18. Birthday dinner

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Wooyoung and San, after having spent the night, were fighting over counter space in the kitchen.

The younger was trying desperately to push his beef laden cutting board into San's claimed, floured area.

Why San had coated the counter in flour to make a cake, Seonghwa did not know.

The oldest was currently frozen, on a stool, streamers and tape in hand, watching the disaster-waiting-to-happen in the kitchen.

But when Wooyoung decided to point his bloody knife at San, Seonghwa had enough.

"YA!" He scolded, stepping down. "Jung Wooyoung, that is- -NO!"

Wooyoung smirked as San backed away. Seonghwa came closer. "Young-ah," his Soul called sweetly, "put down the knife."

But the younger just started to laugh, walking toward his Soul. That was until he saw Seonghwa's parental glare. He practically choked, dropping his hand, "Sorry," and went back to peacefully cutting the beef.

Seonghwa turned to his left. "San?" And the younger looked at him. "What's with the flour?"

"That's not flour," San chuckled sheepishly. "It's powdered sugar. I'm making fondant, to write Jongho-ssi's name."

And Seonghwa relaxed immediately at San's kindness. Smiling he pulled the younger into a hug, "Yeosang will be so happy."

"And Yunho! He'll be happy!" Called said boy as he entered the kitchen. "Seonghwa," Yeosang continued. "I thought you were doing streamers?"

And Wooyoung bit his lip, trying not, but failing, to smirk.

Seonghwa merely smiled sweetly. "Yes, Shin-bi," Wooyoung and San smirked at the name. "I am. I was only sidetracked by Wooyoung trying to murder his other half."

Yeosang looked nervously over to his best friend, but got no explanation. The oldest floated back over to atop his still and began retaping the colored ribbons.

"OKAY!" Yeosang clapped his hands, grabbing everyone's attention. "We have two hours until their arrival, people! Reports please."

San rolled his accomplishments off first. "Cake is in the oven, three layers. Byul-ssi is coming down in a minute to make frosting. I'm almost done with fondant."

The blond looked on proudly as San went back to his sugary tasks, and Wooyoung spoke up next.

"Miyeokguk is underway." He tossed the beef and fresh seaweed into a skillet and began to stir. "I'll start the plain rice momentarily, but we're also doing kimchi fried rice in honor of Jongho-ssi's mama. Lastly is tofu skewers. Seonghwa Hyung made the Japchae earlier and it's chilling in the fridge." The chef looked up, as if daring Yeosang to to critique him. But the older nodded, pleased.

Seonghwa's turn. "The streamers are almost up and I'll set the table next. As Wooyoung said, Japchae is chilling. Your abeoji outside cutting flowers for the table and to weave."

Yeosang left as Eomma came in to help San and went to his own task: a card. He had bought one last night, Happy Birthday. But what to write. . .?

But ink to paper, thinking, he began to glide.

After one half was done, he moved to the other side of the card to write a note to his living uncle and special guest.

Yeosang smiled, inspecting it once more. Folding the paper, slipping it into an envelope, he brought it out to the beautifully decorated dining room table. One could tell it had been Seonghwa in charge there.

After the other five signed the card, there it lay on Yunho's golden plate, waiting for him.

In the last leg of their preparations, Yunho knocked at the door, right on time.

"Okay everyone! That's it - places!" The mastermind yelled in his deep voice. "San, light the candles, please."

And as the flames began to twinkle, Yunho stepped inside supporting Hye-jin on his arm.

Mingi, smiling wide and wearing a flower crown of his own, placed wreaths of marigolds on Yunho's and Hye-jin's heads before stepping back.

"It's lovely to meet you all," Hye-jin spoke in an elderly voice of grace. Yeosang bowed deeply in greeting, followed by the other three boys, and she bowed lightly back, smiling.

"Thank you for coming, Choi-ssi. I'm Yeosang." The others quickly introduced themselves.

Yunho began to take in the scene before him, his Soul's birthday, after so many years, his eyes immediately watered and he brought hand to his agape mouth. Mingi, upon seeing this, rushed back over.

"Oh Yun-ah," he consoled, rubbing the taller's back. "Is it too much? Do you want to go back out for a minute?"

Yeosang looked over to Seonghwa, worried. But the older simply smiled at his Soul in comfort; wait, he seemed to say.

And then Yunho shook his head, eyes sparkling with the fairy lights Seonghwa hung. "No, Min-ah, but thank you. It's just so beautiful."

And when his gaze fell upon his nephew, Yeosang rushed over, being pulled into a hug.

With tears brimming his eyes, Wooyoung walked over, joining the embracing. San came next as he was waved in by his Soul; then Seonghwa. Finally, Mingi and Byul joined hands to wrap around the other six.

"Thank you," Yunho mumbled. And they parted.

"Yeosang," the youngest warned playfully, easing the earnest moment, "my miyeokguk is getting cold."

Yunho's heart warmed even more, if that were possible, at the realization that Wooyoung had made celebratory soup.

As the younger brought out a steaming pot, Seonghwa and San placed the other dishes on the table. (Yunho laughed upon seeing the kimchi.)

"Did Yeosang tell you Jongho's mama taught me how to make this dish?" Yunho asked, and Wooyoung nodded happily.

Hye-jin smiled softly, far away, thinking of all those years ago with both her loves. . . but she was soon brought back by the sound of scraping chairs.

