(20) many fights part one

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Kanda: we all ready know that I plan to fight against the Earl and Tyki.

author:  I am aware of that as that I what I had planned.

Allen:  the sooner you get me the hell out of here the better.

author:  we are working on it Allen.

Lavi:  I can't wait to see whom I am up against.

author:  please note that the attacks that I am using are of my own design as they are not associated with the any of characters and/or the D. Gray-man series.

Allen:  scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech, [other speech], CAPS LOCK - ATTACKS

twenty - many fights part one

As Kanda and his group entered the black tower, the Earl seemed aware that the other siren was there.  A broad smile stretched across his face.

"He's here!  Go my friends and delay the humans that is with him.  Tyki stay here and keep an eye on the Moonlight Siren.  I don't want the human siren to get to him before I can finish with what I have to do." stated the Earl.

"Yes Lord Earl." stated Tyki bowing his head.  Allen was still in human form dangling from the chains.  His body was bruised, battered, and bleeding from the never ending torture that he was put through thanks to the Earl and Tyki.  Allen was half way conscious when he heard that Kanda was there to save him.  Allen wished that he could use his powers to warn Kanda that it was a trap.

'Please be careful Yuu.' Allen thought to himself before he had lost consciousness.

Kanda and his group headed up the stairs of the black tower.  They knew that the Millennium group would try to stop them from reaching Allen.  As they reached the first level, Kanda stopped suddenly grabbing a firm hold of Mugen as he began to feel sick to his stomach as the smell of dead mer-flesh drifted up his nose.  Up ahead on the first landing was a large and bulky member of the Millennium group, Skin Bolic.

"You will not get past me.  I will make sure that the Earl will get the human siren." stated Skin Bolic.  Kanda would have rushed the Millennium member when he felt someone put his hand over his as he was about ready to draw out Mugen.

"Leave this one to me Prince Kanda.  You should save your strength for their leader." stated Suman Dark as he stepped forward before the prince.  Suman may not look like he could stand a chance against Bolic but he was willing to try.  Bolic laughed at Suman while flexing his muscles.

"You honestly think that you stand a chance against me........human?" asked Bolic as Suman tugged at the gloves on his hand making them tighter on his hands.

"We won't know unless I try." replied Suman as Kanda tapped him on the shoulder with his free hand.

"Good luck Suman." stated the prince as the two retracted their hands as Kanda stepped back with the rest of the group.  Suman took a fighting stance as he knew that he wouldn't be able to defeat Bolic in a test of strength as he hoped that whatever power Fo gave them would help.  Bolic moved as he charged at Suman putting his weight and strength behind his power.  Suman quickly dodged out of the way as Bolic's attack collided with a wall putting a large hole in it.

'Any closer and I would be dead.  No matter what, I can't allow him to hit me.' Suman thought to himself as he charged Bolic as he kicked in the back of Bolic's knees bringing the large beast down.  Bolic tried to swing his fist around to catch Suman but the human proved far more nimble than him as he dodged the arm.  Suman grappled the arm as he pulled with all of his weight and strength to flip and slam Bolic down onto the ground.  Bolic looked up in discuss finding it hard to believe that a human had this much power.  Bolic attempted to kick Suman as the human back flipped out of the way.  Bolic climbed back to his feet looking at Suman angrily

"I won't be made a fool by a human!" growled Bolic angrily as he gathered up his magic power before he unleashed the blast at Suman.  Suman dodged the attack as it blew out another section of the wall.

'Good lord..............Lavi wasn't kidding when he said that they held a strange power.  All right Gods............if you are helping me out and stuff..............now would be a good time to help me out.' Suman thought to himself as he continued to dodge Bolic's attacks.

"Dam it...............hold still!" growled Bolic angrily as he charged at Suman with his power in his hand.  Suman knew that if that attack hit him then he was a dead man.  Suddenly Suman could feel it in his left arm, a strange power surging into his body as a weapon magically formed on his arm.  Words came to his mind as he pointed his arm like a cannon at Bolic.

"TEMPLAR WINDS!" shouted out Suman as strong destructive winds blasted out of the weapon heading straight for Bolic.  The winds easily picked up the Millennium member tossing him around like a rag doll.  Suman wasn't finished by a long shot.  "WIND BLADES SLASH!" snapped Suman as razor sharp blades of wind cut up Bolic before the winds slammed him down to the ground hard.  The winds slowly dispersed as the Millennium member looked up at Suman as he tried to make it back up to his feet.

"Lord Earl...........I have failed!" Bolic moaned before he crashed back to the ground.  His body then began to dissolve away in black smoke as Suman gripped his weapon arm walking back to the group.  He was physically exhausted as the weapon never vanished from his arm.

[Are you going to be all right Suman?] asked Fo as Suman just nodded his head yes.  [Then let's hurry!] she stated.

The group hurried up to the next level to find a blond haired and dark skin woman awaiting for them.

"I am actually surprised that you managed to defeat Skin Bolic.  You won't be so lucky against me." stated Lulu Bell.  Suman's arm still throbbed from his battle against Bolic as this time Cross Marian stepped forward.

"My lady..........perhaps you can do me the honor and fight me." stated Cross as he took out his weapon which was a collapsible scythe  "No one interfere as this fight is between me and the lady." stated Cross.  The group stepped back as Lulu Bell's nails lengthened into razor sharp claws.  Without saying a single word the two charged at each other as their weapons collided in a shower of sparks.

"You are pretty good for a human." stated Lulu Bell.

