(17) Allen's torture

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I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Kasura Hoshino.  This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech

seventeen - Allen's torture

Several hours later, Lavi returned to the castle bruised and beaten badly. The Millennium group had managed to capture and secure Allen. Lavi was no match for the two as he was just an ordinary human. Lavi hoped and prayed that Kanda was safe. When he arrived at the castle, it was on high alert. Lavi collapes a couple of yards short of the castle. Several of the guards spotted him as they ran to his aid.

"Bookman.............what happened?" asked one of the guards.

"Have to warn Prince Kanda...........he was taken. I couldn't protect him." stated Lavi weakly before he lost consciousness.

Allen awoke finding himself in unfamiliar territory. Allen could feel a burning sensation against his skin as his hands were bound to the back of him as a gag was strapped across his mouth. Noah pulsed painfully knowing full well were they were at.

*Damn it................the Millennium group have managed to capture us. This ain't good Allen, they had managed to seal our powers so we won't be able to escape. The only thing I can do is speak with you mentally.* stated Noah. Allen flicked his tail getting to a more comfortable position in order to get a clear view of what was going on. Allen could see a group of dark looking humans standing around the tank that they had put him in.

"Ah.................so you're finally awake. Welcome young siren to our home. You will aid us in getting what we want." stated the Earl. Noah cursed as Allen glared at the Millennium group hating feeling powerless. The Earl turned to his group smiling. "It might take me a while to get him to assume his human form but, in the mean time, he is off limits." stated the Earl. There was one human in the group whom stared angrily at Allen as Allen could feel this intense hatred coming from the man. "Speaking of which where is the other siren?" asked the Earl.

"We couldn't get to him Lord Earl, he was far too powerful for us even with his weakness hampering him." replied Lulu Bell.

"Well at least we have his mate as he will come to us in due time." replied the Earl with a sinister smile stretched across his face which sent chills up and down Allen's spine. A part of him was grateful that Kanda was safe but he was also fearful of what this group was going to do to him.

Several hours later, Tyki stood outside of Allen's tank as the white merman was sleeping as he glared at the merman with hate filled eyes.

"So your the one whom has taken Prince Kanda from me. What is it that he sees within you that attracts him. He was supposed to be mine but instead you came along and tore him away." snarled Tyki as in his hands he held a live electrical wire. Tyki climbed up the stairs to Allen's tank dropping the wire into the water. The live electrical voltage shocked Allen awake as he wanted to scream but couldn't. Thousands of volts of electricity ran through Allen's body as he writhed in pain. The wire was then yanked out of the tank as Tyki looked pleased about what he just did. As Tyki left Allen, he cried to himself wishing that he had the strength and power to escape the Millennium group.

Several hours later, the Millennium group surrounded Allen's tank as in the Earl's hands he held a large sword. Fear stretched across Allen's face not knowing what the group was planning.

"Now.............the ritual can begin." stated the Earl as he pointed the sword at Allen's tank. All of the Millennium group began to chant in a strange language as their voices rose. Allen could feel his body transforming into its human form as he tried to resist the transformation. Without Noah's help, he couldn't fight against it for long as he painfully reverted to his human form. A large net lifted Allen up from the tank and brought him out before the group. Allen gasped suddenly as he was lifted to his feet by a large bulky human. Allen was carried over to a set of hanging chains that fell from the ceiling. Allen's hands was hooked up above his head as his nude body dangled several inches above the floor. "Tyki, I believe that you wanted first crack at the siren." stated the Earl.

"Yes, Lord Earl." replied Tyki bowing his head.

"You have one hour Tyki." stated the Earl. Fear welled in Allen's eyes as Tyki grinned wickedly. All of the other Millennium members left the room leaving Tyki with Allen. Tyki went over grabbing a whip as Allen struggled to get free. Tyki whipped the whip across Allen's back hard as tears formed in Allen's eyes.

"Your not going anywhere, not until I had my way with you." stated Tyki as he whipped Allen again. Allen choked on the gag that kept him from using his voice. Every time Tyki brought the whip down across Allen's back his whole body would tense up as he wanted to scream as tears came pouring down his face. Allen then could feel something warm and hard press through his asshole. Allen's eyes went wide as this person was physically raping him. Allen could feel Noah pulsing angrily as Tyki continued to rate and beat Allen to the point of exhaustion. When Tyki was done he pulled up his pants before he splashed scolding hot water on Allen. The hot water burned his skin as Allen shrieked against the gag. "I won't be truly satisfied until I have killed you. Your scales shall fetch a worthy price as they are unique. I won't allow Kanda to have you not when he has somebody like me." stated Tyki as he ran a sharp knife across Allen's chest. It was the same knife that Tyki used to strip the scales off of the mermaid as Allen could smell the mix of blood, fish, and ocean on the knife. Allen knew that Tyki meant every word. Tyki then left the room as Allen went limp in his chains crying. His whole entire body was sore from the torture that he just went through.

*Help me Yuu............please come and save me.* Allen cried.

NEXT CHAPTER..........................rescue party

Kanda: is Tyki obsessed much?

Allen (crying): why me.........why did he beat me up and physically abuse me?

Kanda (holds Allen in a tight hug): there, there Allen everything will be all right.

author: sorry Allen but Tyki is obsessed with having Yuu as his wife as he will do everything and anything to make sure that nobody stands in his way.

Kanda: but I don't care or even love Tyki.

author: yes, I am aware of that Kanda. But you have to admit that this give a good twist into the story.

Allen: but the cost is my backside and sanity. That's not fair scrletfyre!

author: I never said it was going to be.

Kanda: don't worry Allen, I will be mounting a rescue party to come and save you.

Allen (cheers): yeah!

Lavi: how is it that the two members of the Millennium group managed to overpower me and get Allen?

author: well you will have to stay tuned to the next chapter to find that out.

Kanda: please don't forget to leave your comments and reviews!

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