aloud " I thought we could only see the aurora in the north it's pointing towards the Thousand Year Old Tree there was a man there "

" Valt, it is best that you be wary of the demon sealed to that tree he may be only a half blooded werewolf but he is still dangerous enough , We must go directly to the well " Valt pictured the man With his dogs ears and piercing red eyes, he was likely a half werewolf

The ground began to shake beneath their feet before it split between Valt and Mr. Aoi he didn't have anything to help him but to stay balanced untill he fells to the ground

All the villagers ran out of their homes with spears and arrows Valt don't have a weapon so he couldn't defend himself when the centipede demon ascended from the cavern

" You surely have it, Now give me the jewel " The demon's shadow eclipsed him and its power made him shiver in fear

It loomed over him with its large pincers, posed to attack Valt looked around him for help but he saw that the villagers were frightened as well

The reason the centipede was attacking the village was because of him so he had to lead it away from the village

He gripped a handful of dirt and hurled it into the woman's eyes this weak attack was enough to stall the demon then next he kicked the demon's nose and then hastily crawled away from it

Valt picked up a rock and threw it at the demon again " If you want me, Then you have to catch me!"
Valt said while sprinted into the forest

The demon followed him like how he predicted it would he heard his Dad calling for him to stop but he only ran faster was certain that he couldn't outrun the centipede's many legs but could draw it away from innocent people at least

His only hope was to find a place to hide in the dense forest everything in the forest looked the same at night and he quickly found himself lost

He relied on his instincts and reflexes to outmaneuver the centipede Valt ducked beneath a tree branch and ran through a bush as the demon stills continued chasing after him, it destroyed everything what comes in it's path

A tree branch flew towards him and that struck his leg he lost his footing untill he stumbled down the small hill until he finally hit something to his confusion, The trip didn't hurt him as much as expected it would be

" I knew you will bring me in trouble till first time I saw you " A voice groaned above him

Valt realized that he had fallen against a man's chest he quickly sat up and saw faced the werewolf demon whom he had seen before

His chrisom red eyes looked more tired than angry "I'm trying to sleep can you and your friend continue playing tag somewhere else? Both of you are noisy " Said The white hair male while sign's triedly

" That demon is trying to kill me!" Valt stood up and took the man's hand trying to pull him to his feet but he sat firmly in place "It's going to catch up to me soon so we need to run away "

"I haven't moved from this spot for the last century" The man gripped the arrow that kept him pinned to the tree

"My one of a dear friend placed a curse on me and I can't leave this tree hey! don't make that face this curse isn't too bad since I get to sleep in this nice shade shouldn't you worry more about yourself. That demon is nearby so you better keep running "

"Oh no!" Valt scurried to his feet but was too late The demon burst through the trees and rushed towards them

Its jagged nails dug into his skin when it gripped his neck he crawled at it's fingers in a hopeless attempt to free himself

Adrenaline and panic rushed through his body and hands started to glow again, "Leave me alone! I don't have your stupid jewel!" Said The blue hair male while struggling in it's strong grip

"I can sense it in you " The centipede screeched

A scream was torn from Valt's throat when its razor sharp leg cut his side he gripped the injury to stop the bleeding but he felt something else press against his fingers

Valt glanced down and slowly tok his hand back he found a stunning, pink gem in his palm " That's the sacred jewel! Give it to me "

The centipede wrapped its long body around the tree until they were trapped he was aware about that they would be crushed soon

It became more difficult to take breathe but he knew it was too dangerous to give the jewel to her neither then he heard the man groan beneath him " You no what should l say really are a troublemaker"

Valt said, " I'm really no truly so sorry I dragged you into this my name is Valt Can I know your name? I don't want to die with a complete stranger "

" My name is Shu " He answered looking down at him

" But neither of us will die tonight you have a lot of spiritual energy, Even without the jewel inside, You might have the power to break this curse. Purify this arrow I"ll defeat that demon for you " Shu suggested

How could he possibly purify a cursed arrow? Valt don't know if there is a spell or an incarnation he should chant to break the curse he reached up and grabbed the arrow but his consciousness was beginning to falter

A warmth spread from the Sacred Jewel while it felt comforting to Valt, but it made Shu and the centipede both wince in pain

The demon loosened it's grip and Valt looked back over his shoulder thinking that he just saw someone standing in the pink light created by the Sacred Jewel a woman stood between them and the centipede, protecting them "Mom?"

