(19) black tower

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Lavi: some of your readers felt that the last chapter was far too short.

author: I know Lavi as I just wanted to introduce whom was in the rescue party. I haven't planned on how long this story was going to be so I will write until I can't write any more.

Allen: you are planning on having Yuu rescue me?!

author: of course. But I have to build it up to it as I just can't have him rush in and save the day, it would be too easy.

Kanda: I like the sounds of that.

Lavi (laughs): I know you would. But this is scrletfyre's show as she is the one calling the shots.

author (looks proud): why thank you Lavi.......I am glad that someone appreciates me.

Kanda (growls): just as long as I can physically harm Tyki........I don't care what you do.

Allen: any way on with the story. scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech, [other speech]

nineteen - black tower

The fairy Fo lead Kanda and his group to the hideout of the Millennium group which had captured Allen. Kanda was bound and determined to get Allen back. Kanda hoped and prayed that Allen was all right. His horse was stopped suddenly by General Cross Marian.

"Prince Kanda.............perhaps this is the best time for us to rest up and to allow Lavi Bookman to tell us what he encountered when he fought against the Millennium group to protect the other siren." stated Marian. Kanda knew that Marian spoke the truth. At the moment he had barely held his own against them when they attacked him and his father. All Kanda knew was that one of them was a former mer-hunter Tyki Mikk whom was completely obsessed with Kanda. Kanda just nodded his head as he got off of his horse. The others followed suit as Fo flew over landing onto Kanda's right shoulder sitting down. Everyone was a bit shocked to see the fairy.

"Kanda........who in the world or what in the world is that?" asked Daisya Barry.

[I happen to have a name! I am Fo, a fairy guide sent by the gods to help.] answered Fo.

"They didn't mean to upset you Fo. It is just until recently most of them wouldn't have known that there are more supernatural things out there that we didn't know about." stated Kanda.

[That's understandable.] replied Fo.

"All right Bookman.........tell us what happened." stated Froi Tiedoll.

"I had known for a while know Kanda's secret as I was asked to look after the other siren whom is a merman named Allen. We kept him in a near by out-cove close to the ocean after Kanda had found him injured. Much like Kanda can take on a partial mer-form, Allen can become human as he often feeds on moonlight for his power. Kanda had asked me to watch after Allen while he went to speak with his father to tell him about what he was." stated Lavi as he took a long breath before he continued on. "A couple of hours later two dark skinned males entered the cave. They looked to be twins except one had blond hair while the other had black hair. Their skin is a similar color to Tyki's. They entered the cave claiming that they had come to collect Allen for the Lord Earl. I wouldn't allow them to take Allen, not without a fight. These twins seemed to have a strange power as they used some sort of magical power on me as they blasted me with it. While one of them kept me busy, the other grabbed Allen. Every time I tried to fight them, I was thrown back either by their power or by their fist. They were incredibly powerful and strong. After they got Allen, they vanished in a bright flash of light. I became incredibly concerned that they also came after or was going after Kanda as I headed back to the castle to warn him." replied Lavi.

"So what do we know about this Millennium group?" asked Suman Dark.

"They are after the powers contained within the sirens to further their goals." replied Kanda.

[That's only a fraction of their plan. They believe that the powers contained within the sirens is theirs as they wish to dominate the world. But the sirens are created by the gods as they are to protect the world and the elements as there has never been more than two of them. The two are always born opposite of one another as they each control two different elements. The two are also destined to become mates.] stated Fo.

"Fo.............do we stand a chance in stopping them?" asked Tiedoll.

[Ordinary humans wouldn't stand much of a chance alone with the Millennium group. But that's part of the reason to why I am here. I was to help guide you to their hideout and to also to temporarily give you some power to allow you to help Kanda. It will be mostly up to Kanda and Allen to stop the leader of the Millennium group.] replied Fo. Kanda got up onto his feet as he mounted his horse. Everyone else did the same as Fo lept off of Kanda's shoulder flying on ahead of the group.

"Let's get going!" stated Kanda.

Several hours later...................Kanda and his group arrived at the black tower. Just by looking at the tower, Kanda had a very bad feeling about this place. Somewhere inside of the black tower they had Allen. Kanda was determined to get Allen back and to stop the Millennium group. Before the group entered the tower, Fo used her powers to give Cross Marian, Froi Tiedoll, Lavi Bookman, Daisya Barry, and Suman Dark some power that would allow them to fight against the Millennium group on equal grounds.

NEXT CHAPTER...............many fights

Lavi (angrily): Jesus...............it sounds like I was of no help in protecting Allen.

author: be grateful Lavi that allowed you to walk away bruised and battered as they would of killed you.

Lavi (gulps): yeah...........thanks.

Kanda (grips Mugen): they have Allen as I will stop at nothing to see that I will get my Moyashi back from them.

Allen (angrily): Kanda what did I tell you about the nickname?

Kanda (bashfully): only when where alone and making love.

author: all right.............way too much information. What you two do in your private time, we don't need to know.

Allen and Kanda: ...................................

Lavi: please don't be afraid to leave your comments and reviews!

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