Sonnet 99: Fair Youth (Faults 10)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 99: Fair Youth
(Faults 10)

The world's a noisy stage. Many a prince
Would raise their banners 'giants the winds of fate
Only to end their struggles as they wince
In sorrowful defeat upon the gate
Of mistress Chance, replaced in her disfavor
For yet another prince to kiss her hand,
While here within a storm of doubt I waver
In jealousy where I once took my stand.
As those that love you give you strength to heal,
So those you love can give you courage to
O'ercome the bite of circumstance's steel
Upon the living smart of sorrows new:
      So here inside a storming doubt of will,
      I get back up when others lie here still.

(To be continued...)

A/N: And here's the 6th installment of the batch... There's more to come, trust me... ( ^_^ )

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