(21) many fights part two

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Allen:  scrletfyre.............sometimes your too good to be true.

author (laughs):  why thank you Allen.

Kanda:  just how many more fights are we talking about?

Lavi:  lets see we killed three of them as you have the two bigger bosses to face..........

author:  three more in this section alone.  I seemed to be in the flow for writing these fight scenes down.

Allen:  I can't wait anymore.................scrletfyre let the group get there to rescue me!

author:  I am working on it Allen.  Please note that the attacks that I am using are of my own design as they are not associated with the any of characters and/or the D. Gray-man series.

Kanda:  scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Lavi:  now onto the fights part two!

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech, [other speech], CAPS LOCK - ATTACKS

Twenty One - many fights part two

After Lavi's battle against Road, Kanda and his group moved onto the next level.  So far they had defeated three Millennium members as they knew that their leader the Earl and Tyki Mikk still remained somewhere within the tower.  Despite the sick feeling that Kanda had, he pushed on as he needed to get to Allen no matter what, especially after what Road had told them.

*Hang on Allen............we are almost there.* Kanda stated telepathically as they made their way up to the fourth level.  Once again another member of the Millennium group was waiting for them.

"Congratulations on making it this far but I am afraid that I can not allow you any further." stated Neah Walker.  This time Froi Tiedoll stepped forward.

"Everyone has said the same thing to us before but we have managed to defeat them." stated Tiedoll as he unsheathed his twin swords holding one in each hand.  Neah took off the large ax that was strapped across her back (I wasn't sure if Neah was a guy or a girl, so I decided to go girl as it all equals out when you think of who is in the Millennium group).  Neither one of them said a word as they charged at each other.  Their weapons collided in a shower of sparks as they parried their blows.  Neah attacked Tiedoll viciously as the general managed to dodge or parry some of those strikes.  Neah snarled as she began to pool her power into her ax as she swung at Tiedoll.  Tiedoll managed to leap out of the way avoiding getting hit with her power as the ax left a large slash mark in one of the walls.  The wall began to freeze up on contact.  Tiedoll cursed to himself as he knew if that ax and her power hit him, it was over with.  Lavi's new powers would have made short work of the ice queen but he was still recovering from his battle with Road.  Tiedoll dodged Neah's attacks as she even tried to blast him with her ice blasts.  'I can't keep dodging her forever.' Tiedoll thought to himself.  That's when he could feel it, a power flowing through out his entire being.  His swords began to transform as they radiated a bright light.  Words came to Tiedoll's mind as he gripped his swords.  Neah came leaping at him with an ice blast in hand before Tiedoll swung his swords.  "BRIGHT BLAST!" he snapped as bright light shot from out of his swords straight at Neah.  The light blasted Neah sending her flying back as she slammed hard against a wall.  Before Neah had a chance to counter, Tiedoll moved.  "LAZER LIGHT BEAM!" he snapped again swinging his swords as a bright beam of light completely destroyed Neah as nothing remained left of her. Tiedoll's swords still remained in their new form much like Suman's arm, Marian's scythe, and Lavi's hammer.  "Let's continued on." stated Tiedoll.

The group reached the fifth level as they were once again greeted by another member of the Millennium group.  Daisya Barry stepped forth this time.

"I guess it's my turn." stated Daisya as he took out his weapon which was two palm-sized balls attacked to a long chain, one at each end.

"I hope that you can offer me a good fight human." replied Sheril Kamelot with a smile stretched across her face as all of the plants in the room seemed to come to life.  Sheril moved her arms in swift movements as Daisya whipped his ball-chain around keeping some what on the defense as once in a while he swung to strike Sheril.  Sheril used the plants to act like a shield as Daisya knew that he had to beware as some of the plants were either poisonous and/or man-eaters  Sheril smiled even more as she charged at Daisya with her power in her hand while she attacked with the plants.  This forced Daisya to dodge as the hits would possibly prove to be very fatal.

