Prologue: Dedication to Shakespeare

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Prologue: Dedication to Shakespeare

Indeed, we bards do walk in th' shadows long
Of bards who wrote before our time of day;
But they are overshadowed as a throng
To that sweet bard of bards, whose lines do sway:
The one who penned ill Hamlet raving mad,
Macbeth as well; and penned the dying of
Young Romeo and his young bride too sad,
And Cleopatra (too) with 'Tony's love;
And penned his sugared Sonnets we endear,
The genius from old Stratford-upon-Avon,
The sonneteer of all, William Shakespeare—
Forget the muses nine of Helicon! *
      For him shall I hereby compose these rhymes,
      That I'll extend the work of his best times.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Please comment, or at least tell me why it sucks. Any criticism is better than none at all. Oh, and scansion might be a bit weak in lines 10 & 11, but other than that, I think it's okay...I think...

* Helicon = a mountain sacred to the Muses. See "Mount Helicon" on Wikipedia.

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