Sonnet 8: The Poet (Introduction 5)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 8: The Poet
(Introduction 5)

"Who dares to consecrate so high a mortal,
Whose constancy decays beneath the steady
Unblinking eye of Fate? Defy the fatal
Command of reaping Time to boast thy heady
Demented state, and thou shalt boast in pity
And sad disgrace; so never tempt my sickle,
Nor challenge us to mar a face so pretty,
Nor boast that Fate and Time thou durst to tickle!"
So spake the voice, a teacher to a pupil;
But I, in love with him as loving father
Towards an only son, would never scruple *
His greater worth with claims of little bother,
       Although the world mistakes his every passion
       For ruse, or fraud, or game, or jest, or fashion.

(To be continued...)

A/N: This is the last one for now; sorry I don't have any more just yet. These sonnets take time. Anyway, please comment, vote, fan & love. All we need is love, like the Beatles said. Because love makes the world go round! ( ^_^ )

* Scruple = (v.) to doubt.

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