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Y/n's POV -----
After breakfast, I thanked Toriel and went back out into the living room.
The door to the basement slammed open.
"Hey punk!!! Wanna watch some anime with me and Alph?!!!" Undyne asked.
"Sure." I said.
"ALRIGHT!!! COME ON!!!" She said, grabbing my hand and taking me downstairs.
"Oh, h-hey y/n." Alphys said as I sat down on the couch that was down there.
"Sup." I said.
I then giggled, remembering what happened earlier today with Frisk, Flowey, and Sans.
"What's so funny, punk?" Undyne asked.
I told them about what happened earlier today.
From the moment I walked out-
To the moment I Frisk and Flowey in the kitchen.
Cause I was gonna tell them about last nigh-
"I think you're forgetting something in your story, punk." Undyne said.
"Like what?" I asked.
Undyne just smirked.
"You and Sans?"
"We're friends. So?"
"If you don't think Frisk called everyone to your room to see you two, then you don't know Frisk."
I heard a "YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" From upstairs.
"L-looks like F-Frisk just told S-Sans the news." Alphys said.
"Looks like Frisk is about to have a bad time." I said, walking up the stairs.

Sans' POV -----
While y/n was in the basement with Undyne and Alph, I was still in the kitchen with Frisk, Flowey, and Tori.
I was chomping down on the pie, while Frisk and Tori were chatting.
Oddly, Frisk decided to 'leaf' Flowey here.
"What're you looking at?" He said when I started staring at him oddly.
"Part of me wants to see how many things I could tear off you before you were just a stem." I said, flashing my blue eye.
"Well part of ME wants to see if I could grab one of your sockets and shove it up your boney little-"
Toriel laughed, and both of us turned to look at her.
I heard her say "well have you told him yet, child?" To Frisk.
She said no, laughed, and walked over to us.
I raised a non existent eyebrow.
"Remember how you told me y/n was trying to comfort you because of your nightmare...sss?" She said.
Flowey seemed to know what was going on. He covered his 'ears' with his leaves.
"Yesss..." I said.
"I... May or may not have seen you two and showed everyone in the house." She said.
My eye sockets disappeared.
"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I screamed.
Flowey's pot literally fell off the table at how loud I yelled.
I could hear y/n yelling "frrrrrIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!" From downstairs.
Y/n came running out of the basement, nearly tripped from going to fast, walked over to Frisk, and shook her.
"WHY?!?!?" She said.
This was honestly a little humerus to watch.

Y/n's POV -----
"Did Undyne tell you?" Frisk asked, smiling as wide as Sans.
"YES!!!" I said, still grabbing her shoulders.
"Mah bad." She said, shrugging her shoulders.
"You're so lucky. I am so close to losing my-"
I heard a cough.
We looked at Sans, who pointed to the door.
Me and Frisk turned our heads to the door in sinc.
Everyone was there, looking at us like we just killed someone.

We smiled, my hands still on Frisk's shoulders.
Sans smiled and simply said "sup."
Flowey, who was oddly on the floor in his pot that surprisingly wasn't broken, was screaming "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE PICK ME UP ALREADY?"
Sans once again lifted the flower off the floor and set him on the table again.
"Better? Or is there something else we can get you?" Sans asked sarcastically.
"YOU CAN PUT MY POT RIGHT SIDE UP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Flowey said.
Sans laughed and turned Flowey's pot the way it should've been.
Me and Frisk giggled a bit.
I let go of Frisk saying "don't worry, it's ok!"
Everyone who was not already in the kitchen groaned, and went back to whatever they were doing.
"Omg Frisk. But seriously, ask before you tell everyone in the fricken house!!!" I said.
"I said I was sorry." She said.
"No you didn't!" I said.
"Oh. Sorrrrrrry." She sung practically waltzing out of the kitchen.
"So she just left me here." Flowey said.
"With you guys."
"I can fling you in the direction towards frisk if you'd like." Sans retorted.
Flowey let out a growl, Frisk coming back in and grabbing him.
Flowey, who was now blowing raspberry at Sans //my dirty mind XD// said "thank Asgore. OUT WE GO!!!"
I looked at Sans.
"Well then." I said.
"Guess he just really wanted to leaf." Sans said.
"Well, guess mine and Flowey's friendship isn't blooming anytime  soon." I said.
He looked at me in awe, and for half a second I swear I saw hearts in his eyes.
"Hey buddy, you still with me?" I said.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up." He said.
I giggled, his cheekbones tinting blue slightly.
"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT IT WITH THE PUNS?!" Flowey screamed from the living room.
"NOPE!!!!" Me and Sans yelled.
We both stood quite.
Neither of us knew how to answer that.
"FINALLY!!!!" Flowey yelled.

Sorry it's a little short.
And late.
And weird.
I'll try and make it up to you next chapter.
Don't expect anything huge, just some more fluff or something.
Lynn: WTF!!!
Me: what?
You're making a Sansxreader?
Me: oh shit. Yeah.
Lynn: *smashes my iPod against a wall*
Me: there's still like, several things in the house for me to-
Lynn: I will burn this place to the ground.
Me: there's still the library, school, all of my friend's houses...
Lynn: fffffffffffffUUUUUUUUUUUCK
Me: oh shit. Gotta go!!!//
-MadInsaneCat out-

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