After they were seated, Yunho finally reached for the envelope he'd been eying and, after confirming the action with Yeosang, he opened the card.

Uncle Jongho,

Happy belated birthday!

I've never met you, but you've changed my life. I haven't any idea what would've happened between me and my Soul if not for you and Yunho.

I'm so sorry I didn't get to meet you, though. I'm sorry your mind fought your heart, and that you couldn't know how to stop it, but I love you, Uncle, and will meet you eventually.

We're all celebrating your birthday now! I hope Yunho will be able to tell us more about you.

-Love, Kang-Moon Yeosang🌹

Yunho's watering eyes drifted to the other half;


Thank you very much for accepting our invitation! After hearing about your son and Yunho's story, I am very happy for the chance to celebrate it. I'm sorry for your loss, Choi-ssi, but please know he will now live on in many hearts. I, and all my friends, are excited to meet you!

-Kang-Moon Yeosang🌻

Yunho handed the card to Eomeoni. She read it all, smiling, with the same tender reaction, before passing it back so Yunho could read the final note.

Uncle Yunho,

I hope you have fun at this party!! Woosan and Hyung are putting a lot of work into the food... I'm glad you said yes, even though it may be uncomfortable or hard at first. Please share more about Jongho with us, if you can. I think a lot of people would learn from your stories. I love you!

-Yeosang ❤️

After folding the card back up, he tightly hugged the boy next to him. "Thank you," he whispered for only Yeosang to hear.

Wooyoung dished out the miyeokguk (Jongho wasn't here for him to forget) to many hungry bowls and Seonghwa served the other dishes. Rice was passed around the table before Seonghwa proposed a toast; "To Jongho-ssi, happy birthday!"

After a shout of geonbae!, Yunho had a thought of his own. "You all don't have to call him Jongho-ssi, he was never that formal. Just call him Uncle, if you want, like Yeosang does."

The others nodded in agreement.

"You know, Yunho," Mingi started in the midst of bites. "Yeo has told the boys some about Jongho, but would you like to share some more?"

Like appa like son, both were hungry for the stories.

Wooyoung and his Soul nodded in sync while Seonghwa gave a warm, listening smile.

Mingi put down his spoon and adjusted the flowers resting on his head. "Only if you want to, that is."

And oh how Yunho did.

"One time," Yunho began, all eyes on him. "Jongho and I, when we were young, like thirteen - he wanted to go out in the lake. . .But we didn't have a boat."

Wooyoung laughed quietly; he could tell this was going to be fun.

"It was summer vacation; the sun was high and warm, making the water sparkle." Yunho smiled as he set the scene, thinking of that disasterous day. "Jongho had somehow convinced me that we could build one with plywood and plastic blow ups. Eomeoni was all for it. Mama was at work but- -"

Hye-jin cut in, eyes glowing, "I remember that day! Yes. Whee-ah was at a conference, rest her soul, and Jongho-ah had been bored out of his mind. So when Yun-ah came over I brought out the old bike pump." She laughed and looked back to her boy. "Okay, Yun-ah, please continue."

And he did. "So Eomma started blowing up all these floaties, and then Jongho duct tapped them to plywood. . . and she waved us off to the lake. Jongho got on the raft first, to test his invention, and once it was deemed safe I also climbed on.

We started drifting toward the center of the water. . . and everything was fine until Jongho decided to start jumping. He wanted to test its durability; why in the middle of the lake I have no idea.

On the second jump, a splinter from the board pierced the blow up, and we capsized! We lost the board that day, it was a nice board, but I'd been teaching Jongho to swim so we got back fine, albeit soaking wet."

"When Mama got home," Hye-jin spoke up again, laughing, "she was so upset with me for letting you go out like that, but I told it it was educational."

After more stories, and more second servings, the table was cleared and San snuck away to light the cake's multicolored candles.

"Saeng-il chukahamnida," he began to sing and the others joined in. "Saeng-il chukahamnida, saranghaneun Jongho-ssi, Saeng-il chukahamnida!"

The cake was placed between Yunho and Hye-jin. . . they blew out the candles together as the table erupted in a cheer.

"Ohhh I like the fondant lettering." Yunho smiled and San beamed at the compliment.

"Thank you," he said. "Seonghwa Hyung was suspicious of it."

Seonghwa side eyed him. "San, you covered the counter in- - never mind." He shook his head fondly.

The beautiful cake was served, and after the sun completely fell behind the horizon, Yunho and Hye-jin were loaded up with leftovers to bring home.

Yeosang bowed deeply once more to Hye-jin. "Thank you, again, for coming. I hope you enjoyed it!" But the woman pulled him into a hug. "Yes, my dear, it was beautiful," she said, "so beautiful."

By the time goodbye's ended, everyone had embraced each other. "Good bye, Yeosang-ah, you did very well." his uncle said softly.

And Yeosang whispered softly back, "Thank you; bye."

As Yunho waved to the assembly a last time, all twelve hands shot up to send back hearts and waves.

"Safe travels!" Mingi called outside after them. "Eat well, stay warm!"

And Yeosang shut the door again.


A/N: 1-11-22 I haven't even started this chap yet but already feels like the hardest to write bc of all the characters 😭

11-16-22 just realized that Jongho didn't get to blow out his candles again 👀 finally this chap is done!! and the flow isn't horrible even tho it took days. last chap of before the epilogue ❤️

1960 words

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