(12) Kanda's trials

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Kanda: hey scrletfyre, I am curious  I am half fish now or do I change back?

author: well Kanda to answer your question normally you are human. During certain events your half fish form appears. But normally you are and appear to be human. Does that answer your question?

Kanda: yeah.

author: know that it took me a while to write this chapter and all but it's hard when you are trying to work a night job and sleep during the day to write and get the chapter up as quickly as possible.

Allen (consoles author): its all right. We will work with you to get the next chapter out quickly.

author (sniffs): thanks Allen!

Kanda: che don't get me involved with this. scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as it is owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech

twelve - Kanda's trials

Both Kanda and Lavi brought Allen back to the castle as Allen would stay with Lavi for a time. It was possibly for the best if Allen stayed with Lavi because Kanda felt that he wouldn't be able to control himself. It also saved the trouble of explaining to people where Allen came from and since Lavi had his own place, it made perfect sense for Allen to stay with someone that Kanda trusted. The two humans made plans to meet in the morning in order to begin training.

As Kanda slept he could hear a voice echo in the back of his mind which woke him up from his sound sleep. Kanda grabbed Mugen which rested by his bedside bolting awake as he began to unsheathe his sword. Mugen's blade glowed lightly in the night.

*Sorry to wake you up rather rudely but I felt that we needed to talk.* stated the voice as Kanda could feel Mugen pulsing in his hands. Kanda looked at the sword that was in his hands as he pieced together what Allen had told him.

"Mugen?" asked Kanda softly.

*Who else did you expect? I know that this is the first time that you have heard me speak ever but I felt that you should get used to my presence and the sound of my voice. I also know that there was something on your mind that you wanted to talk to me about.* replied Mugen.

"It's about my father. I was wondering if he knows that I am a siren or even if I am truly his son? Should I even tell him about what I am?" asked Kanda.

*He knows as I had told him long ago. I believe you were about three or four years old when you first had the symptoms to dead mer-flesh and scales. But you might want to refresh his memory. He could have forgotten or never thought that you would awaken as a siren.* replied Mugen.

"That's a relief. I wasn't sure how to explain it all to him or even where to begin." stated Kanda.

*That's all right Kanda. I suggest that you get as much sleep as possible as we do have a long day of training ahead of us.* replied Mugen. Kanda obeyed the sword's wishes as he sheathed the sword placing back by his bedside before he settled back down going back to sleep.

The next morning Kanda awoke as he got up taking a shower before getting dressed. When Kanda took his shower, parts of his siren's nature revealed but when he dried off it was not noticeable at all. Kanda left the castle as he and Lavi had made plans to practice what abilities Kanda had since awakening as a siren. Kanda was still a bit troubled by his recent dreams as he could feel and sense this incredible pain that was not his own but it felt familiar. He knew that there wasn't much about the sirens that he actually knew about. While Kanda would be training and learning about his powers, both he and Lavi would be teaching Allen how to be human. Kanda knew that there was so much to learn about. A part of Kanda hoped that he was ready for this.

Kanda made it to the old fort that he and Lavi had from when they were kids as it made the most logical choice for them to meet up there for training. Nobody else knew about the fort as it was deep in the woods far away from civilization. As Kanda approached he found both Lavi and Allen waiting for him. Allen was wearing a set of blue jean pants and a light blue short sleeve tee shirt. The colors stood out against his white hair and rather large silver eyes. His porcelain skin still looked too delicate and super soft. Allen looked up smiling when Kanda entered the fort. Lavi was setting up some practice targets.

"Hey guys, I hope that I am not too late." replied Kanda.

"Not at all Yuu. It took me a while to get Allen here. Allen had asked me to set up some practice targets." replied Lavi.

"Here let me give you a hand." stated Kanda as he helped Lavi. Allen sat unmoved from his spot as he knew that he would only be in the way. It took Lavi and Kanda only a couple of minutes to finish. When they were finished Lavi helped Allen to stand up on his human legs.

"No doubt you have all ready heard the voice of Mugen within your mind. You can communicate with Mugen among the same mental path. Noah and I can hear Mugen in the same way that you can hear us mentally. You have possibly noticed that you can somewhat control when your siren nature shows its self. I can't really control how long I will be able to remain in a human form or things like that since because of my nature." stated Allen. Allen talked softly in his human voice as his words spoke volume as Kanda listened carefully. "Now Mugen's released form might be slightly different from Noah's because of the form that it is currently in. Either you and/or Mugen can control when it releases as its elemental powers are completely opposite from my own. I can control the elements of wind and water as I feed on moonlight for energy. Since your physical makeup is much different from my own, your powers may work differently." stated Allen as he transformed his left arm into Noah's true form. The wind picked up forming into a physical ball in the palm of Noah's hand. Allen and Noah had to make sure that they didn't use too much of their power because they were in a human form. Kanda's eyes widened as he watched Allen control the wind before allowing it to dissipate and transforming Noah back into it's regular form. "Listen and feel the power within Mugen as it will always help you." stated Allen. Kanda unsheathed Mugen as he focused. If Allen controlled the wind and water then it only made sense to Kanda that he would be able to control earth and fire. But his first step was to release Mugen's form. Kanda could feel Mugen pulsing in his hands as he could feel energy pouring into his body. Mugen began to glow as it separated into two energy swords connected by an energy ribbon.

*Good job Yuu, you have managed to release my true form. I will work with you to help you control your elemental powers.* stated Mugen. It was harder on Kanda to control and learn to use his elemental powers. That was only part of the problem for Kanda as it was hard for him to hide how Allen made him feel as he would get rock hard to the point that he had to excuse himself for a while. Mugen laughed in the back of his mind. *God we are in for a long hard run.* stated Mugen which made Kanda curse to himself as he knew that it was true.


Kanda (growls swinging at author): damn it all enough is enough scrletfyre!

author (laughs while dodging Kanda): come on Kanda, lighten up and live a little.

Allen: she's right Yuu. You are much too tense. Maybe the next chapter might lighten your mood a little.

Kanda (snarls): ............che..........whatever!

author (shakes head): go elsewhere Kanda if you are going to sulk. (Kanda walks off)

Allen: man I have seen him mad before but this is beyond that. Do you think he will ever take a joke.

Lavi: knowing Yuu.........not really.

author (hugs a Kanda stuffed toy): he needs to learn to lighten up and laugh a little.

Lavi: it will be a cold day in hell before that ever happens.

Allen: I agree with that.

author: well we can't help the way that Kanda is. I ask for my readers to leave their comments and reviews as I love to hear what you guys think.

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