Kimal Handsome Man to the Rescue? one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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       Kim Le Chan is upset.  His girlfriend, Ondine whom he thought he could trust just broke up with him.  Why?  How did this ever happen?  He thought things were well between them and she just calls him up and dumps him.  He is unsure how to react to the breakup.  He goes for a walk to clear his head.

     Alix Kubel is in the park. She is all alone. She roller blades around for a bit. She feels someone grab her. She has no idea who it is, but is certain it is not someone she has ever met before in her life. She senses he is danger, but is too afraid to move.  She tries to get away as he forces his lips on hers. She cries. She tries to break free from his grasp.  She can tell he is much stronger than her though.  She wants to scream, but can not as he overpowers her.

    Alix closes her eyes. She braces herself for the worst. She fears her life is about to end. She thinks, just get it over with it. She feels the strangers kiss deepen much to her disgust and horror. She also feels him pin her up against a wall. She hears him unbutton her shirt and sobs. She thinks, I am through. She believes he will rape me, and when he finishes I will be dead.  If I am not dead than I will wish to die after he finishes with me.  She gasps, breaks free from the kiss and manages to call out,  "Leave me alone!  Get away!  Go!  Please, do not hurt me! Please!"

    The stranger smirks, he loves a nice good damsel who plays hard to get. He pins her arms behind her back. He forces his lips on her again.  He hears her whimper. He reaches down and unfastens her pants.  He attempts to take them off, so he can do what he wants with her.  Before he can succeed he feels someone punch him hard.  Whoever it is punches him twice, kicks him and yells, "You get away from her!  You here!  Do not ever touch her again!"  

       The man who came to her rescue, zips her pants back up, refastens her buttons and says, "Miss are you alright?"

        Alix opens her eyes and sees her helper face to face. She feels like she may faint.  She thinks, how?  How did this kind, handsome man come to be so close?  How did he know I was in danger?   Who is he?  Why does he look so familiar to me?   Did we meet before somewhere?

           "Y-yes, I am thanks to y-you!"  Alix mutters.

          "Good, I hope that crook want mess with you ever again."  Kim says.

         "Same here!  How did you know I  was in distress?"  Alix ask.

         "Alix, oh my goodness! It is you!  Do you not recognize me?  It is me, Kim!"  Kim remarks.

         "K-Kim, but that is impossible!  Y-you l-live far from here and have a girlfriend!"  Alix says.

       "Not anymore.  She broke up with me!  Today, she up and dumps me over the phone of all things."  Kim states.

      "Oh, I am sorry to hear that Kim."  Alix says.

     "Yes, me too!"  Kim says.

        Kim thinks back to how he came to her aid.  He recalls how he left to get some fresh air and ends up in the park.  He sees out of the corner of his eyes a damsel in distress. He approaches the thug and punches him more than once. Then, kicks him and yells at him to leave her alone!  He notices after the crook leaves that the girl he sees is Alix!  It is the girl he use to compete within high school when it came to sports.  He blushes when he thinks, wow!  She is gotten rather pretty since then!  

     "Alix, I was glad to help!  I saw you by accident!  I just came for a walk when I saw him trying to attack you.  I could not just stand by and let that happen.  Not to you!  Not to anyone, but especially not you."  Kim says.  He breaks down in tears now.

      "There, there, Kim!  Calm down, you big baby!  I am okay!  I promise.  He only gave me a kiss that I did not want.  You kept him from doing any more damage.  I assure you I really am fine."  Alix says.

    "I know, but he could have hurt you.  What would you do if I were not here?"  Kim remarks. He shudders to think of the outcome if he did not happen upon her when he did.  He breathes a huge sigh of relief.

    "Do not blame yourself!  It was my own fault for coming here without an escort."  Alix says.

     "That is just it!  A girl should not have to worry about perverts like him!  You should be able to come to the park to skate without anyone doing you harm.  You are too kind, cool, smart and pretty for that kind of treatment!"  Kim says. He sees the funny look she gives him and realizes he just told her out loud how he thinks she is pretty.  He shakes his head in embarrassment.

        "Kim, what can I do to make it up to you?"  Alix ask.

       " I beg your pardon,"  Kim responds.

       "It is just that you came here just in time, so I owe you one."  Alix remarks.  She smiles and gently holds his hand.

      Kim blushes when he realizes she has a hold of his hand. He looks at her in surprise and says,  "Oh, in that case, how about a cup of hot chocolate?"

