Sonnet 114: Fair Youth (Names Ignoble: Acrostic 4)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 114: Fair Youth
(Names Ignoble: Acrostic 4)

But if I'm doomed by fate t' expunge my name
Out of the living words of future men,
Replaced upon the pedestal of fame,
Never to be remembered even when
The very loss of my own name will kill me,
On your own terms will I now fade away;
Before your lulling breath of sleep will fill me,
Entreating me to calm my fears, delay
For me a little while to pray for those
Obscured by circumstances not their own:
Remember those who died within their throes,
Giving their lives to you as they atone.
      On this, I'll give my final living thought
      To names ignoble, born to be forgot!

(Quoted) To names ignoble, born to be forgot!
—William Cowper

(To be continued...)

A/N: And here's the last installment for this part of the sequence... I chose this quote, because it epitomizes one of the key themes in Shakespeare's original sonnets: immortality through words... Anyway, hope you enjoyed this part of the sequence... Ta-ta for now... ( ^_^ )

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