17. A grand idea

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As Yeosang awoke in Seonghwa's arms, he had an idea.

But he stayed still, patient, letting the older sleep.

Today was Saturday, so while Yeosang was slightly perturbed at being awake before ten, he was mostly thankful that Seonghwa had made him go to bed so early last night. The older was especially adamant after hearing how he stayed up the entire night prior at Yunho's.

They had talked for hours after dinner, starting with the hardest topic: the club. It began with much fidgeting on Yeosang's part, but after feeling how calm and undisturbed Seonghwa was, the younger was able to calm.

He made no excuses, but they only attempted to find explanations. Alas, one was not determinedly settled upon.

As Yeosang grew more awake in the older's arms, thoughts began to flow freely. Not all of them nice.

Yeosang, can't you just figure out why? Is that one question too much to ask of your-- Wait, he thought. I promised Seonghwa.

Still he let his mind run, but paid the thoughts little heed, instead, trying to refine his plan. I'll have to talk with Uncle first. . .

And Seonghwa began to stir. "Good morning, Shin-bi."

Yeosang's heart jumped and a circus began in his stumach anew. "I literally just woke up, you can't call me that."

"Hmm," Seonghwa spoke deeply, "but you're still so beautiful."

Yeosang buried his face into the other's chest, giddy, as Seonghwa laughed, petting the blond hair. He was so happy to wake up like this, with his Soul wrapped in his arms. He suddenly hugged the boy tighter and Yeosang yelped at the strength. "Hyung, I can't breath."

So Seonghwa reluctantly released him. "Do you want to get up?"

Yeosang was so content against the warmth of Seonghwa's chest, so comforted by the strength of the other's mind, the strength of his emotions that was on full display nine hours ago, that Yeosang just wanted to say no.

So he did.

And to the great jubilation of his heart, Seonghwa laughed, the older's heart just as content as Yeosang's. The blond snuggled in closer and began to play with the fabric of his Soul's shirt. "I have an idea," he said.

"Hmm? What's that?" Seonghwa looked down into his eyes. He brushed the hair off of Yeosang's mark.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone this and I mean it," he warned. And Seonghwa promised.

So Yeosang began the story he'd been told. . . A condensed version, to be sure, they didn't have all day, but still it was two hours later when he recited the last line. And Seonghwa was in tears.

"It was Uncle Jongho's birthday on Thursday." Yeosang reached both hands up to stroke Seonghwa's head, comforting him. And as Seonghwa relaxed into his touch, Yeosang became big spoon.

"Is this where your idea comes in?" Little spoon asked, and he could feel Yeosang nod before speaking.

"Yes, I want to throw a birthday party for him, mostly for Yunho, I guess, so he's not alone anymore. . ."

Seonghwa thought. "You'll have to ask him first. This isn't the kind to do as a surprise."

And Yeosang smiled, yes. "I'm one step ahead of you; I already have a text drafted." Reaching for his phone, Yeosang pressed send.

"We should probably get up now." Seonghwa mumbled.

"Probably." But neither moved. That was until they heard whispering and his appa's muffled yelp outside the door.

The two Souls looked at each other. "I told you they'd be ecstatic." Yeosang rolled his eyes and Seonghwa chuckled before calling out, "Come in!"

And the clatter outside their door froze.

As the door was slowly opened, Eomma's head popped round. "Good morning," she spoke with an embarrassed hint. "This was supposed to be a surprise. . ."

Opening the door farther, Mingi appeared with a large tray. Byul bent down to grab something off the floor behind him, and resurfaced with the vase of flowers.

"Thank you." Both boys wanted to cry, but instead they just laughed as Appa set the tray on their laps. "Eomma and I made breakfast. . . enjoy!"

Both parents then left the room, giggling to themselves. And that made Yeosang flush. Once Seonghwa noticed he cooed, until the younger swatted his hand away.

"We should probably brush our teeth first."

"Probably." But again it took a long time for either to move.

After they'd finished eating, Yeosang's phone beeped and glancing at the notification, he squealed. "It's Yunho! He wants to call."

So as the line rang, Yeosang walked to privacy leaving Seonghwa alone in his bedroom.

The older bravely left the covers and made his way around Yeosang's oh-so-familiar room. His finger tips danced in the dust along the younger's shelves, they glided over the plushies Seonghwa had gotten him over the months.

He knelt down to pick dirty laundry off the floor and tossed it into a basket. Usually, he'd sigh looking at the mess, but not today. He made the younger's bed, arranging the plushies, and smiled

After dressing in the larger of Yeosang's clothes, he let his gaze drift through the room another time. Seonghwa was broken by his thoughts from a startling hug from behind, but he relaxed immediately hearing Yeosang's soft giggles.

"And?" The older asked.

"It took some convincing but he said yes." And the blond was beaming. "It's on for this Sunday, tomorrow. . . and he's bringing a special guest. I'm gonna call Woo and San."

But Seonghwa turned to grab his wrist before he could dial. With a raised brow he asked, "Have you told your parents yet?"

And Yeosang's eyes went wide. Oh. "No," he laughed. "Guess I should do that first."

Yeah, the older nodded.


Wooyoung offered to help cook and San declared he just needed to decorate the cake, so that evening the two met Yeosang and his Soul at the grocer.

Once Yeosang caught sight of the two lovebirds approaching, he took a deep breath and, once they arrived, he bowed.

Wooyoung and San froze, then looked at each other.

"Wooyoung," Yeosang began, face to the floor. "Please forgive my ignoring you, especially when you were trying to help. I'm so sorry I haven't talked to you in almost a week and I'll try never to do that again."

San nudged his Soul, jerking his eyes toward Yeosang as if to say go to him. And Wooyoung was honestly just shocked so he needed this reminder.

Rushing to Yeosang, Wooyoung pulled the boy up into a hug. "Stop being so formal." He laughed the kind one laughs with tears. "It's okay, Hyung, I forgive you. . . Oh my-- nOO, Sang-ah, don't cry. Please don't or I'll cry too."

"Sorry," Yeosang mumbled into the younger's chest, not letting go.

Seonghwa noticed one of the young employees looking on with an awwww face and he smiled.

Seonghwa then looked across to San and, making eye contact, the older nodded. San smiled back in understanding and the two olders walked up to hug the youngers.

San and Seonghwa wrapped arms around their Souls, encasing the the two into a group hug.

"I love you all so much," San said.

"I love you guys, too," Seonghwa and Wooyoung mumbled.

Yeosang thought his heart had leapt this morning in Seonghwa's arms. . . But then was nothing compared to his heart right now. "Thank you all so much." The blond spoke. "I love you."

And San laughed softly before parting and patted Wooyoung's sides. "Come on~," he said, "let's go find some food~"


A/N: 1-11-22 🥺🥺🥺

woosanghwa ⬇️

1-14-22 did we finally just get like the first photo in three years of Yeo's birthmark at the airport yesterday‽‽ ⬇️

1270 words

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