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     Yoongi sighed and looked away, his moment with Y/n interrupted. "I'm coming," he yelled as he got up to leave, but not before turning to Y/n and pleading to her, "Please don't do stupid things," his voice cracking with emotion.

     Y/n watched him leave and then slumped back down onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't shake the desire to see her family, and she began to think about running away. Even though Yoongi and her had this conversation.

     Determined, she got up and walked to the window, realizing she was only one store high. She quickly knotted some sheets together and hung them over the balcony, using them to climb down and escape.

     As she left Yoongi's property, he felt the presence of the moonstone growing stronger and knew something was wrong. He ran towards Y/n's room, only to find it empty. Panic set in as he realized she had run away, and he knew he had to find her before it was too late.

     "Find her!" he yelled, growling with intensity. Every werewolf in the vicinity was on high alert, actively searching for her. Even Yoongi, in his wolf form, had joined the hunt, tracking her scent from afar.

     Meanwhile, Jungkook was in a dark alleyway, feeding on a pleasure girl. He was so into her taste that he barely sensed the stone hurtling towards him. He stopped abruptly and realized that the stone's energy was growing stronger by the second. With a wicked grin, he dropped the girl to the ground and wiped his bloody mouth with his sleeve.

     "Finally," he muttered, walking towards the source of the energy. Suddenly, a girl bumped into him, causing her to fall to the ground. Jungkook immediately sensed the stone's presence within her and knew he had to act fast.

     "Are you okay?" he asked, extending a hand to help her up. Y/n took his hand and looked up, recognizing him instantly. "You!" she exclaimed, attempting to pull away, but Jungkook held her firmly in place. His brown eyes transformed into dark red ones, and Y/n lost all control of her body. Jungkook lifted her up and took her to his hideout.

     Meanwhile, Yoongi halted at the spot where Jungkook had met Y/n, sensing their scents mingling together. He knew that Jungkook had taken her and started howling, alerting his pack that a vampire had taken her.

     Back at Jungkook's hideout, Taehyung was sitting by the fireplace, sipping on a glass of blood. He looked up as Jungkook walked in with Y/n in his arms.

     "Did you get the stone?" Taehyung asked, rising from his seat. "Yep, here it is," Jungkook replied, dropping Y/n onto the couch. Y/n was still hypnotized and unresponsive. "Now, the question is, how do we get it out of her?" Jungkook pondered, crossing his arms and tapping his foot.

     "Maybe we should just kill her?" Taehyung suggested, revealing his fangs. "No, we can't risk the stone disappearing again," Jungkook replied, stopping him. "Maybe we should just weaken her a bit. If her body is weaker, maybe the stone will come out on its own."

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