"Like wise my lady." replied Cross as the two parried the blows.  Cross wouldn't hold back even if this was a woman.  Then again Suman's battle with Bolic proved that these members of the Millennium group could be killed.  Cross just had to be careful of Lulu Bell's magic.  Cross watched Lulu Bell's movements carefully through his one good eye as Lulu Bell tried to swipe at him from his blind side.  Cross quickly dodged the attack leaping out of the way.

"Smart for a human too.   You know how to constipate for your blind side.  But it won't be enough to stop me." replied Lulu Bell as she licked her lips.  Lulu Bell gathered up her power as she charged at Cross.  The Millennium member moved quickly as one minute she was in front of Cross, then the next she was behind him.  She managed to claw at Cross leaving deep bloody slashes down his back.  Cross swung around quickly dodging while bringing up his scythe to meet Lulu Bell's claws before she could swipe at him again.  Sparks rained as the claws and scythe meet.  Lulu Bell swung around disappearing for a brief minute.  As if he knew it was coming, Cross back flipped out of the way avoiding Lulu Bell's nails.  Deep slashes penetrated the wall as the wall began to dissolve away.  Lulu Bell's claws became laced with acid.  Lulu Bell tried to blast Cross with an acid blast as he narrowly avoided it as another part of the wall was dissolved away.

'Her claws and blasts of acid are far too deadly for me to risk getting hit.  I don't think that I can even dodge them forever as she has the speed of a cheetah as my eye can't catch up with her movements.' Cross thought to himself but he was determined to not allow some woman get the better of him.  Cross then could feel it as the air around him became electrified with power.  He could feel a strong electrical charge gathering within him and his scythe  As Lulu Bell charged at him again, Cross swung his scythe around.

"THUNDER SYTHE!" he snapped as his scythe changed its shape as electrical energy lept from the scythe straight for Lulu Bell.  No matter where Lulu Bell dodged too, the electrical blast followed her.  The blast then hit her dead center sending thousands of volts of electrical energy through her body.  Cross wasn't finished yet as he gathered all of the electrical energy he could muster into his scythe  "LIGHTNING FLASH CUT!" he snapped as he charged at Lulu Bell bringing the scythe down cutting the woman completely in half as the electrical energy turned her body to ash.  Cross then collapsed down onto his knees as Kanda came up behind him.  Kanda placed his hands onto Marian's wounds as magical energy lept from Kanda's fingers into the general healing the wounds that he had received from Lulu Bell's claws.  Marian's scythe still remained in its new shape and form as the general allow the prince to help him back up to his feet.

Kanda and his group headed up to the third level as they had no clue to how many levels laid within the tower and/or how many Millennium members there was.  As they cleared the third level............it seemed that a small child awaited for them.

"I am a bit surprised that you guys made it this far.  It seems that the gods must be helping you as that fairy must have given you some powers to combat us." stated Road Kamelot.

"Where is Allen?" asked Kanda angrily

"Is that his name?  I think right now either Tyki or the Earl is having their way with him." replied Road laughing.  Upon hearing this, Kanda gripped Mugen as he could feel the sword pulsing angrily  Lavi stepped forward drawing out his war hammer.

"Don't sink to their level Yuu.  We will rescue Allen.  You save your fight for this Earl and Tyki.  I will deal with this child." stated Lavi.

"Are you certain Lavi?" asked Kanda as Lavi nodded his head yes.  Kanda withdrew his hand from Mugen as he stepped back towards the rest of the group while Road looked at Lavi playfully.

"Please don't hurt me sir..............I am only a little girl." stated Road.

"Not going to happen." replied Lavi.

"Well you can't blame me for trying." Road stated with a smile before she reached into her pockets pulling out small cherry bombs.  Lavi's eyes nearly bugged out of his head as Road threw several of the cherry bombs at Lavi forcing him to dodge the bombs.  The bombs proved to be very destructive as one wrong move would prove to be Lavi's last.  Lavi managed to dodge every one of the cherry bombs that Road had on hand.  "Wow you humans are definitely nimble and quick.  But let's see you dodge these ones." she stated with a snap of her fingers creating softball sized bombs.  Lavi smiled as he gripped his war hammer like a baseball bat.

"Let's see your best pitch!" he stated as Road glared at him angrily as she threw the bombs at him.  Lavi managed to hit every bomb clear out of the building causing them to explode outside.  This caused Road to become enraged as she gathered her power into her fists.

"Stop playing with me!" she roared charging at Lavi.  Lavi had to elude her fists as they charged the air into bombs. 

'Jesus Christ........this kid definitely likes to make things blow up.' Lavi thought to himself as he dodged Road's attacks.  Lavi could feel this heat burning within his body as he could see flames engulfing his war hammer as it began to change its shape.  Words came to his mind as flames began to dance around him absorbing the heat from Road's bombs rendering them useless.  "FIRE WAVE!" snapped Lavi as he whipped the war hammer smacking Road as she lept at him.  Fire engulfed the girl as she screamed out in pain.  A red hot fire symbol suddenly appeared on the war hammer.  "FLAME STAMP SMASH!" he snapped as he brought the war hammer down hard on top of Road killing her as nothing remained left of her but ash.

NEXT CHAPTER.................... many fights part two

Lavi:  play with fire and bombs you are bound to get burned.

Kanda:  wow Lavi..............I guess you showed her!

author:  I still like how you played baseball with the bombs.

Lavi:  yeah that was neat!

Allen:  when are we going to get around to saving me?

author:  well the group do have to make their way to the top of the tower where your being kept  as the journey will not be an easy one.

Allen (sighs):  I hope they get here soon.

Kanda:  don't worry Allen we will make it up there after we defeat every member of the Millennium group.

Lavi:  yeah........just how many more are we talking about?

author (smiles wickedly):  wouldn't you like to know!

Allen:  please leave your comments and reviews as we want to hear what you think!

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