(10) learning the truth

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Kanda: so I am actually a siren but how come I exhibit traits similar to Allen and the mermaids?

Allen: yeah what's up with that scrletfyre?

author: all will be revealed come this chapter.

Kanda: ..............che.............fine..........

Allen: I can't wait to find out what's in store

author: well then on with the story. I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino.  This story is completely my own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech

ten - learning the truth

Shock stretched across Allen's face, not because of the kiss but because of what Noah had just told him. Allen could clearly see a black mark on Kanda's chest through his damp white shirt which clung to his body that seemed much different from his own. Allen could also feel power pouring into him that he clearly didn't recognize as Noah's. Allen carefully studied Kanda to see small slit marks on his throat as a sword hung by his side. Allen had noticed that Kanda's eyes had small specks of ocean blue in them as his ears were slightly pointed like his own. All of the signs were clearly there.

*But how is that even possible? Yuu is clearly human but he seems to have traits similar to us.* asked Allen.

*I am not certain myself Allen. The only one whom could answer that question is Mugen.* replied Noah.

*..............Mugen.............?* asked Allen.

*The name of Yuu Kanda's weapon. The sword that he always seems to carry with him.* answered Noah. Allen said nothing as his left arm proceeded to transform into Noah's true form as any and all injuries that Allen had except for the jagged scar that ran through his left eye had healed. When Kanda saw Allen's arm transform, he was shocked. Allen knew that he had a lot of explaining to do. Allen gently pushed himself out of Kanda's arms flicking his white tail. It felt so good to be mobile again and out in the salty sea water. Kanda slowly headed back to the shoreline allowing Allen to swim as the merboy didn't go out to far. Lavi met up heading him a towel. Kanda took it gratefully as Lavi slapped him upside the head.

"What was that for?" asked Kanda angrily.

"What in the world are you thinking Yuu? You and Allen can never be together as you are from two separate worlds. And you surely can't keep him like a pet." Lavi snapped back referring to the kiss that Kanda shared with Allen.

"I wasn't planning to Lavi. I can't help how I feel towards Allen. He is the only other person whomever excepted me for me." stated Kanda. Lavi understood as not many excepted him for himself as a human being. After a while Allen swam close to the shoreline allowing both humans to see Noah fully manifested.

*Allen, I am going to allow you to speak to them in their tongue. Meanwhile, I will try to find out from Mugen how is it possible for a siren to be born as a human.* replied Noah.

*Should I tell Yuu about this as it seems that he doesn't know that he is a siren?* asked Allen.

*Not yet. Not until I talk to Mugen.* replied Noah as Allen understood and obeyed Noah's wishes.

After conveying his wishes to Allen, Noah reached out through his power to Mugen.

Mugen...............Mugen............can you hear me? asked Noah.

I can hear you perfectly well Crowned Clown. Who would have ever thought that I would have ended up coming across you. replied Mugen.

It has been a while, hasn't it. By the way it's Noah now. I have asked my host Allen to call me this rather than Crowned Clown. stated Noah as Mugen understood. But that's not important right now. How is it possible for a human to be a siren but yet exhibit traits similar to a merman of which my host is the only one? asked Noah.

It is because my host Yuu Kanda and your host Allen are meant to be mates. My host hasn't fully realized what his is yet because there has been no need for him to awaken as a siren. But now I am feeling the need to. replied Mugen.

Because of us. added Noah.

Not only that, but somebody has been attacking my host trying to get him to reveal himself as a siren. I feel a dangerous force is at work here. replied Mugen.

I see so they are beginning to make their move once again. No doubt they will go after both of our hosts. stated Noah. Both Mugen and Noah knew full well what was going on as all of the other sirens had lost their lives to a mysterious group known only as the Millennium which was controlled by a being whom called himself the Earl. This group has been trying to harness the powers of the sirens in order to dominate the world. Many of their fellow brothers had lost their lives to this group. All of the sirens were males as only a male body had the strength capable of holding and using the incredible powers of a siren.

Since they haven't discovered your host yet, both of you maybe safe for the time being. But sooner or later your host will be able to take on a somewhat human form as it is the only way for the two to mate. replied Mugen.

I see..................so that's why Allen has been attracted to Yuu Kanda as it also explains how he was able to tolerate our voice and how he seemed to know that we were in trouble. stated Noah.

