Adrienette Tree Fall ? one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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         Adrien finishes his photoshoot.  He is about to walk home when he hears a rustling noise from a tree nearby.  He walks over to it.  He gasps when he sees Marinette!  He thinks, wow, what brings her here?   He blushes as it dawns on him that he is more than happy to see her!  Why?   It is not like she is with him.   He sighs.  He will never be more than just a friend to her, right?

         Marinette feels herself loose her gripe on the tree!  Great, just great!  I am gonna fall and with my crush, Adrien to witness it!  How awkward!  Marinette thinks.  She tries to grab on tighter to the trunk of the tree, but it is no use.  She looses her hold on it even more.  There she goes through the air.  She closes her eyes so she will have to see herself hit the grass or witness her limbs as they break in two.  She braces herself for impact, but to her surprise feels someones strong hands hold her instead.

           Adrien sees her as she falls.  He runs over to the edge of the tree!  He watches as she stumbles and falls out of the tree!  He sees her as she falls!  He stands under her with his arms spread out!  To his surprise just like this, he catches her!  He catches her in his arms as if it were an everyday occurrence for a beautiful damsel to land in his arms.  He looks at her and sees her eyes are still shut tight.

       "Marinette, are you okay?"  Adrien asks.  His voice is full of worry!  He looks her over.  He feels his cheeks burn.  He waits to see how she reacts.  He does not have to wait for long. 

         Marinette opens her eyes. She sees she is not on the ground. She is in someone's arms, but wait!  Who caught her?  She looks up into the familiar green eyes she knows all too well.  She blushes in amazement.  She can not believe it!  How?  How could it be that her crush holds her? When did he get here?

           "A-Adrien, h-how?"  Marinette mutters.

          "Oh, thank goodness! You are alright!  I hope you do not mind. It just that I saw you as you fell and well I caught you!  It was the least I could do for such a beaut like you!"  Adrien says.

           "Thanks, A-Adrien!   Wait what was that last part?"  Marinette says.

            "Uh, you are beautiful, Marinette!"  Adrien says.  He sets her down gently and gives her a look of awe and wonder.

            "M-me b-beautiful?  Are you sure you feel alright?"  Marinette remarks.

            "I  am fine.  It is just that you, well, you see I could not  let you get hurt now could I?"  Adrien says.

            "T-thanks, I a-appreciate y-your h-help, A-Adrien!"  Marinette mutters.

           "Sure, I-It was nothing!  I was glad to help."  Adrien remarks.  He stares into her eyes and thinks, I could be lost in them for ages.  He blushes when he realizes how close they are from a kiss.  He steps back.

           "What?  What is w-with th-that l-look, A-Adrien?"  Marinette stampers.

           "Marinette, wh-what y-you d-do to m-me?"  Adrien says huskily. He throws all caution to the wind.  He pulls her close, picks her up, and carries her to his place.  He brings her to his room, sets her on the bed, closes the door, and locks it. He looks down at her beauty.  He thinks, Marinette why do you have to look at me like this?   He hears her sigh, he sees her bite her lip in confusion.

             "M-Marinette?  Y-you a-are so b-beautiful, M-Mari!"  Adrien says.  He does not notice how awkward he just made everything, nor does he care.  He pulls her close, brushes a thumb around her lips, and mutters, "M-Mari, I a-am c-crazy a-about y-you!"  He hears her sigh deepen.  He holds her face in his hands.  He hears her mutter, "A-Adrien, I a-am c-crazy a-about y-you t-too!"  That is all it takes,  it is all he needs to hear to confirm she is okay with this.  

            Adrien leans in close, he does not let her say another word as he plants a kiss on her mouth.  He waits to see how she responds.  He can only hope she will not hate him later.  He feels her lips respond to his touch with a kiss of their very own.  His Marinette kisses him!  He moans as she presses her tongue through with his permission for it to gain entrance into his mouth.  He makes her moan in return when he lets his tongue touch hers.  He continues to kiss her as she removes his jacket.  He does not push her away. He just keeps this up!  He has no idea where this will lead he just knows for now he intends to enjoy the moment.  

        Adrien removes his jacket.  He feels her fingers reach up under his shirt. He gasps for air!  He breaks the kiss and looks at her.  "M-Mari, p-please l-love me!"  Adrien mutters. 

        Marinette giggles a bit to herself.  Then she laughs out loud!  The silly boy!  "A-Adrien, I already d-do l-love y-you!"  She says softly.  She waits to see how he responds and gets a french kiss. She deepens the kiss.  She wants this so much!  She moves her hands around more on his chest and sees him slowly remove his shirt.  She blushes at his bare chest!  She thinks man he is so hot!

        "Mari, I love you!"  Adrien says huskily.

         "Good, because I love you too!"  Marinette replies huskily.

           "Marinette, I know its crazy, but let's get married!"  Adrien says.

             Marinette laughs, puts his shirt back on him, stands up, and says,  "It is not crazy!  What is crazy is our love for one another.  Let's go get married!"

         Adrien grins, puts a ring on her hand, and goes with her to get the paperwork done.  He is glad they are both the legal age to do this.  This way he does not have to worry about no permission for his father, or from her folks.  The two, immediately take the Marriage Certificate to the courthouse.  They call Nino and Alya and ask them to meet them there.  They do not say what it is for just to show up.

         Nino and Alya wonder what is this all about anyway?  They arrive at the courthouse though and when they enter it gasps.  They see the judge, Marinette and Adrien, and the ring.  They smile!

         "Adrien and Marinette, is this what we think?"  Alya asks.

            "Oh, that depends on what you think,"  Marinette says.

             "Sweetheart, do not tease them too much!" Adrien says.

           "Okay, sorry dear!"  Marinette remarks.

            " Are you two here to get married, dude and dudette?"  Nino blurts out.

            "Yes!"  Adrienette says.

          "Wow, that is great!  Congrats!"  Alyno says.

               The judge notices Alya and Nino have a marriage certificate as well.  "So, who is first?" the judge asks.

            "Those two are!" Adrienette says.

                Alya and Nino get married!  Adrienette claps as they witness their two best friends' wedding and kiss!  Marinette takes a few photos too.  

            After the quick ceremony,  Nino turns to Adrien,  "Okay, your turn next buddy!"    Adrien nods his head.  He stands up suddenly nervous about the entire thing!

          Adrien and Marinette step forward.  They exchange vows, Adrien slides a lovely wedding band on her finger that matches the engagement ring.  She slips a simple band on his finger.  She blushes as the judge says,  " You are now man and wife!  You may kiss your bride!"   Adrien leans in and kisses her!  

         Alyno claps! They are so happy for both themselves and their friends too.  They each take a few pictures.

          *Author's note:  I know it is a bit cheesy, but I do not care, so there.   Anyways, I hope you like it!  -Summer Cheng ps.  Do not copy this or my other stories here.  Thanks! Happy Reading!

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