Sonnet 81: The Poet (Admonishments 8)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 81: The Poet
(Admonishments 8)

Those twinkling stars, they burn for thee alone,
As I do burn away my life for thee;
Thine eyes can both condemn and then condone,
As do the winds upon the rolling sea.
Thine eyes, thy never cease to wake me each
And every dawn from slumber's endless toils,
When all my nights are spent beyond the reach
Of thy sweet self, enwrapped within her coils.
Thy love, it brings new sight into old eyes;
So why hast thou forgotten faithful me?
That woman's love for thee is full of lies;
What spell hath she that makes thee never see?
      Do not forget the love that I once gave,
      Nor fall into her clutches as her slave.

(To be continued...)

A/N: 8th installment and counting... ( ^_^ )

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