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(Y/n)'s POV-----
After the little thing that happened, Frisk asked if I would show her around a bit.
"Sure!" I said.
I grabbed my (f/c) pair of converse and some socks.
Sans saw me put them on.
"Where you going?" He asked.
"I was gonna show Frisk around." I told him.
"Oh. Be careful." He said.
"I... Will." I said, confused as to why he said that.
We were walking around (city or place where you live) when a guy walked up to us.
"Are you the girl that freed the monsters?" He asked.
She hesitantly said, "y-yes."
"And you're the one housing these freaks?" He said, eyeing me.
"Last time I checked, your family didn't live with us." I said, annoyed at the fact that he called monsters "freaks".
"You think you're so smart, huh?" He said in a threatening manner.
"Yeah, thanks for noticing." I said.
"Well let's see how strong you are, sweetheart!" He yelled, throwing a punch that managed to get my cheek.
"Calm down! I really don't wanna fight." I said.
Frisk started saying something under her breath.
"What was that? You wanna say that to my face, Bitch?" He said as he picked her up by her shirt.
"I said," she calmly told him, "sans."
He looked puzzled for a minute.
To be honest, I was as confused as he was.
"Sans?" He repeated.
"Yep. That's my name, don't wear it out." I familiar voice said behind him.
We all looked to see sans, one eye open, blazing. He had a few bones at either side of him.
Frisk smiled, the guy raised a brow, confused, and I was surprised.
"You messing with them?" Sans asked the guy.
"What are you gonna do about it?" He replied.
Sans used his magic to lift the guy in the air.
"I'll give you one hell of a bad time." He said.
He let the guy go with magic.
The man turned to us.
"You are lucky little shits, having those freaks to protect you." He said.
He walked off.
I ran over to sans and gave him a big hug. He blushed and hugged back.
I walked over to frisk.
"That was the stupidest, craziest fucking thing I've ever seen someone do. How the fuck did you know that'd work." I said.
She smiled.
"It's worked before." She said casually.
"Are you two ok?" Sans asked.
"Yeah." I said, feeling my cheek where the guy hit me.
"Why don't we go home." Frisk suggested.
"Good idea." Me and Sans said at the same time.
-Time skip-
I was in my room watching (favorite YouTuber), when I heard a loud "DAMMIT!!!" Come from the living room.
I walked outside, seeing the news.
The headline said:
23 year old man gets attacked by monster.
Sans was sitting on the couch, head in hand, sighing as they showed a video that someone took and sent to the news.
"That's just stupid." I said.
He started crying.
"Sans?! What's wrong?!" I asked.
"I knew this would fucking happen." He said. "I knew that at one point one of us would have to protect someone else and would end up getting framed for trying to hurt a human."
I sat down next to him.
"I don't know if humans and monsters are gonna get along." He whispered.
I hugged him.
"We will. Give it time." I said as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back.
"Thanks." He said.
"Yep."I said.
"What's going on here?" I heard frisk ask.
"The news." Sans said, pointing at the tv.
Frisk looked at the news.
"You attacked some random guy? Well done, Trashbag!" Flowey said.
"I did it to protect Y/n and Frisk, stupid." Sans explained.
"Don't care, it still counts!" Flowey taunted.
Sans turned off the Tv.
Both me and Frisk knew that Sans was getting more aggravated by the second.
Flowey knew too, but was loving how annoyed sans was.
I hugged him again, and he seemed to calm down as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Alright Flowey let's go get you some water." Frisk said.
"I don't know how fucking long it's been since I've had a drink." He said.
I looked back to sans, smiling.
Only to realize his pinpricks were gone.
"Sans?" I asked.
"Your cheek." He said.
I looked at him, confused.
"It's bruised." He said.
"The guy punched me before you got there." I said, bringing my hand to the spot.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"For what?"
"I should've been there sooner. Hell, I shoulda gone with you."
He sighed.
"At least you got there. I was really scared." I said, still hugging him.
"Yeah..." He said.
"Thanks for that."
"Could you do me a favor though?" He asked.
I hummed as if saying what.
"If my bro asks, please don't tell him what actually happened. I don't want him being scared of humans. He's dreamed for so long about the barrier breaking. He's wanted to come to the surface for so long now."
"I won't tell." I said.
"Good. Thanks." He said, turning the tv back on.
We spent the evening cuddling like that.
On the couch.
Watching Tv.


It's 12:24 in the morning.
Hope you liked this cha-//
-MadInsaneCat out-

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