(13) romance under the moonlight

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author:  sorry guys that it took me so long to write this chapter.  I was in the flow with another story and near the end so I worked on that one for a while.  With that story done I can focus on this story and another one that I am currently working on.

Allen:  when is Kanda coming back, I miss him. (begins to cry)

author (consoling Allen):  it will be all right Allen.  Kanda will come back in due time. (Allen is suddenly grabbed away)

Kanda (holding Allen tightly):  don't even think of it scrletfyre.........Allen is all mine!

Allen (blushing):  Kanda........

author:  I wasn't planing to get in the middle of you two.  Anyway on with the story!

Lavi:  scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech

thirteen - romance under the moonlight

One week has passed as Kanda finally learned how to use and control his powers that he had as a siren.  During that week he had been thinking over how to tell his father about what he is.  Kanda has noticed that at times Allen seemed real lonely and sad.  Kanda knew that Allen missed his home and the ocean.  Even though Allen had adjusted well to being human, he couldn't help but to miss his home.  Kanda still had the nightmarish dreams of someone killing the sirens and trying to take their elemental powers.  One night the dreams woke him from a sound sleep that he bolted up right in his bed clutching his chest as the mark of the siren burned against his skin.

"God why am I having these terrible dreams?" he asked to himself softly.

*I am sorry Yuu.  Never before has a siren been able to sense and feel what has happened in the past.  I believe that these dreams maybe a warning.  The Millennium group may plan to move soon.* replied Mugen mentally.

"Just great.  That means that I can't delay speaking to my father any longer." replied Kanda.  Kanda could feel the cool breeze brush against his skin as he could hear a familiar voice singing.  "Allen?" he asked in question as tears began to fill his eyes.  Allen's song sounded sad, depressed, and full of loneliness.  Kanda could feel Allen's emotions like they were his own.  Kanda quickly got dressed as he slipped out of the castle walking down to the beach to find Allen sitting out on the rocks in the middle of the water in full mer form.  Allen stopped singing quickly when he heard someone approaching.  Allen quickly slipped into the water so not to be spotted.  The full moon shinned brightly as Kanda walked among the beach.  "Allen..........it's only me!" he called out into the night.  Allen poked his head around his rock to see Kanda walking close to the water.  Kanda looked truly captivating as his long indigo hair reflected the moonlight's rays against his Caucasian skin and blue-gray eyes.  Allen ducked under the water swimming up as close as he could to the shore.  Kanda looked surprised to see Allen back in his mer form.  Tears streaked down Allen's face as Kanda couldn't stand to see Allen like this.  Kanda kicked off his shoes as he wore no socks as he rolled up the sleeved to his shirt and pants.  Kanda then walked out joining Allen in the water.  Allen's eyes widened considerably wondering why Kanda was joining him.  Kanda gently wiped the tears away from Allen's eyes.  "Please don't cry Allen, I can't stand to see you like this." Kanda stated softly before he leaned in close to Allen kissing him softly.  Allen melted into Kanda's kiss before he heard Noah's voice in the back of his mind.

*Allen since Yuu showed us his world and how to be human, why don't we show him ours?  I know that you have been home sick lately.  With Yuu with us, they might not be so brave to attack while there is a human down there.* stated Noah.  Allen thought that it was an excellent idea.  Allen broke the kiss smiling at Kanda as he took Kanda by the hand.

"Yuu.......I want to show you my world and where I live." stated Allen as Kanda nodded his head.  Both Kanda and Allen dove underwater as Kanda's eyes adjusted to the lighting as he had to adjust to breathing through his gills.  The view underwater took Kanda's breath away as it looked like paradise.  Kanda saw a few of the sea animals up close and personal as they didn't seem afraid of him.

*Allen it is beautiful down here.* Kanda told Allen mentally since he knew he wouldn't be able to speak in the same way Allen could, after all he was still human.

"I am glad that you like it.  I just wish that the other mermaids wouldn't be as mean to me and understood that I am there to protect them." stated Allen as he lead Kanda to his cave home.  Allen's cave was filled with exotic type plants and rare crystals.  The crystals lightly glowed allowing Kanda to see in the dim cave.  "This is where I live.  You are the only one that I have ever had here in my home.  None of the other mermaids know where I live.  It feels strange to be back home after being on land and learning that I am not the only siren any more." stated Allen.

*Allen you shouldn't live in fear because of the other mermaids.  So they attempted to kill you before and treated you miserably but that shouldn't stop you from being happy.* stated Kanda.

*See Allen, he is telling you the same exact thing that I have been telling you for years now.* stated Noah.  It was getting late as Allen knew that Kanda couldn't stay very long underwater.  Allen took Kanda by the hand as the two swam back up to the surface.  Both Kanda and Allen broke the surface as a rush of air filled their lungs.  The full moon still shown brilliantly in the night sky.

"Thank you Allen for showing me your world.  I have never seen any thing so beautiful before.  I will always remember this night for as long as I live.  I love you Allen with every fiber of my being." stated Kanda as he kissed Allen passionately and aggressively.

NEXT CHAPTER.............a night of love making

Kanda (blushes):  screltfyre......were not doing what I think we are doing next chapter.

author (grins wickedly):  I am warning you know Kanda you are doing what you think.

Allen (blushes):  it makes perfect sense to end a romantic night that way.  But won't I get pregnant if we make love?

author:  I will let the readers be the judge of that.  I wasn't planning on it.  I was thinking that your cycle is similar to a female and that you can get pregnant when your body go through the cycle.  But I am willing to let my readers decide as well.

Kanda (begs audience):  please for the sake of god don't allow screltfyre do it.

author (glares at Kanda):   I heard that!

Allen:  please leave your comments and reviews for the next chapter and tell us what you think.

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