Happy Mother's Day! one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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        *Do not copy this here, or anywhere else!    Happy Reading!   Sincerely, Summer Cheng.

          Sabine is in the kitchen.  She makes lots of cookies with help from Marinette.  She is glad they finish this in enough time for the special Mother's  Day celebration Bake Sale!  She hopes this year they will bring in lots of money to help those less fortunate then themselves.

     Marinette's grandmother, Gina, Tom's mother, comes for a visit. She sees the cookies cool off.  She eats a few without asking.  Sabine's feelings are hurt, she runs outside in tears and calls out, "Ugh, why does she always have to assume things are for her? Why on earth does she have to be so cruel?"   

    Hawkmoth senses someone is down.  He immediately forms and akuma in his hands.  "Fly away my little akuma and evilize her!"  Hawkmoths says.  He laughs an evil laugh, "Bwha,ha, ha!   This time I will get the miraculous for sure! "   

    The akuma comes inside the bakery and Marinette gasp.  She tries to shoe it away with the broom.  She misses and falls down backward instead. 

     Sabine gets hit by the akuma. No one sees quite where it went inside.   She smiles as she listens to the supervillain,  "Yes, Hawkmoth!  Anything to my revenge for the ruination of the cookies and for less goods for the charity bake sale for women and their daughters! " Sabine says. She turns evil.  Now she has a purple butterfly mask across her face!

      Marinette looks up in horror as she hears her mother become Hawkmoth's  next victim.  She is not to happy about this.  In fact,she is alright livid that he would attack her mother like this! She runs outside, and sneaks away to hide. She finds a great spot near the dumpsters outside the mayor's  place , since it is out back and few people ever go there anyway!  She looks at TIkki and smiles,  "Tikki spots on, yeah!"  She transforms.

       Ladybug leaves on her mission to rescue Sabine from Hawkmoth's clutches.  She is her daughter in disguise, after all. She jumps around and sees no signs of Chat Noir.  She thinks, where on earth could he be?  She calls him with her yo-you phone,  "Chat, I need your help!  Mo, I mean, Mrs.Sabine Cheng has been akumantized!  Come quick!"  Ladybug says.  She hopes he will not notice she almost refers to the lady as  Mom.   

        Adrien hears his phone ring.  He looks to see who it is and sees it is Ladybug.  He answers as best he can to sound like Chat,  "yes, I see!  I shall be right with you m'lady!"   

        Then,much to the dismay of  Plagg and his protest that Adrien needs to practice his piano more, Adrien calls out, "Plagg,claws out!"  He transforms, exits through his open bedroom window and off he goes to join Ladybug in the fight against  Immaturite  (*French word for immaturity).  He arrives just in time!   He sees the villain about to hit ladybug with some powerful liquid stuff.  He jumps out in the way. 

        Chat gets hit by it and falls down.  He does not move for awhile there.   Ladybug looks at him in dismay.   "Chat, why did you have to go and block me like this?   You could get seriously hurt, or worse! Then, where would I be without you?"  Ladybug remarks.

      "Sorry, Miss Ladybug!  I just want to help!"  Chat says.  His voice sounds funny now. In fact you  could say it sounds like a small child.

      "Chat, what is wrong with your voice?  You sound off today!  Wait, you look bad too!"  Ladybug says.

     "Now, just because I wear all leather does not mean it looks bad. " Chat says.

     "It is not very nice to make fun of my clothes!  How could you?"  Chat whines.

      "Whoa,  I only meant that you seem smaller.  As in your not as tall as before and you look younger than me!"  Ladybug says.

     "What do you mean?"  Chat remarks.  He can not see himself, so he has no clues what Ladybug refers too at the moment. 

     " You are a small child! "  Ladybug says.

     "I beg your pardon!"  Chat says.

     "Look at this!"  Ladybug says.  

     "What?  Is that a mirror?"  Chat says.

    "Oh, my goodness!  Now you look even younger. "  Ladybug says.

     "Do not!" Chat says.

        Ladybug rolls her eyes at him.  She calls out,  "Lucky Charm!"   She gets a  blush compact. "What am I do with this?"  Ladybug says.

      "I do not know."  Chat says.

     "Come on and hand over the miraculous now!"  Immaturite says.

     "I know not what you speak about woman."  Chat says.

          Ladybug just giggles.   She can tell this makes the villain upset.

   "How dare you laugh?   No one must do so in my presence."  Immaturite yells at her!

       "Do not yell at her!"  Chat says.

            Ladybug rushes towards the bad girl and throws the blush in her direction.  She watches as the powder from the blush scatters everywhere and some of it  ends up in Immaturite's  nose.  The lady sneezes twice.  

         As she begins to scratch her neck, Chat runs over to the villain and bumps into her ankle.  He reaches out and touches it as he calls out  "Catacylsm."  Only because of his miniature size it sounds like  "Catacowlsym."   The anklet breaks!

        Ladybug sees the akuma escape!  "Good, job, Chat!  you got it!" Ladybug says.  She grabs it with her yoyo!  "No more evil doing for you little akuma!" she calls out as catches the akuma and purifies it!  

      Both Chat Noir and Ladybug :   "Miraculous Ladybug!"  This is something they follow with a signature, "Pound it!"   Now that everything is back to normal, Chat is his regular size again! 

          Ladybug looks at him and says, "Awe , you were so cute as a child."  Chat scowls.  Ladybug and Sabine laughs that time.

          Chat takes Sabine home.  Soon after this, he goes back to his place and detransforms.  He goes back to his piano practice.  Meanwhile, as Adrien practices unknown to him, his father, Gabriel Agreste who is also Hawkmoth is furious.  The supervillain detransforms and calls out to himself, "I will get you next time Ladybug and Chat Noir!  You just wait and see!"  He laughs an evil laugh.

        Back to Ladybug who is home in her room, she detransforms just like the others.  She sighs.  She can not believe Chat put himself in danger just for her again!  Why?  why did he do it?  

         The next thing she knows, she finds herself to be busy with other things.  Things that distract her from her original thoughts.

      "Marinette, time to go to the Mother-Daughter Charity Bake Sale!"  Sabine calls out.

     "Okay, I will be right there, mom!"  Marinette says.  She grabs up her purse and heads downstairs. She is glad Tikki is hidden just in case she needs her.   One never can be sure when it comes to a special event if someone will need help from Ladybug or Chat Noir.  

    Marinette gets to work at the event and wonders how much it will raise.  She believes her mom and her can make this the best one ever!  There is no way it could wrong, or is there?

     Chloe arrives with Audrey, Sabrina comes with them. Close behind them is Alya and her brother, plus many other people along with their mothers!  The event is a huge success!  They raise more than one would expect for one such event!  

     "Happy Mother's  Day!"  Marinette says.

    "Thanks, Marinette!" Sabine says along with Audrey, and all the other mother's in attendance.  

    the end...Happy Mother's  Day!  one-shot story -Summer Cheng

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