The Author's Note

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Hi, I'm Regina. And I'll explain something for you guys.

The pictures of May and Alfred are from a manga, called "Hibi Chouchou" if you're wondering. And I am lovin' the ship, and I wish you were too. (If you read it)

Kawasumi x suiren

"Hibi chouchou"

Kawasumi As Alfred.


Suiren As May.

I'm sorry if it was short for you, but I'm sure working for the next stories that you will like/love. And I'm not perfect, nobody is.

I know sometimes I'm not good at typing English, and apparently, some of you guys agree, yeah I know and I'm working on it- guys.

"Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover."

And I hope I didn't crush anyone's dreams that you thought they're going to be together at the end but no. Sorry eheh.

I hope you all guys like-love it!

Until next time! Be sure to follow, vote, share, (and comment, if you wanted to.)

Until we meet again! - From Kawasumi/Alfred

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