Sonnet #: The Poet (Devotion #)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet #: The Poet
(Devotion #)

When I enwrap mine eyes in timeless night,
A night in which I wake no more to feel
The morning sun that gives me warmth and light,
No longer shall I suffer love's repeal. *
When inspiration draws my final breath
And carries out my weary soul to heaven,
No longer shall I dread the tyrant Death
To steal away my soul, for all's forgiven.
But should His swinging compass swing for thee,
Dear love, I'll resurrect my very soul
And fight the fates and death itself to free
Thee from the chains of reaping Grim's control.
       For love demands that I should stand and fight,
       Defending thee from death with all my might.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Here's another sonnet for the collection. I wrote this one because of a prompt in one of the discussions in the Poetry Section. Enjoy!

* Repeal = (n.) Cancellation.

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