(18) rescue party

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Allen: why was it that I was tortured and raped the last chapter by Tyki?

Kanda: yeah why is that scrletfyre?

author: I told you guys that I was suggested it by a reader, so I used it. So if you want to blame anyone blame them!

Lavi: Allen you weren't the only one whom got beat up on.

author: sorry Lavi but I felt that they had a better chance on overpowering you to get Allen then they did of getting Kanda.

Kanda: well you better correct this right away scrletfyre.

author: don't worry Kanda you will save the day as you will go and rescue Allen.

Kanda: good!

Lavi: I am coming too Yuu!

Allen: scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech, [other speech]

eighteen - rescue party

Kanda awoke suddenly finding himself under water. Pain riddled his body as he knew that Allen needed his help. Kanda slowly rose to the surface as he found himself within the castle's pool. Kanda could see several guards on guard which brought a questioning look to Kanda's face. Mugen sat in its sheath besides the pool as well as a towel. Kanda slowly climbed out of the pool as one of the guards noticed that he was awake.

"Go and tell King Alma that Prince Kanda is awake." stated one of the guards. One of the other guards took off as Kanda dried off restrapping Mugen to his side. The sword pulsed lightly in Kanda's hands.

*How are you feeling Yuu?* asked Mugen.

*Better but why do I have this bad feeling that something happened to Allen?* asked Kanda. Mugen didn't reply as the guard returned with King Alma and a bruised up Lavi. When Kanda saw his friend, he knew then that something has happened to Allen.

"Thank goodness that you are all right Yuu. You had us all worried." stated King Alma.

"How long was I out for?" Was Kanda's first question.

"Two days." replied his father. This didn't seem to shock Kanda.

"I am sorry Yuu...........I couldn't stop them from taking Allen." stated Lavi.

"Don't worry Lavi, I will rescue him from the Millennium group." stated Kanda.

"Not alone your not. You barely managed to drive them off last time. I don't want you to go in alone. Please allow me the chance to put together a rescue party to accompany you." stated King Alma. Kanda wasn't going to argue with his father.

"All right father." stated Kanda as he tried his best to control his emotions. If the Millennium group harmed one hair on Allen's head, he swore that he would make them pay one hundred fold. King Alma left with the guards leaving Kanda with Lavi. "You look like hell Lavi." stated Kanda.

"We can't all heal like you do Kanda. I am a bit surprised that you didn't appear shocked to find guards watching over you while you were submerged in the water." stated Lavi.

"I suppose that I knew that my father told everyone about what I am. There is no longer a need to keep this a secret." replied Kanda as he patted Lavi on the back. Warm healing energy lept from Kanda's fingers into Lavi healing his friends wounds. Both looked surprised at this.

"I didn't know that you could do that." stated Lavi.

"Neither did I." replied Kanda.

*Don't be surprised Yuu, there are a lot of powers you didn't realize that you have that you haven't fully tapped into.* replied Mugen.

*Mugen is there a way for me not to end up sick every time I come into contact with or smell dead mermaids?* asked Kanda mentally.

*Not totally but for the first time you fought against the symptoms when you and your father was in danger. But the strain from fighting against it gets to you after a while.* replied Mugen.

After several hours King Alma had assembled a rescue party to accompany his son to help him rescue the other siren.

"Please make sure that you come back safely. I really want to meet this other siren." stated King Alma.

"I will convey your wishes to Allen. I just hope that we aren't too late." replied Kanda as he was being accompanied by two generals Cross Marian and Froi Tiedoll, three guards Daisya Barry, Suman Dark, and Lavi Bookman. Everyone mounted their horses as Kanda took the lead. *Mugen...............can you guide us to where they are keeping Allen?* asked Kanda.

*I will try. It seems as if they found a way to seal Allen's and Noah's powers.* replied Mugen. A bright light floated before Kanda landing on his horses head.

[Please allow me to guide you Prince Yuu Kanda and Mugen.] stated the light as a small fairy appeared within the light as both of her hands looked like weapons.

*Fo............is that you?* asked Mugen as the fairy nodded her head.

[The gods sent me to help you. We must hurry before it is too late!] stated Fo.

*Then please lead the way!* replied Kanda as the fairy flew off. 'Wait for me Allen, I am on my way!' Kanda thought to himself.

NEXT CHAPTER.....................black tower

Lavi: you didn't explain how I managed to get over powered by the Millennium group.

author: I felt that I would leave that for the next chapter when you guys enter the black tower home of the Millennium group.

Kanda: first mermaids and now fairies! Is there anything else that you are going to through into this?

author: I don't know. I had to figure a way for you to find out where to go and with Allen's powers sealed up you can't get in contact with him.

Allen: I hope that this help gets here soon. I don't want for Tyki to touch me again.

author: sorry Allen, I can't promise that Tyki won't try to kill you.

Allen (cries): no.......please don't scrletfyre.

Kanda (grabs Allen holding onto him): don't worry Allen, I will save you as I will not allow you to die.

Lavi: please leave us your comments and reviews and tell us what you think!

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