Adrienette Shoved Together? one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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           Adrien is the type who is to shy to ask a girl out.  Marinette is the girl who crushes on him.  She is to shy to ask him out either.  

         Alya, Nino, Chloe, Nathaniel, Luka, Kagami, Juleka, and the others come up with a plan to get Adrienette together.  First they, hand Adrien and invitation to come test out smoothies at the new juice bar in town.  After he leaves, they hand one to Marinette too.  

       Later that day, right at 2 pm...

         Alya and Nino, Chloe and Nathaniel, Luka and Kagami, Juleka, etc.  see Adrien enter the juice bar.  They smile as they think, so far so good!  They watch as Marinette enters the place.  

         Marinette orders a smoothie. Adrien does the same.  When Marinette sits down at a table with her order,  Adrien joins her.  He does not say a word to her.  He just sits there and stares at her.   Marinette looks up to see his eyes on her and blushes.  She is not sure what to say to him.  She feels like a nervous wreck.  Why no one else is here yet is beyond her!  She checks her watch but does not find an answer as to their whereabouts.  Adrien checks his watch too.

      Their friends see this and feel like they must do something at once!  The group waits until Adrien and Marinette finish their snack.  They watch as Adrien pays for his drink and Marinette for hers.

     As Adrien heads out the door with Marinette close behind, they put the rest of the plan into action.  Chloe shoves Adrien forward.  Alya shoves Marinette forward as well.   Adrien almost trips but finds himself with his lips over the top of Marinette's.  Marinette blushes.  She pulls away from the embarrassment.

     "Marinette are you alright?"  Adrien asks.

     "Y-yes, but I feel like someone gave me a shove."  Marinette remarks.

      "Funny, I feel like someone did the same to me,"  Adrien responds.

          Adrien and Marinette have  a  good laugh about it.  The others just look on in amusement. 

              "Marinette you are welcome to kiss me anytime!  I  will not mind!"  Adrien says.  He smirks.

              "Wh-what?  A-Adrien A-Agreste!"  Marinette remarks.

           "Yes, what is the matter?"  Adrien asks.

        "It is just our kiss was an accident, yet you offer to let me k-kiss you a-again,"  Marinette says.

        "It might have been, but I still think another kiss would just swell,"  Adrien says.

       "You must not say such a thing.  Otherwise, a girl is bound to get the wrong idea into her head."  Marinette says.

       " It is okay, honest!  I meant no harm."  Adrien says.

    "You say that now, but we both know that you are not into me,"  Marinette says.

    "Haha, you know that is the silliest thing you have ever told me!" Adrien remarks.

     "Wh-what do you m-mean?"  Marinette says with confusion in her eyes and voice.

     "I  mean that I  do like you! " Adrien states.

     "True as that might be, you still only like me as a friend,"  Marinette says sadly.

     "That is not true!  I like you very much!"  Adrien says.

    "Oh, yeah than prove it to me,"  Marinette responds.

      " I see you doubt my intentions for you. Fine, then let me humor you a little."  Adrien says. He stares into her eyes. grabs her hands and leans in rather close.

        Marinette thinks, whoa!  He is so close, but why?   Does this mean he wants to kiss me? She shakes her head at where her foolish thoughts take her. 

        Adrien tilts her chin up a bit. He hears her sigh.  He smirks, he brushes his left thumb across her lips.  He kisses her!  He kisses her gently across the lips.  He mutters "Marinette, do not ever doubt me again, darling!"  

      Marinette feels his lips touch her own.  She feels like she is on cloud nine!  She can not believe it.  She looks at him and hears him mummer something she can not quite make out.

      "Marinette, I like you!"  Adrien repeats. He smiles at her.  He can see she is in shock. He thinks, is she is okay?

     "Ad-Adrien, I like y-you, too! "  Marinette mutters back.  She smiles as she sees him blush.

     "I know you do." Adrien grins big.

     "You do? H-how?"  Marinette ask.

     "Well, you always did try to avoid me. Then, later you seem to want to speak to me, but then you give me that cute stutter of yours.  Marinette, I find it hard not to want to be with you." Adrien says as he grabs her hand again.  He gently holds it and feels her squeeze it.

        "I am g-glad you like m-me.  I just feel like all this is a dream and when I wake up it will all be gone."  Marinette tells him.

       "Believe me, it is not a dream.  It is real, as real as the air we breathe, Marinette, I like you a lot. I like you so much that I do not wish to let you go." Adrien says.

      "Adrien, I-I do not know what to s-say," Marinette mutters.

     "Then, say you will be my girlfriend!" Adrien says.

     "Sure, I will be your g-girlfriend, A-Adrien Agreste!" Marinette says as she stutters as usual.

     "Good, because then everyone can know to leave you alone!  I will not tolerant another boy giving you kisses."  Adrien says.

    "Whoa, you already sound like a jealous boyfriend, already!"  Marinette remarks. She giggles a bit too.

     "Haha, you know you are right!  It is only because I would be jealous if anyone else ever won your heart!"  Adrien says softly. He sighs as he mutters, "M-Marinette, I love you!"

     "A-Adrien, I love you t-too!"  Marinette replies. She hugs him and smiles as he hugs her back.

     Alya squeals, and jumps up and down!  She fangirls internally and externally at the same time. She can not believe that Adrien and Marinette are actually in love with one another!  She is so happy Adrienette is end game at last.

    the end...Adrienette Shoved Together?  one-shot story by Summer Cheng.

    *Author's  Note:  Like this then check out my other Miraculous fan fiction stories here .   Thanks, and happy reading!  Do not copy this, my other stories or user name.  Have a great evening or day, whichever time zone you read this in people!

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