(9) feelings

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Allen: hey scrletfyre, I think you left everyone a bit speechless

author: I know ain't it great!  By the way I stand corrected.

Kanda: on what?

author: Allen's eye and arm are indeed on his left side not the right.  When I watched the series I see things facing me as I associate them to be on the right.  But they are actually on the left.

Allen: is it that big of a problem if I had them on the right instead of the left?

author: for the fans, yes but for others no.  I will indeed switch it to how it is supposed to be.

Kanda: why does it seem that I am OOC (out of character) and why was I crying a lot?

author: I didn't plan for you to seem like you have OOC (whatever that means) when I wrote the chapters, it just turned out that way.  Why you seemed to be crying alot was because you felt so confused about what was going on.  But the truth about what you are will come up so stay tuned.  I won't mention any names but someone had hit the nail on the head.

Allen: I have a sneaky suspicion that I know who. 

Kanda: well you better get to it soon scrletfyre......your fans are getting restless.

author: I know but I wanted to draw things out.  And don't even think of threatening me with Mugen either Kanda.

Kanda (with his hand on the sword): ........che........whatever......

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech

nine - feelings

Ever since Kanda's dream, he had been doing a lot of reading and thinking.

'Could it be even possible that I am falling in love?  But Allen isn't even human as he is a male like me.  Is it even possible that I could be attracted to the same sex?  Maybe in some ways Tyki knew that's why he has been leaving me those trinkets.  But why don't I ever feel sick when I am around Allen?  Even if he is a male mermaid, I should still feel sick because of their scales.  Maybe it has something to do with their bodies when they are killed.' Kanda thought to himself.  Tomorrow night both he and Lavi were going to help Allen by taking him down to the beach that way he could feed.  Kanda had this strange feeling that Allen may know something about what was happening to him.  Kanda got up from his chair as he put away the book that he was reading as the book that told him about the Moonlight Siren gave him no new insight about the merboy.  The only way that Kanda was going to get any answers was to confront Allen.  Kanda proceeded to leave the castle library as he decided to walk out in the kingdom might help clear up his mind.  Suddenly Kanda began to feel sick and dizzy as he began to have troubles breathing.  'Not now.........' he moaned as he looked up to see Tyki approaching.

"Ah, Prince Kanda........I finally caught up to you.  I have some really exquisite pieces of mermaid jewelry that I feel will only fit someone of your refined taste." stated Tyki as he approached.  Kanda collapsed onto his knees struggling for air as the tattoo on his chest felt like a hot brand against his skin.  Kanda began to break out in a cold sweat needing to get away from the smell of the mermaid scales.  Tyki knelt down in front of Kanda holding out a brilliant colored necklace.  Before Tyki could put it on Kanda, the prince swatted away the trinket.

"Get that away from me Tyki.........you know how I feel about anything containing mermaid's flesh and/or their scales." hissed Kanda.  Tyki got up picking up the trinket before he approached the prince.

"But this piece should only be worn by royalty.  I only want to show you my affection.  I truly love you Prince Kanda." stated Tyki as he knelt down before the prince cornering Kanda so that he couldn't escape.  Tyki leaned in placing the necklace around Kanda's neck as the mer-hunter kissed Kanda hard and aggressively.  Kanda tried to fight back but the older mer-hunter wouldn't let him.  Suddenly Tyki was yanked off of Kanda getting thrown against the wall.  Lavi had found them as the mer-hunter was trying to clearly dominate the young prince.  Lavi ripped off the mermaid necklace throwing it out a nearby window as he took off his war hammer pointing it at Tyki.

"How dare you Tyki..........I can never forgive you for attacking the prince!  I don't care if you are the kings best mer-hunter, even this act is unforgivable.  If you so much as ever come near Prince Kanda again, I will not hold back." snapped Lavi as Tyki got up licking his lips.

"Think about what I had said Prince Kanda." stated Tyki before he left.  Lavi re-strapped his war hammer attending to Kanda.  Lavi helped the prince back up to his feet as they made their way to the closest bathroom.

"Hold on Yuu........" stated Lavi as Kanda began to loose consciousness.  Kanda could hear this strange pulsing sound as he could hear a strange voice calling out to him.

*............................Yuu..............................Yuu...........................* stated a dark voice before Kanda had lost complete consciousness.

Kanda regained consciousness finding himself underwater in a bathtub.  Slowly Kanda rose up out of the water as the slits on the side of his neck closed up.

"Are you all right Yuu?" asked Lavi as he helped Kanda out of the tub.

