AU: Adrientte You are Hot! one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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        Adrien bumps into the blunette, Marinette.  He notices her more now than in years past.  He can not help it.  He can tell she has gotten rather lovely over the years.  He first met here when he was fifteen and she was fourteen.  He did not know it then, but he feel in love with her.  He is now twenty-one  and she is twenty.  He takes a closer look at her outfit and blushes.

       "M-Marinette, you u-uh..."Adrien mutters.

    "Haha, and you call her just a friend, huh?"  Nino teases him.

      "Yeah, Adrien!  Have something to tell us?"  Alya remarks. She thinks the whole situation to be quite funny.

         "A-Adrien, you are still as handsome as  I r-remember!  I mean you clean  up well."  Marinette says.

      "Yeah, same to you!  I mean that you clean up well too!"  Adrien says when he sees her raise an eyebrow in confusion.

       Alya and Nino continue to laugh at the two oblivious goof balls as they dub Marinette and Adrien.  They walk away hand in hand.

      "Come on let us go!"  Adrien says.

     "Okay, where?"  Marinette ask.

     "To the board walk."  Adrien remarks. He winks at her a little.

      "S-Sure!" Marinette says.

      Adrien smiles, grabs her hand and walks to the board walk area of the beach.  He sits down and she does the same.  He glances over at her, and feels a blush come to his cheeks.  He thinks, wait, why am I like this?  It is only Marinette!

     Marinette sees him look at her.  She smiles. She thinks, why do you have to be so cute?  She still has a huge crush on him.  She feels him wrap an arm around her.  She lays her head on his shoulder.

    Adrien feels her head touch his shoulder.  He watches her fall asleep. He smiles, picks her up bridal style and carries her back to his place.  He sets her down in a chair. 

    Adrien text Nino...

  Marinette's at my place asleep , what should I do?

     Nino text...

     How should I know?  you figure it out for yourself! :)  On a date with my gal, Alya!

    Adrien text...

   Since when were you with Alya?

    Nino text...

    Only since last year!  Talk about old news,buddy!

   Adrien text...

    Fine, I will figure out something!

    Nino text...

  Good luck, man!  :)

   Adrien hears someone approach the door to his room. He panics. He can not let whoever it is find Marinette here.  How would he explain he brought her here?

    Natalie knocks on the door.  "Adrien, your father says to tell you he and I will be away on business for six months.  Meanwhile, he says you may have some champange now since you are an adult."Natalie says.

     Natalie gets no response, so she opens the door half way and hands the tray with the glasses and bottle to him.  She walks away and closes the door back.

     Adrien locks the door.  He can not risk the chance some one else walks in on him with the girl of his dreams.  He thinks, wait?  What?  Since when I thought about Marinette that way?  He drinks all the liquid from one glass.  He refills his cup.

     As Adrien begins to slowly sip from it, he hears her stir.  He thinks, great she is awake?  Now,what do I do?

     Marinette opens her eyes in surprise!  She can not believe it.  She is the room with her crush.  She thinks, wait what does this mean?  She looks at him in confusion.

     "Marinette, here!  My father sends this with his blessing!" Adrien says nervous.

    "Okay, thanks!"  Marinette drinks it. She swallows it fast.

     "Hmm, it is good.  Is there anymore?"  She ask.

    "Yes, darling there is!"  Adrien says.  He does not know what he says since he is out of it due to the sparkling stuff he drank.

     "Good, cause it is great!"  She says with a smirk.  She gulps down more of it. 

      "Okay, now what?"  Adrien says.

     "I have no idea."  Marinette says.

     "How about we play a game?"  Adrien says.

    "Sure, what game?"  Marinette says.

    "Twister?"  Adrien ask.

    "Sounds fine to me."  She says.

     They play two rounds.  Adrien wins the first one! Marinette the second one.  

        "Well, that was fun!" Adrien says.

