Miraculous Cupcakes Ladynoir/Adrienette AU one-shot story by Summer Cheng

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           Ladybug was at battle against the villain  Snatcher.  She was glad Chat was able to assist her with this. She was also grateful for the help she got from Queen Bee.  She was about to be hit by one of the snatchers  poky spikes that grew out his hands.  However, she  had just said "Lucky Charm " before this and gotten a cupcake.  She looks at it in confusion, " a cupcake what I am suppose to do with this?"  Ladybug says as she dodges Snatcher once more.  She throws it towards Chat.  

    Chat smiles, laughs a bit and uses the icing to smear up the tip to the spikes that Snatcher has.  Snatcher frowns and calls out, "No!"   Chat catacylsm's  the extra long pokey thing.  It turns into dust.  

   The akuma comes out, Ladybug catches it fast!  "Gotcha!  No more evil-doing for you little akuma."  Ladybug says as she purifies the akuma.  She lets it go, smiles and as usual says, "Bye, bye little butterfly!"  

    Both Chat and  Ladybug call out  "Miraculous Ladybug!"  as Ladybug throws the cupcake into the air, and everything turns back to normal.  

     Snatcher turns back into Marc.  What a surprise there!  They did not see that coming.  He leaves goes home and is glad to be free from that nasty bug.  It was no fun being in control from Hawkmoth the supervillain anyway.

     Ladybug and Chat Noir, "pound it!"   

     Then before LB swings away,  Chat calls out,  "Ladybug would it not be fun if we could sell special cupcakes to people?   We could do this to raise awareness for something then donate the profits to a particular group.  So, what do you say?  Want to go into business with me and sell Miraculous Cupcakes?"  Chat Noir asks.

      Ladybug blushes.  She thinks, how ironic!  It was only earlier today, I made some cupcakes for a  bake sale!  These are to be sold to raise awareness for those with autism.  Also, one came out in a funny shape. Somehow, without meaning too I made one that has a similar shape to the derby hat I made for Adrien Agreste a few months ago.  Talk about crazy, huh?

      "Chat, maybe someday!  For now, though we have our lives full of hero work, so we can not mix that with our personal lives.  bye!"  Ladybug says.  She leaves.  She rushes home, checks to see no one follows her, goes to her room, and detransforms.

         Marinette thinks, wow!  That was so close.  Good thing, I did not tell Chat about the bake sale that mom and I have today.  I mean if I had it would be suspicious right?   I only hope he will not think it strange that my answer was so odd. It just I already told everyone in my civilian form about it. 

     She heads downstairs to the bakery.  She sets up the items for the sale and waits. She looks up to see her crush, Adrien enters the shop. She smiles and feels herself blush. She hopes he will not notice.

    "H-hi, A-Adrien!" Marinette says.

    "Hi, Marinette!" Adrien remarks.

    "So, what all goods are there for the fundraiser?"  Adrien asks.

    "Well, let us see now.  We have cakes, cookies, cupcakes, Rice Krispie treats, brownies, pies, and an assortment of other items." Marinette answers. She breathes a sigh of relief she did not stutter while she lists off all these things.

    "Wow, that sounds fantastic!   You know you really outdid yourself this year!  With all these, there is bound to be a boatload of money raised for awareness for those with Autism. This was also, I might add a thoughtful thing for you to do, Marinette."  Adrien says.

     "Yes, well I want to help and thought this would be a nice way to do so," Marinette says.

      "It is indeed!  You know you are such a compassionate, cool, amazing, sweet, and cute girl!  No wonder I like you!"  Adrien says. He laughs when she blushes.  He blushes a bit too when he realizes he just told her he likes her.

      "You like me?"  Marinette says.

      "Yes!"  Adrien remarks.

     "Wow, that is g-great!  I l-like y-you t-too, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

          The fundraiser goes well!  It raises over  $4,000 for the Autism Awareness fund!  Everyone cheers!   Adrien hugs Marinette.  She hugs him back and from then on things are different between them both as Adrienette and Ladynoir.

       the end...Miraculous Cupcakes Ladynoir/Adrienette AU one-shot story by Summer Cheng

      Thanks for reading this, and all your support!  Do not copy any of these stories though as I worked hard to think of them, type them up here, and save them.  Thanks!  Happy Reading!

Edits made to this June 2,2020 

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