'This ain't good.  She seems almost as lethal as the one Lavi fought with.' Daisya thought to himself as one of the mat-eating plants managed to get a swipe of him.  Daisya screamed out in pain as he whipped his weapon around to destroy the plant.  'If I get hit again........I'm done for.  Please gods, I am far too young too die.' Daisya thought to himself.  Suddenly it seemed that he could hear things a lot more clearly than before as it seemed that sound vibrated around him  Words came to his mind as his weapon vibrated in his hands as it began to change its shape.  "CLARITY BELL!" Daisya snapped as he whipped his weapon as the two balls at the end of the chain emitted a high frequency sound which caused the plants and Sheril to shriek out in pain.  Daisya wasn't finished as he whipped his weapon at Sheril.  "SONIC SOUND WAVE!" he snapped as a high pitch wave of sound blasted Sheril causing her and the plants to explode.  Daisya then collapsed onto his knees as Kanda came up and laid his healing hands on Daisya's wounds.  Everyone's ears seemed to be ringing as Daisya's weapon now laid in its new form within Daisya's hands.

After the battle with Sheril, the group continued onto the next level.  Just as they reached the sixth level, there waiting for them were the twins which Lavi had fought against once before.

"We are Jasdevi.  You have fought against all of the rest, now you face the best!" stated the twins Jasdero and David.  The two generals stepped forward as they could tell that everyone but Kanda was still visibly somewhat exhausted from their fights with the Millennium members.  Both Cross Marian and Froi Tiedoll felt that they had enough energy and power to fight the twins.  Both generals held their altered weapons in hand.

"If we defeat you, you will tell us were we can find the merman." stated Tiedoll.  Jasdevi looked at each other then the generals before they broke out in laughter.

"That is if you can defeat us.  One alone wasn't enough to stop us from getting the Moonlight Siren.  What do you think the odds are that two together can defeat us?" asked Jasdevi in unison.

"We shall see as Tiedoll and I are the highest raking generals in the king's army." stated Cross as Jasdevi laughed again.

"Oh...........we are shaking in our boots." they replied in unison rather playfully.  Both Cross and Tiedoll moved attacking the twins.  The twins dodged the generals attacks as they pulled their weapons out as there weapons were similar to Marian's weapon as they wielded double ended collapsible spears.  Sparks rained from the weapons as they collided as Cross tried to get his electrical energy to blast one or both of the twins.  Jasdevi easily dodged the blasts laughing.  "Come on..............you can do better than that!" stated the twins playfully as Tiedoll's twin light swords glowed incredibly bright.

"BRIGHT BLAST!" Tiedoll snapped unleashing the attack at the twins.  Jasdevi held their spears straight out in front of them as they popped Tiedoll's attack like a balloon.  The twins laughed at the sight of this.

"Just like fireworks!" they stated.  The twins seemed to think of everything as one big joke.  The generals knew if they were to become enraged then the twins would get the upper hand.  The twins moved allowing their power to surface as they pelted Cross and Tiedoll with small meteorites  Both Cross and Tiedoll had to dodge the meteorites as they grew in size.

"THUNDER SYTHE!" snapped Cross as his electrical blast destroyed most of the medium sized or larger meteorites  The twins laughed at the sight of this cheering like it was some kind of party.  Both Tiedoll and Cross had about all they could stand of Jasdevi.  Both Cross and Tiedoll began to gather up their power together into one attack.  Electricity and light combined together.

"FLASH SPARK CLASH!" they stated in unison whipping their weapons as their powers lept from the weapons combining together as it headed straight at the twins.  The twins tried to create a shield made out of meteorites  The combined blast destroyed their shield as it sent them hurtling back hard against the wall.  Before Jasdevi could counter the generals moved placing their weapons against the twins throats.

"Now tell us everything...........how many more members are left?" asked Cross.

"Two remain................the Lord Earl and Tyki Mikk." Jasdevi replied.

"Where are they?" asked Tiedoll.

"On the next level.  Tyki has been having fun with the merman torturing him." replied the twins.  This caused Kanda's blood to boil as Mugen pulsed angrily by his side.  Without saying anything else, both Cross and Tiedoll cut off the twins heads watching as their bodies went up in black smoke.

NEXT CHAPTER....................Kanda vs Tyki

Kanda (angrily while still gripping Mugen):  Tyki is so dead!

Lavi:  now Yuu don't do anything so reckless.

author (shakes head):  I don't think he is going to listen Lavi..........he is in kill mode trying to debate on all the ways that Tyki will die by his hand.

Lavi (sighs):  I think you are right.

Allen (cries):  please have them get here soon.  I don't think that I can withstand anymore of this.

Kanda:  Tyki will die by my hand and my hand alone! (storms off the set)

author (gulps):  oh boy..........I feel sorry for Tyki but he has it coming to him.

Lavi:  serves him right!

Allen: please leave us your comments and reviews as we look forward to hearing what you think!

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