Sonnet 9: The Poet (Introduction 6)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets

By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 9: The Poet
(Introduction 6)

Awaken I upon the study's floor,
Perceiving through the eyes of drunken fools
A world of feeble shapes, that evermore
Beguile with ghosts and goblins, reaping ghouls
And creeping gnomes, hallucinations wild
And too bizarre for mortal minds to picture-
A gallery of common sights defiled,
Destroyed, devoured, devoid of any structure.
But soon the bleary vision ends, and I
(With eyes as true as vows in written rhymes)
Perceive a fleeting shape to pass me by,
Until it stops before me; then it chimes,
       "In love wilt thou to sweet Perdition burn,"
       And raising bow and quill, rewards my turn! *

(To be continued...)

A/N: This is the next sonnet. I only have this one up for now; I'll write more later when I have time. Anyway, read, vote, comment & love...

* Turn = (n.) a state of giddiness.

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