Sonnet 11: The Poet (Introduction 8)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets

By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 11: The Poet
(Introduction 8)

With voiceless voices that no god hath wrought,
The birds do sing the rise of lifeless dawn,
A face of light no treasure to be sought,
But still a treasure to this weary pawn.
Are these the fabled fields of Asphodel? *
Am I to live in this neutrality,
Where spirits day-to-day their lives do dwell?
Am I to drink the waters of Lethe? **
Oh no! To drink the drink that makes the ghosts
Forget the sweets of their own former world;
Oh no! To leave his memory to hosts
That had me, t'wards this void existence, hurled!
       Reward me Heaven's place or damn to Hell:
       So long lives love in me, I'll live it well!

(To be continued...)

A/N: I couldn't wait anymore. So here's the 2nd one for the day. Enjoy, folks. Comment, voted and put it in your libraries if you like these sonnets.

* Fields of Asphodel = a form of limbo in Greek myth. See "Asphodel Meadows" on Wikipedia.
** Lethe = a river of forgetfulness. See "Lethe" on Wikipedia.

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