Sonnet 10: The Poet (Introduction 7)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets

By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 10: The Poet
(Introduction 7)

How could I thus describe this blazing fire
Consuming all my wits? With no relief
In sight from which the general of desire
Replaced my common sense with disbelief,
I get me up upon my feet-alas!
To no avail: I stumble out of kilter;
Th' enchantment does not break, nor does it pass
Away, but works its potent magic philter. *
"A limit on what you will do will put
A limit on what you can do," so says
The fiendish wit, with which he set afoot
The spell of love to damn my twilight days;
       And then he disappears within a puff
       Of smoke and leaves me swooning with a huff.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Here's the next sonnet. I'll try to upload as many sonnets as I can, as I have written several over the last couple of days. Anyway, read, vote, comment & love...

* Philter = (n.) a potion, charm or drug that makes the drinker fall in love.

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