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"Excuse me." I said silently to make him notice me, and he did. He looked up at me with brown eyes, "yes?" He asked, his dry voice sounding insecure. "I have brought these sandwiches with me but I can't eat them all. Do you want them?" The man looked at me as if he had never heard such a question ever before. He took the sandwiches and began unwrapping them when he stopped and looked up at me again, this time with a smile, "If you will, please sit down and share this meal with me?" I smiled brightly and sat down. He handed me one of the sandwiches and we talked about a lot of ordinary stuff that I do not recall. All I remember is that I had never seen so much happiness in a man's eyes. The last thing he said before I left was "I haven't been eating and talking to someone else like this in such a long time, thank you."
I guess a conversation and a sandwich can make someone happy. At the end of the day I think was the happiest of us.

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