(28) sacrifice

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Kanda:  I can't believe that you are going to sacrifice somebody.

Allen:  I wonder who it is?

author:  you will both find out by the end of this chapter.  I think I might have surprised everyone with whom I went with.

Allen:  how close to the end are we know screltfyre?

author:  I think I have at least two more chapters.  So I want to thank everyone for their ideas, reviews, and comments.  I appreciate them as I can't believe how well this story did.

Kanda:   scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino. This story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech, [other speech], CAPS LOCK - ATTACKS

twenty eight - sacrifice

The Earl screamed out in pain as both Kanda and Allen attacked together using their full elemental power and their fully released weapons.  Both Allen and Kanda knew if given a chance, the Earl would retaliate.  Both Allen and Kanda knew that they couldn't allow the Earl to gain their powers.  The Earl pushed back using all of his strength and power as he swung his sword around giving him space between him and the two sirens.

"I have to admit that your both pretty strong and very powerful.  But one way or another, I will have your power." snapped the Earl.  Power coursed through the Earl as he released a powerful magic blast at both Kanda and Allen.  Allen's elemental cloak moved protecting them from the blast.  Both Noah and Mugen cursed mentally as they recognized the attack.

*Damn it..............some how he has acquired belonging to our previous brothers.* snapped Mugen.

*I don't know if I can keep protecting us from those attacks since they are too similar to our own powers.  Even in a full released form, Allen and I haven't feed on moonlight for energy.* stated Noah.  The Earl's large sword separated into two swords as he swung colliding with Noah and Mugen.  The swords collided in a shower of sparks as the sound of metal rang out.  Allen and Kanda used every bit of Noah's and Mugen's power to protect themselves and to fight the Earl.  The Earl in turned did the same as he kept blasting both sirens with the power that he had obtained in the past.  Noah using its cloak form tried its best to protect Allen and Kanda as it screamed out in pain.  Both Allen and Noah were visibly weakened as they couldn't keep up with the fight.  Noah's form began to flux as it was failing.

*Noah, retreat and get you and Allen out of here.  You both can't handle any more of these attacks.* Mugen yelled out.  Suddenly a bright white light filled the area as Allen collapsed onto the floor transforming back into mer form whole Noah returned back into its original form.

"Now I have you!" shouted out the Earl as he charged at a weakened Allen.

"..........No!.............." shouted out Kanda as he ran with Mugen getting in front of Allen.  The Earl's swords stabbed Kanda in the gut as he dropped Mugen.  "I won't allow you to hurt Allen.  I will also make sure that you can no longer attack any siren ever again.  Even if it means that I have to sacrifice myself to do it!" snarled Kanda as he began to pull Mugen's power into himself.

Don't do it Yuu! shouted out Allen.

*Yuu........are you certain that you want to do this?* asked Mugen.

*Yes I am.  Even if I die, it will allow Allen to live and raise the young.  Its the only way to kill the Earl.* replied Kanda.

*If you are certain then I will not stop you.  It was a privilege and an honor to work with you Yuu Kanda.* stated Mugen giving Kanda every bit of its power.

*Thanks Mugen!* replied Kanda as he grabbed a hold of the Earl so he couldn't escape.  "This is the end Earl.  EARTH FIRE INFERNO DESTRUCTION!  CREATURES OF DARKNESS COME FORTH!" yelled out Kanda as the powers of earth and fire erupted around both Kanda and the Earl while spirit like creatures of darkness came out from Mugen's blade ripping through the Earl.

..........No..........Yuu.............! shouted out Allen in his true voice unable to move.  Tears streaked down Allen's and Kanda's face.  The blast of earth and fire engulfed Kanda and the Earl as the Earl screamed out in pain while the creatures ripped through him.

"No........not when I was so close!" the Earl yelled out as his body was destroyed in the blast.  Kanda's body collapsed besides Mugen as it was barely recognizable anymore.

............Yuu............! screamed out Allen as tears flooded his face.  Kanda had sacrificed himself allowing the merman to live.  Finally it was all over as the Earl had been destroyed once and for all!

NEXT CHAPTER.................Kanda's rebirth

Allen & Kanda: ......................

Lavi:  wow......I would have never thought you would choose Yuu.

Kanda (snarls gripping Mugen):  .......scrletfyre!

Allen (cries):  .........why?

author:  its not truly the end of him.  This was a part of the process that I decided to do as Yuu will be reborn.

Kanda (snarls):  at least the Earl has been destroyed once and for all.

author (turns to Kanda):  I figured that we were close to an end with this story so I had you use your full power to kill him.  (turns to Allen)  I thought that in the next chapter you will end up using your full power to bring him back.

Lavi:  I wonder what Yuu will be reborn as.

author:  isn't it obvious Lavi?  Well at least to me it is.

Kanda:  so stay tuned to see what happens next time.

Allen:  in the meantime leave us your comments and reviews!

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