💀🤍 Bella "Bea" Angst HCs 🤍💀

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(Warning: Mentions of cults and many more dark stuff in this page. Reader descreation is advised.)

-Bella's father was part of an extremist cult which left a very negative impact on her family.

-Bella was often hated by kids in school due to her relations with her father and the cult. (It was because according to them, the cult was responsible for many dissapearances of the townsfolk.)

-Bella's mother passed away from cancer, when she was 14. (And after she passed, things started to change for them.)

-After Bella's mom passed, Things changed badly for Bella and her dad. Mallerick (Her Father) began neglecting his health, Job and even his family, resorting to drugs, and even started to act....strange when around her or anyone else in general. It was so bad to the point that the boss from his workplace had to fire him for his behaviour despite being the best worker. (She didn't even know her father had joined a cult at that time.)

-There were a few times that her father would neglect her, verbally abuse her and gaslight her. Heck, there were times where her father would hit her, but then apologize for it later on. It kept going on, until one day Bea and her dad had an argument with each other over something and then he proceeded to grab a shattered bottle and hit her. But suddenly, a few neighbors overheard the noises and called the police on him. Bea's father was taken away and she was taken to the police station for interrogation.

-She found out that her father was part of a cult and that some of the behaviours he displayed might've came from the influence of it. The police vowed to keep it silent for her sake simply because they felt like she suffered enough trauma and decided to call Aunt Tallulah to take her in.

-There were some people who hated her because of her father's association with the cult. While there were some that didn't hate her, some of them hated her so bad and accused her of being like her father. Even some students and teachers didn't want to be around her because of that. (Whether or not this was to avoid ruining their reputation or they did it to spite her remains a mystery.)

-It got bad to the point that a minor group wanted to kill her by locking her in an abandoned house and burn her alive. It started when Bella received an invitation for a special gathering for her, and accepted it. But when she went to the location, two people put choloform in her mouth with a gag and knocked her out. Later on, She woke up in an abandoned room, with her legs tied so she won't move. She asked what was going on, and the group concluded they have to kill Bella for the crimes of what her father did to them, and thus they let a few kids beat her up and after she was knocked out, they locked the door so she won't be able to leave. But luckily, just when they were about to burn her in the house. Aunt Tallulah and her son came in with the police and had arrested them afterwards and got her to a hospital to treat her injuries later on.

-After the incident, Bea moved in with her Aunt Tallulah and her son, Vincent and went through therapy. She still had nightmares cause of her past, but luckily her aunt and cousin helped her through it.

-She's become very secretive of her past and was afraid that any of her loved ones would abandon her if they knew what she went through. After some time, She told Jazz and Tyler about it and they comforted her and told her they won't leave her. (Including Jasmine, who would vow to protect her no matter what.)

(Ngl, This was the one info I got scared of doing and revealing for tons of reasons. Second to River's backstory...)

(Don't worry guys, Bella is doing fine and went to therapy after that, So don't worry.)

(I'll try to find something to cheer us up a bit... This got dark real quick...)

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