Sonnet 70: Interlude 2 (Crown of Sonnets 4)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 70: Interlude 2
(Crown of Sonnets 4)

The sinner, thus afflicted, seeks surcease
From guilty passions that assail him;
The mistress, thus anointed, spoils the peace
Within her soft embraces that avail him
With feminine allures to gain his lease.
The poet, thus unbalanced, folds in doubt
Upon the sight of them sharing a kiss,
Before they enter her apartment. Out,
Out, out, dear prince, before it is too late!
And yet the mistress lures him to her place,
Whereat our poet 'gins to conflagrate *
Upon the thought of such a carnal chase!
      Our couple, thus preparing, start their bout;
      Our poet, thus assuming, starts to sprout.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Now it's starting to get a little sexy... Don't tell me I didn't warn you... Oh, wait, I didn't... Well, you have been warned...

* Conflagrate = (v.) to burn.

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