"I will be fine after I kill Tyki!  I can't believe he did that!" snarled Kanda.

"Don't worry about it Yuu.  I already told your father about what had happened leaving out a few details.  As a result, Tyki has been dismissed.  Any and all mermaid items that is within the kingdom is to be destroyed.  The hunt on mermaids have been halted until we can figure out why these items effect you in that way." replied Lavi.  Kanda rung his hair out as Lavi handed him a towel.

"Thanks Lavi, hopefully this is the last time that I ever come face to face with Tyki." stated Kanda.  Something about the older mer-hunter repulsed Kanda to no end.  Kanda couldn't understand why he would feel one way to Tyki but another way towards Allen.  What was it about Allen that Kanda felt so drawn to the merboy?

The night of the full moon came quickly as Kanda couldn't help the feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong.  Nightfall hadn't fully set in yet but he could sense that something was terrible wrong.

'Allen!' he thought as he bolted out of the castle.  Something happened to Allen as Kanda could sense it.  Kanda left in such a hurry that he didn't wait up for Lavi.  He knew in someway or form that Allen needed his help.  Kanda ran down to the out-cove cave to find Allen in his usual pool of water not breathing.  "Allen!" shouted out Kanda as he dove into the water swimming down towards Allen.  Kanda gently scooped up Allen into his arms as he swam back to the surface carrying Allen bridal style.  Kanda had to get Allen back into the ocean water and out in the moonlight.  "Allen............don't leave me." shouted out Kanda as he climbed out of the water holding Allen tight as he ran down to the ocean.  Kanda walked out into the water dipping Allen's body into the cold water as he could see that Allen's gills still remained closed.  "Allen.........wake up.............please wake up." Kanda cried out as tears threatened to run down his face.  Slowly Kanda began to sing as his voice rang out into the night. (sings "With Me" by Sum 41 form the album "Underclass Hero." I claim no rights to this song. Play song) "I don't want this moment to ever end.  Well everything is nothing without you.  I'd wait here forever just to......to see you smile because it's true that I am nothing without you.  Through it all, I've made my mistakes.  I'd stumble and fall.  But I mean these words.................." Kanda sang as with every emotion he possessed.  As Kanda sang Lavi approached watching from the shoreline.  The full moon began to open up bathing both Kanda and Allen. (chorus) "I want you to know cause everything I won't let this go.  These words are my heart and soul.  I hold onto this moment you know.  Cause I put my heart out to show, that I won't let go." Kanda sang as he could feel this strange heartbeat flood his ears as this warm energy flooded his being.  Kanda ignored it as he continued to sing.  "Thoughts that ran unspoken.  Forever and now, pieces of memories fall to the ground.  I know why I did it to myself.  I won't let this go cause it's true that I am nothing without you.  On the streets when I walked alone with no where to go, I come to an end."  Slowly Allen began to breathe as the moonlight drenched his body.  As both Allen and Noah could feel power being feed to them.  (Chorus) "I want you to know cause everything I won't let this go.  These words are my heart and soul.  I put my heart out to show, that I won't let go." Kanda sang as he meant everything that he was singing.  He began to realize what Allen meant to him.  "It's all of your eyes.  It falls from the skies.  When you don't know what your looking to find.  It's all of your eyes.  It falls from the skies.  When you just never know what you will find." Kanda sang as he looked down  when he could feel a hand caress his face brushing his face lightly.  "I don't want this moment to ever end.  But everything is nothing without you." (chorus repeats twice) Kanda sang to Allen as he leaned in kissing Allen softly on the lips.  The look of shock stretched across Lavi's face when he saw Kanda kissing Allen.  The two kissed passionately as Kanda broke the kiss.  "I love you.........Allen." whispered Kanda.  Allen smiled whispering Kanda's name weakly as he felt the same way for Kanda.

*................Allen..................* stated Noah mentally.

*That was fast Noah, I didn't think that we would regain our power that quickly.* replied Allen.

*As much as I would like to take credit, it wasn't me.  Allen it seems that Yuu Kanda is like us........he is a siren for earth.*  stated Noah.

NEXT CHAPTER............learning the truth

Kanda (snarls as he draws out Mugen): prepare to die........

Allen (steps in front of him): don't even think of it Kanda.

Kanda(blushes): kissing you is one thing but, why Tyki?

author (grins): cause I like torturing you.

Kanda (snarls): how I hate you right now.

author (laughs): you love me, I know it.

Allen: now stop it you two.  I can't believe that Kanda is a siren.  How?

author: you have to wait to the next chapter to find out.

Allen: damn.........

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