Her image faded with the soft light of the sacred jewel Valt could breathe again then he pulled on the arrow with all his strength it came free and turned to ash in his hands

Shu wrapped his arm around Valt's waist helped him for standing Again the centipede began to circle them again Valt pressed himself closer to his chest

"Now I think that when last time l killed someone so badly for waking me up from my peaceful dreams " Shu said gently pushing Valt behind

Smoke coated his hands and became claws the air seemed to crack around them when Shu glared at the demon he brought his claws down on the centipede with enough force to make the dirt rise around them

His attack broke through the demon's thick skin and cracked a crack in the ground he kept it in place as dark spikes rose from the dirt to stab the centipede

Valt cautiously peered out from behind Shu the demon laid motionless then he asked , "Is it dead?"

"Yah, Glad that this demon was weak fighting someone strong right after a thousand years nap would be very tougher " Shu pulled back his hand till the centipede turned to ash and bones before them

Valt noticed that there was blood on his hand took out a napkin offering it to Shu but in return the white hair male shook his head "If you want to give me something for saving you, I'll take the Shikon Jewel "

"What?" He assumed that Shu was uninterested in the jewel because he hadn't mentioned it before now

Valt took a sharp step away from him and clutched the gem to his chest he saw him defeat the centipede so he knew he was strong

Yet, Shu didn't attack or threaten him they watched each other carefully, Waiting for the other to move on first

He heard the leaves rustle behind him Valt looked over his shoulder was relieved to see that it was his Dad and the villagers the moment he turned away, Shu already have stolen the Sacred Jewel from him

Then He ran away from the group before anyone could react Valt runs after him plus calling out his name " Shu , Please, return that gem! It's power is much dangerous "

He ignored him continued to dash through the forest the distance was quickly growing between them Valt really don't know right now what he would want from the jewel since it couldn't be for power

He was already much stronger and he was already looking like a peaceful boy who don't like fighting at the first place even Shu didn't bother to fight the villagers and merely dodged the arrows they shot's at him

Valt chased him until Mr. Aoi caught his arm "Wait, Valt , Do you have the bell that you showed me earlier? It's a spiritual artifact we can use it to cast a spell on Shu that will stop him you only need to speak a prayer to subdue him it can be any words you wish for "

"Will it hurt him? He hasn't attacked anyone yet so we might be able to talk to him " Valt took out the bell

He don't want to fight that person who saved his life from dead but also understand he can't let him leave with the jewel

Mr. Aoi nodded to reassure him he chased more faster then before after Shu and chanted an incarnation the bell glowed lightly before it vanished from his fingers In the distance, A bell rang and Shu stopped right away

Valt could see that he was struggling with something around his neck the bell rang louder each time the white hair male tried to remove the necklace

He knew that he needed to shout a phase to complete the spell Shu's ears flattened in reaction to his frustration at that moment, Valt yelled the first words that came to mind " Sit boy!"

The bell shined and gravity changed around Shu was being forced to the ground with a loud thud the jewel rolled out of Shu's hand and Valt picked it up

He kept a secure grip on it as he knelt next to him gently touched his shoulder while saying that," Are you alright Shu? That sounded like it hurt's "

" No I just only wanted the jewel to be human " His words were a soft whisper that only Valt can hear Before he could ask what he meant, the villagers took Shu away from him

To Be Continued,..........

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