      Alix nods her head in approval.  "Great, I know just the place! It happens to have the best hot cocoa ever!"  Alix says, she continues to hold his hand and walks with him to the local Malt shop. She enters it with Kim beside her. 

     Alix drops his hand.  Kim secretly longs for the comfort her hand brings him. He blushes and thinks, wait!  I do not like her, do I?  He shakes his head.

     Alix orders two large hot chocolates with no marshmallows, and two slices of apple pie.  When the food is ready, she pays for it all. She smiles and hands Kim his glass and the plate with a pie slice on it. She grins big as she sees him relax, eat the pie, and drink hot cocoa.  She eats the other slice of pie and drinks the other cup of hot chocolate.  She thinks man he has gotten even more handsome over the years!  She blushes!  Wait, what?  I can not like him.  

     Kim and Alix finish the drink and snack. They leave together.  Once at her place, Alix turns to him and says,  "Thank you once more!  I mean it.  I appreciate it all, Kim!"  She is about to go inside when Kim grabs her wrist.  

     "Alix, wait!  I know we just saw each other for the first time in years, but could you maybe go with me to the mall tomorrow, then to  Seattle Washington after this for a few days?  It is just my sister is getting married and well  I have a plus one on the invitation.  So could you go with me as my date?  You could call it something else if the idea of a date makes you uncomfortable and..."  Kim says.

      "Kim, I would happy to go with you!"  Alix says.  She gently bops him on the nose which reminds him of all the good times in the past. She also kisses his cheek and giggles as he turns a nice shade of pink.

      "See ya tomorrow, Alix!"  Kim says.

        "Yeah, s-see ya t-tomorrow, K-Kim!"  Alix thinks, great why did I stutter?  *Authors note she realizes her that her crush on Kim is still there after all these years.  She is unsure what to do with these feelings though as he just had a rough break up and all.*

         Kim laughs, waves to her and watches her enter her place. He sighs, shakes his head and thinks, she is just grateful for my help!  Yeah, that is it!  Nothing more, so do not read into it something that is not even there.

     The next day,  Kim picks up Alix and takes her to the mall.  The two have fun as Alix tries on dresses in the ladies' changing area and Kim tries on suits in the men's changing area.  

    When they finish Alix shows Kim the dress she found.  "See it has sequins all over it and when I twirl it does this swish sound!" Alix explains. 

          "Well, then by all means that is the dress you shall have then! "  Kim says. He flashes her a huge grin.  He sees her smile and feels suddenly awkward around him. He shrugs off the feeling since she is just a friend after all.

          "Kim, come on!  Let me see the suit! It is only fair as I let you see the dress I chose!"  Alix remarks.

         "Okay, here it is!"  Kim says.  He shows her the nice blue suit complete with a matching tie and jacket.

         "Wow, it matches my dress!  The colors I mean."  Alix says.

          "Oh, so it does!"  Kim says. He pays for both his suit and her dress despite her protest.

              A few days later, at Kim's sister's wedding!   Kim takes his seat.  Alix is right beside him.  During the days out here, Kim feels like he and Alix have gotten closer!  He has forgotten all about Ondine and the hurt she gave him.  He smiles at Alix, and reaches over and holds her hand.    Alix sees his handhold onto hers and squeals inside to herself!  She thinks, what could it all mean?

          Later at the reception, Kim's sis tosses the banquet up into the air!  To everyone else's surprise, the other sisters, the girl cousins, and so on miss them completely!  Just as all think the flowers hit the floor, Alix jumps up and down with the lovely display in her arms.

        Kim blushes when he sees who caught the roses.  He thinks, wow, Alix has them!  He walks over to her, hugs her, and says,  "Alix Kudbel will you be my girlfriend?"   Everyone else looks on to see what she tells him.

        Alix looks at him in surprise but grins big.  She answers,  "Yes, Kim!  I would love to be your girlfriend!"  She feels strong arms wrap around her in a hug. She realizes it is Kim.  

       "Well,  then Alix!  Will my girlfriend give me the pleasure of  a dance?"  Kim ask.

      "Yes, I would be glad to boyfriend!"  Alix says.  The two dance together, while Kim's sister dances with his brother-in-law, his father dances with his mother, and everyone else finds their partner to dance with, or simply dances alone.  

         To Kimal, this is the best time ever for them since the day he came to her rescue!  

       the end to Kimal  Handsome Man to the Rescue?  one-shot story by Summer Cheng.  

          *Author's  Note:  Do not copy this!  Thanks, Happy Reading!        

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