(29) Kanda's rebirth

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Kanda (snarls): I still can't believe that you killed me!

Allen (sobs): .......why?

author: it was a necessary progress to the story. After this chapter one more remains.

Kanda: but I am coming back right?

author: yes Yuu you are. I told you last time that this time Allen will be the one to bring you back.

Allen: it makes sense seeing how you saved me from death twice.

author (throws hands up): yes!

Lavi: scrletfyre claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured from the D Gray-Man series as this story is completely her own idea.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah/Mugen talking, italic - mermaid speech, [other speech], CAPS LOCK - ATTACKS

twenty nine - Kanda's rebirth

Allen's tears never stopped falling as both Mugen and Kanda laid lifeless. Allen screamed out Kanda's name to no avail. Suddenly both Lavi and King Alma entered the area finding Allen back in his true form crying jewel tears.

"Allen.........what happened? Where's Prince Kanda and that chubby man?" asked Lavi as he ran to the merman's side. Allen opened his mouth to speak but then quickly shut it. With him and Noah visibly weakened he could only speak in his true voice. Allen pointed at Kanda's corpse as he made a quick slash motion across his throat. Both Lavi and Alma looked surprised.

"Please don't tell me that my son is............" stated Alma as tears formed in his eyes. All Allen could do was to nodd his head yes. Both men began to cry as Alma rushed over to the corpse. ".........No.........not my son......please god anybody............but him!" Alma cried out. Lavi walked over picking up Mugen before he walked over handing the sword to Allen.

"I know that he would want you to have this. In a way I guess I understand why he did it. He didn't want anything to happen to you Allen." stated Lavi as Allen rubbed his slightly round belly. His and Kanda's young were still growing within his body. Allen took Mugen in his hand nodding his head sadly.

*Allen.............Allen.............there is still hope.* replied a voice. Allen instantly recognized the voice of Mugen as it sounded distant and weak. Allen didn't understand what the sword meant by this.

{Allen............can you hear us............Allen?} asked a deep voice which he recognized.

{Lord Neptune..........thank the gods that you're all right.} Allen replied.

{Sorry that we worried you Allen. But it seems that the Earl had found a way to seal the powers of us gods as we couldn't help you but, we have witnessed everything that you have been through.} replied another voice.

{Lord Poseidon!}

{Only through the Earl's death could we be released from the seal. We have all ready disciplined those who had hurt you. Because of your love for the human siren as the humans have welcomed you with open arms, we will allow the humans to understand and tolerate your true voice. No longer will it harm humans.} stated Neptune.

{Allen listen carefully. There is a small but slim chance that you can save your mate's life. The human can be reborn.} stated Poseidon.

{So that is what Mugen meant. But what can I do?} asked Allen.

{The same thing that he has done for you, use his voice to save you twice. You must use your voice to save him. Then and only then can we the gods use our powers to have you both be reborn.} answered Neptune.

{But reborn as what?} asked Allen.

{Both you and the human will still be sirens but you will be also half human/half merman. All your newborns will be the same way. You shall be the sirens for both worlds.} replied Poseidon.

{Thank you Lord Neptune and Lord Poseidon.} stated Allen. Allen gasped suddenly when he felt Lavi pick him up. Wait..........Lavi. he stated softly in his true voice. Lavi looked at the merman in shock.

"Allen your voice." stated Lavi as he turned to King Alma.

Its all right Lavi, the gods are allowing me to speak using my true voice as it won't harm humans anymore. There is a chance that I can bring Yuu back. stated Allen.

"You can.............how?" asked Alma.

The same way that Yuu saved mine twice, by using our voice through a song. Then the gods can act allowing us to be reborn. We will both be sirens but we will be half human and half merman. The young that I carry will be the same way. replied Allen. Both Lavi and King Alma blushed when they heard that Allen was pregnant. But right now I am still far to weak to call upon my powers. I will have to wait to feed upon moonlight for energy before I attempt to bring Yuu back. stated Allen.

"Well then I guess that I will bring you back to the pool. Tomorrow night is a full moon Allen." stated Lavi.

"I will have Yuu's body moved to the pool until you can perform the ritual. Please Moonlight Siren, bring my son back." stated Alma.

I will try! replied Allen.

On the night of the full moon. Allen was moved outside. He wanted to feed a bit before he attempted to bring Kanda back. Kanda's body was moved out right besides him as Allen placed Mugen on top of him. Allen silently prayed that this would work. Allen figured that the best time to try to bring Kanda back. Once Allen began to hear Noah pulse he began to sing (sings song "Fate" by Bleak and Ana Johnsonn from the album "Burns Inside." I claim no rights to this song.  Please play song). You change the sound of my name. A moment of truth that I saw in your face. It hurts insde, I'm one with this fire that you brought to life. All the roads lead back to you. Allen sang as Noah and Mugen began to pulse as the two began to glow lightly. (Chorus) Give me something to return to in your heart. I fear nothing but to leave here without you for life. We were left in this world for each other. But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long. Allen sang as the moonlight drenched both his and Kanda's body. Slowly Kanda's body began to heal. You made me who I am. Until the dawn of time I have walked alone. You tied up a storm when all hope was lost. But time revolves I have to let go what never ment to be. Allen sang out as both Mugen and Noah suddenly transformed into their full and true forms. Allen grasped Noah in his hand as he could feel power flowing into his body but he had to keep on singing. (Chorus) Give me something to return to in your heart. I fear nothing but to leave here without you for life. We were left in this world for each other. But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long. Allen could feel the gods powers flowing into his being as he could feel his body transforming as he still remained in mer form. Give me something to return to in your heart. I fear nothing but to leave here without you for life. Allen sang out fighting against the waves of pain. Kanda's body had completely healed as he and Mugen glowed brightly as his body began to change as Mugen became one with him. (Chorus) Give me something to return to in your heart. I fear nothing but to leave here without you for life. We were left in this world for each other. But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long. Allen sang as Kanda's legs transformed into a mer tail as they changed to a deep indigo color that looked somewhat black and blue at the same time. Mugen took on a new shape matching Noah when in its slumber form (Allen's black left arm) as the weapon was now a part of Kanda's right arm as his original siren mark merged becoming one with the arm. We were left in this world for each other. But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long....... Allen finished singing as both his and Kanda's body stop glowing once the transformation to Kanda had completed itself. Allen gasped suddenly as he reached out for Kanda calling out his name before the blackness took him.

NEXT AND FINAL CHAPTER..........new life

Allen: wow........I can't believe that I did that.

Kanda (hugging Allen): thank you Moyashi.

author (coughs): whom should you be thanking.

Kanda (bashfully): I guess I should thank you too scrletfyre.

author: now was that so hard.

Allen: I can't believe that we reached the end.

author: it was a long hard process but I rather had fun working on this story.

Kanda: nevertheless all good things come to an end.

Lavi: so don't forget to leave us your comments and reviews.

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