Sonnet 69: Interlude 2 (Crown of Sonnets 3)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 69: Interlude 2
(Crown of Sonnets 3)

His heart held captive like a cagèd bird,
Our prince now follows her, while she beguiles
Him like a subtle she-wolf lures a herd
Of sheep to stray with all her charming wiles.
And so our poet stalks and capers out
Of sight within the shadows of the scene;
His heart now fills with every lurking doubt
That haunts him with the thought of things obscene
Shared betwixt two lovers incognito;
Our moving triad walks the hidden alleys,
A budding Zeus led on by sultry Leto, *
While our own jealous poet barely rallies
      His fading self-control to stay his malice:
      The sinner, thus afflicted, seeks surcease.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Here's the third installment... The observer and the two observed ones, the stalker and the stalked ones... It's a bit creepy... ( O_O )

* Leto = wife or mistress of Zeus and mother of Apollo and Artemis in Greek mythology.

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