       "Yes, it was!  I will be back!"  Marinette says. She goes into the bathroom, shuts and locks the door.  She changes out of her jeans and long top, to a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She uses the restroom. When she finishes, she takes her hair down.  She unlocks the door and goes back into the bedroom.

       Adrien sees her and gasps.  He face turns a deep shade of red. 

     *Author's  Note:  Warning this part is a bit wild!  Do not say, I gave you no warning, cause I use did!

      Adrien takes off his shirt, throws it on the floor, and removes his shoes, socks and belt too. He carries her over to the bed.  He takes her hands in his own.  He kisses her and she kisses him back.  He feels something touch his chest.  He sees her mouth brush across it and moans.  

    "Marinette, what are you doing?"  Adrien ask.

   "Kissing you, hot stuff!"  Marinette says.  She has no idea what she even says.

       Adrien kisses her.    He does not say anything else.  He just kisses her.  

      Marinette responds to his kisses. She kisses him back. She lets her tongue touch his tongue. 

     Adrien holds one hand in his own.  The other he uses to touch her chest.  He thinks, should I? He looks at her.  He mutters, "Mari, you are lovely."

     Marinette mutters, "You are Hot!  Come on, do not let go!"

     Adrien smirks.  He kisses her ear, then her other one. He kisses her neck. He puts lots of  hickies there.  He pulls her closer to him. He whispers, "Marinette, I love you !"

    Marinette says,  "I love  too!"

     Adrien opens  a box.  It has a ring inside.  "Marinette, will you marry me?"  He says, huskily.

     Marinette nods her head yes. She kisses him.  "Yes, I will!"  

       Adrien puts the ring on her finger.  He hears her fall asleep. He giggles. She is so funny!  

      He thinks, good thing Nino and Alya never found out we were secretly dating. It makes things better this way.  He kisses Marinette on the forehead.  He decides not to make love to her.  Not just yet, he does not want to risk, it being the ruin of their relationship. 

     The next day, they wake up together!  The effects of the champagne have worn off. Marinette thinks, did we?  She blushes.

     "Marinette, darling!  You are awake!" Adrien says.

     "Did we? "  Marinette says.

      "No, because even though you are hot, I want it to be special for us when we do it as man and wife."  Adrien says.

     "What  a   relief."  She says.

        A  few weeks later, Marinette and Adrien get eloped. This time when Adrien carries her upstairs, he is all ready to have her to himself.  He knows they are alone in the house.  He places her in the middle of their bed.  He smiles.  

    "Welcome to the bridal suite!" Adrien says.

     "Thanks, Adrien!" Marinette says.

     "For what?"  Adrien ask.

     "For marrying me, loving me and bringing me home!" Marinette says.

     "No problem, babe!"  Adrien says.  He takes off all his clothes expect for his boxers.

    Marinette takes off  all hers too expect for her undergarments.  She returns to the room a few minutes later with a sexy looking nightgown.  

     Adrien smiles at his wife.  He sees her approach him.  He pulls her closer to him.  He kisses her.  She returns the kisses.  Adrien, kisses her more and more!  She does the same to him!

     Marinette feels him reach under her  night gown and groans.  He groans too.  

  "Ready?"  Adrien remarks.

   "Yes, my hot husband!"Marinette says.

    "Good, cause I want you!"  Adrien remarks.

    "Same here!"  She remarks.

         Adrien continues to kiss her and she continues to return the kisses.  He climbs on top of her.  He smiles down at her and thinks, Wow, my wife is the prettiest one I have ever laid my eyes on in my whole life!  He touches her waist with one hand and her face with the other.

       Marinette touches his waist with one hand and his face with the other. She mutters, "Adrien, my husband, you are the best thing ever in my life!"   

      Next they clears her throat...well, you know!  It is what most married couples do. When they finish they fall asleep with Marinette beside Adrien.  Adrien holds her close.  

    the end...AU:  Adrienette You are Hot!  one-shot story

     *Author's  Note: Do not fuss about this as I did give a bit of warning with it after all.  Anyway, hope you like it.  Do not copy any of this.  Thanks!

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