(16) attack on the sirens

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author: No Allen will not get the monthly bleeds like women do and yes he will lay eggs after being impregnated by Kanda. I haven't worked out all of the details yet on how and when Allen goes through this cycle yet.

Kanda (blushes): it seems that a lot of people want me and Allen to have children.

author: it will happen Kanda but latter on after a few things happen first.

Allen (breaths a sigh of relief): well I am glad that you situated that problem out.

author: there are a few things that I have yet to do to you two that ain't going to be pretty.

Kanda and Allen (in unison rather angrily): ..............damn you!

author: I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino.  This story is completely my own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech

sixteen - attack on the sirens

Kanda awoke to the sounds of waves crashing upon the shore as the birds chirped loudly. The sunlight beat down into his eyes as he moaned out loud slowly sitting up. He slowly stretched out his body letting out a long yawn. That is when he realized where he was and what he was wearing. Kanda began to flip out as he grabbed his clothing getting dressed as he looked over finding Allen back in his mer form sleeping peacefully in the pool of water besides him. Panic began to kick in as he realized fully what he and Allen did.

'Please God don't tell me that I got him pregnant.' Kanda thought to himself. Kanda could hear dark laughter in the back of his mind which cause him to curse out loud.

*No Yuu........he's not. But I am going to suggest that you talk to your father as you can no longer keep this a secret. We feel that soon the Millennium group will make their move and come after either you and/or Allen.* replied Mugen.

"Yeah............I know that I have to talk to my father but, it wasn't funny as I thought that I may have actually gotten Allen pregnant." stated Kanda.

*Nope he is just exhausted that's why he reverted back into his original form.* replied Mugen. Kanda rose to his feet once he was fully dressed as he restrapped Mugen to his side. Kanda didn't feel right about leaving Allen alone especially after what Mugen had told him. But Kanda couldn't wait for Allen to wake up or for Lavi to come to the cave. As Kanda proceeded to leave, he litterally ran into Lavi. Lavi looked a bit relieved to see Kanda.

"Please tell me that he is in there." stated Lavi as Kanda nodded his head. "Thank goodness. I am sorry Yuu..........I didn't think that he would take off without saying a word." replied Lavi.

"Well last night was a full moon as I could hear Allen singing. So I came down to keep him company." stated Kanda as he kept what he did with Allen a secret because he felt that Lavi didn't need to know that. "Well at least your here now. I need for you to keep an eye on Allen. I need to go and speak with my father and tell him about what I am. Both Noah and Mugen feel that the Millennium group will be coming after us." stated Kanda.

"All right Yuu. Good luck with your father." stated Lavi as Kanda took off for the castle.

Kanda found his father in his private study going over some documents.

"Dad..........do you have a minute?" asked Kanda. King Alma looked up at his son as he could almost tell that Kanda was troubled by something.

"For you my son, I always have a minute. Please tell me what is wrong."

"So you could tell."

"Of course, I am your father. I could always tell when something was troubling you. So what's on your mind?"

"Well it will possibly be easier for me to show you then trying to explain it." replied Kanda as he unsheathed Mugen. Kanda concentrated feeling Mugen pulse in his hands as he felt his powers flowing through out his being as Mugen began to glow transforming into its true form. Parts of Kanda's siren nature became more apparent than before. King Alma didn't seemed shocked by what he was seeing.

"So.........you have finally awaken and you now fully know what you are." replied Alma as Mugen reverted back to its normal form.

"You mean to tell me that you have known all of this time and never said anything!" snapped Kanda.

"It wasn't my place to say anything Yuu. I didn't think that you would awaken as a siren. So who is.............?" asked Alma as Kanda turned a bright shade of red.

".............Dad.............! I can't believe your asking about that! When did you first know or learn what I am?" asked Kanda trying to change the subject.

"Well the first sign was right after you were born when the sword that you always carry with you magically appeared right besides you. The second sign appeared when you were much younger when you first became sick because of the mer-flesh and scales. That is when your other half took control over your body to tell me what you were. But before he did that, it seemed that some how I knew how to help you when you became sick." replied Alma.

"Oh.............sorry dad it was just this is a lot for me to fully understand and all. I just didn't realize that all this time you knew. But if you did why did you try to get me to marry?" asked Kanda.

"To be honest with you it is because he told me that there weren't very many other sirens out there. I also didn't think that you would truly awaken as a siren." replied Alma. Kanda never said anything more as he began to feel sick as he suddenly collapsed onto his knees gasping for air. "Yuu...........are you all right?" asked his father. The door to Alma's personal study was kicked in as both Lulu Bell and Tyki Mikk entered the room. "What's the meaning of this? What do you think you are doing Tyki?" asked Alma as he armed himself with one of his swords.

"We have come for Prince Kanda. The Earl wants him in order to get the power that the sirens have." replied Tyki.

"You will not take my son!" shouted out Alma angrily.

"Its not like you have a choice old man." replied Lulu Bell. Both Lulu Bell and Tyki moved to attack Alma and to secure Kanda. Kanda managed to pull Mugen out of its sheath.

'I can't let them get me or to hurt my father.' Kanda thought to himself as he used his powers to cause an earthquake. The attacking Millennium members realized what was going on as Kanda wearily got up to his feet. "I won't let you do this. As long as I live and breathe, I won't allow you guys to have your way." gasped Kanda. He focused his energy into Mugen unleashing it into its true form. Kanda knew that this was going to tire him out as he could all ready feel the strain on his powers because of the smell of dead mer-flesh and scales. But he couldn't let the smell of dead mermaids get to him. Kanda could feel Mugen pulse loudly in his hands as the sword's power coursed through his body.

*Yuu............I am giving you every bit of power that I have. You better not get caught by the Millennium group.* stated Mugen.

*I don't plan on it besides I owe Tyki a little pay back from last time.* replied Kanda as he unleashed Mugen's power. Both Lulu Bell and Tyki looked surprised to see Kanda fighting back. "I won't allow you to do this as I will use every bit of my power to protect myself and the ones that I care about." stated Kanda as the castle shook wildly. Fire encased around Mugen and Kanda showing that they meant business.

"Tyki let's go, we won't be able to get him this way, he is far too powerful." stated Lulu Bell.

"This isn't over by a long shot my prince." stated Tyki as he blew a kiss at Kanda. Kanda unleashed the fire as the blast headed straight for Tyki giving him second degree burns on his back and part of his arm before he and Lulu Bell managed to flee from the castle. Once they were gone, Kanda collapsed onto the ground as Mugen transformed back into its normal shape. Kanda was out cold as King Alma tended to his son.

NEXT CHAPTER.................Allen's torture

Allen (in shock): .......what!!? Who is torturing me? Is it Kanda?

author (snickers): you wish Allen!

Kanda (angrily draws out Mugen. shouting): ...........scrletfyre!

author (curses): oh no.........now wait a minute Kanda before you get all violent and stuff, its part of the plot as Mugen and Noah did warn you about the Millennium group.

Kanda: I still don't like the idea of any one harming Allen in any way shape or form.

Allen: I am against it as well.

author: well sorry guys but you have no say in this as I am going to do it. It is all part of the bigger picture.

Allen (pouting): I still don't like this.

Kanda: whomever it is Allen, I will make sure that I will hurt them badly for hurting and torturing you.

Allen (hugs Kanda as he turns beat red): thank you Yuu........

author: get a room you two! (turns to audience) Please leave your comments and reviews as I always look forward to hearing what you guys think!

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