Alyno (Alya and Nino) Wedding Crashers AU? one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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        To say Alya and Nino hate one another would be an understand.  They can not stand one another.  It is all due to the fact Alya's  property line shares itself with Nino's  somewhere in the middle.  The two can not seem to agree which half belongs to her and which belongs to him.

      There is a simple solution to the problem.  They could just ask someone to come out and survey the land and find out which way to divide it.  However, this is not the way these two choose to settle things.  Instead, they just scoff one another and do all they can to be as disagreeable as possible.

     Today, something happens that puts them both in a rather tight situation.  Nino's car will not start.  It seems it has broken down.  He would ask someone for help, but has no ideas who to ask.  Not like he wants anyone else's  charity anyway.   Alya offers to assist him despite their obvious dislike for one another.

    "Now, come on Nino!  You must let me give you a ride into town!  It is the least I can do."  Alya says.

   "Hmmpfth, I will never take help from a woman! "  Nino scoffs.

    "Oh, yeah then see if I care!"  Alya says.  She shows her annoyance at once at his stubbornness.

    "I could care less what you think!"  Nino mocks her.  He goes back inside his house.  He enters the garage, puts on a motorcycle helmet and  hops onto his motorcycle.  He opens the garage door, exits the garage, closes the door behind him and off he goes.

    Alya shakes her head at the vehicle he chose to get him to his destination. She thinks it is much more reasonable to take the help others offer you than to ride on such a horrible contraption as that dreadful  motor bike he rides.  She goes inside with the notion that some people are just simply off their rockers.

    Later that day...

       Alya goes outside to check her mail. She makes it back inside just fine.  She sets it down on the table and leaves to go for a jog. She accidentally locks herself out of her house.  She thinks, great just great!  My roommate is out of town for a visit to see her uncle, and she is one with my spare key.  Now, what?   

     A storm starts up and it appears to be a rather nasty one.  Alya feels a hand cover her mouth. She is afraid. She is not sure if she should bite the person or  run!  She tries to chop down on them, but finds herself to scared to accomplish this simple self defense move.  Good going, girl she hears herself think as the man pulls her along with him.

      The mysterious strange drags her away from the storm to the nearest place.  He does not stop until they are both inside.  The two are not all wet, and find themselves much to their embarrassment inside a church in the middle of a wedding!   

      Alya looks at him in confusion who is this kind person who just got her away from the storm and made himself her comrade when it comes to their safety?  She does not have to wait long to find out.  She watches in astonishment as he removes the cloak.  She gasps!

     "Nino, what one earth?"  Alya says.

      "Alya, I am sorry.  I did not mean to scare you!  It is just  I was on my way back from my rounds and I saw you out in the storm.  I figure I might as well come to rescue.  It was either that or live with a guilty conscience that I let you get hurt. " Nino says.

      All those in attendance turn around and look at the wedding crashers in surprise. They are not sure what to make of this sudden interruption. 

     However, they clap as the young man brushes a leave out of the young woman's hair and says,  "Let us just forget about the silly argument shall we?"  

       Alya replies, "Sure, I am sorry too."  Everyone cheers again!

   The wedding continues on as if their has been no interruptions.  The bride and groom even wave at the guest who came in late.  This is just to be polite since they obviously have never met Alya and Nino.  When the ceremony is over Alyno tries to sneak away so the reception came take place without them.  The newly weds see them and invite them to stay.   

   "Please, since you are already here, stay!  It will be just fine.  There is more than enough food and punch for everyone!"  The couple, a Mr. and Mrs. Cuffaine say.

    *Author's note: For those who wonder it is Luka, Juleka's older brother and Kagami Tsurugi, who are wed now.* 

     "Okay, well what do you say Alya?"  Nino ask.  He turns towards the brown hair with red tips to it woman beside him.

    "I suppose we could at least until the storm lets up."  Alya remarks.

    "Glad to hear it!  Now, make yourselves comfortable and feel free to enjoy some of the refreshments, drinks and dessert."  Luka says.

    "Yes, please do."  Kagami remarks.

        So, this is how Alyno came to be at not only a wedding, but a reception for someone they do not even know.  It is also, how they came to be friends!

         ...the end...

     *Author's  Note: Do not copy this, or my other stories.  Happy Reading!-Summer Cheng

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