I will need you and your host's help to awaken my host as this may ended up you both to take on a human form. I will also need you to tell Yuu everything. stated Mugen.

And what of his human friend, Lavi Bookman? asked Noah.

Yuu trusts him as they grew up together. Even when he has learned about you two, he hasn't shown any sign that he can't be trusted. He is actually Yuu's protector while I have been asleep. replied Mugen.

I understand. I will alert my host. replied Noah being thanked by Mugen before he departed.

Meanwhile...............Allen was proceeding to tell both Lavi and Kanda about how he is the only male mermaid that exists within the whole ocean. As a siren he is sworn to protect the ocean and all of the creatures that live within the ocean. Because of him being different from the other mermaids, they tried to kill him. His left arm is a part of him but also separate as it is a part of his power. His arm had its own name and consciousness. Allen also explained that he was the only one whom could truly hear Noah since he was a part of him.

*Allen, I have learned much about what's going on. Can you give me control?* asked Noah.

*I have no problem with this as it would save time translating everything.* answered Allen. Noah pulsed loudly as Allen's eyes began to change as they became all black corneas with red irises (Allen's akuma eye). Both Kanda's and Lavi's eyes bulged open wide when they saw the change in Allen.

"Forgive me for my interruption but I felt that you both should hear this. Before I begin, I am Noah, the being that exists within Allen. I thank you for looking after my host. First thing first, Yuu Kanda, you have possibly noticed that you have been going through some changes lately." replied Noah.

"That's right, how did you know?" asked Kanda.

"I know much about you as you are like us. Yuu Kanda, you are a siren." stated Noah. This statement shocked both Lavi and Kanda as they found it impossible to believe.

"How.........is that even possible?" asked Kanda nervously. Noah explained about all of it, how the sirens are born with their weapons either a part of them or always close by. He explained how all sirens are ultimately males as each one had a specific elemental power that they were strong with. Allen had two of them the first being water and the second being light. Each siren had a destined mate, the one whom was opposite of them as Kanda was Allen's mate. This statement made both Allen and Kanda blush. Noah explained that because that Kanda and Allen were mates that their powers would allow them to take on the others aspects. "Then that would explain why I would often get sick when I became exposed to dead mermaid flesh and/or scales." stated Kanda.

"Yes it is a part of your siren nature. The same thing would happen to us if we were exposed to dead humans." replied Noah.

"But humans don't usually kill each other." replied Lavi as Noah nodded his head. Noah explained how the mates could take on the others aspects that way they could be together no matter which realm they hail from. Noah also proceeded to tell both Lavi and Kanda how Lavi was Kanda's protector while Mugen was sleeping and how Mugen had asked Allen and Noah to help awaken Kanda as a siren. "There is one thing that I still don't understand. If all sirens are males and their mates are male, then how is it that they are to have children?" asked Lavi as he was hit upside the head by a red face Kanda.

"It's a very understandable question considering your human nature. We sirens are allowed to have off spring. In this case, Allen shall be the one whom carries and births the young. It is the same way that a fish bears its young." replied Noah. Kanda's face became much redder when he recalled his dream of having sex with Allen. "Unfortunately, our power is not back up to one hundred percent. Come back the next full moon as we shall be back up to full strength in order to awaken your powers Yuu Kanda. In the meantime, we should stay at that pool that you have been keeping us." stated Noah. Kanda agreed as Noah gave control back over to Allen as the human prince scooped him up into his arms. Allen's arm changed back to normal as the merboy let out a long yawn as he was beat tired.

NEXT CHAPTER.............transformations

Allen (blushes): so that explains a bit about all of it.

Kanda (blushes): why did you have to bring up that dream again.

author (giggles): because I know you get off just thinking about it.

Kanda (embarrassed): damn you.

Lavi: so I do play an important part but not a main one.

author: of course Lavi. You will pop in every know and then.

Kanda (slaps Lavi upside the head) Lavi (angrily): what's that for?

Kanda (angrily): for bringing up the subject of sex and children.

Allen (turns a bright shade of red. whispers to author): ummm......scrletfyre, we will be actually doing it......

author (whispers back): of course. Allen (cheers)

Kanda: what are you so happy about Moyashi?

Allen: I am going to be human!

author (whispers to readers): don't tell Kanda what I have planned. And please leave me your comments and reviews!

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