| Chapter Twenty-Eight |

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"I don't want anyone to see me in that ugly dress!"


"Oh, honey, you should try on the dress!" my mom suggested. "Alright." I replied as I took the dress from her hands. I walked into my bedroom and sighed. Maybe I can lie and say that the dress doesn't fit, maybe then (if she believes me), I won't have to wear it to prom.

I put on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Alright, I look awful. I can't do this. I have to tell her the truth. I walked back into the room that mom was in.

"Oh, sweetie! You look lovely!" my mom exclaimed. "Yeah, uh... about that..." I trailed off. "I need to tell you something important.

"Yes, what is it?" mom asked. "Well, um... I don't really..." I said. Alright, I can do this. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but I don't really like the dress." I sighed.

"Oh..." mom replied. "...that's completely fine! We can go shopping and get you a dress that you like!" mom stated. "Thanks, mom. I'm glad you took it so well. I thought you'd be upset." I sighed with relief. "Of course, (Y/N). I would never force you to wear something you don't like." mom explained.

I smiled and went to my room. I pulled out my phone and checked up on the group chat. They were talking about what they were going to wear to prom.

"Undyne: I'm gonna wear a tuxedo!"

"Papyrus: Wowie! You'd look awesome!"

"Alphys: I don't think I really want to go..."

"Undyne: Aw, come on, Al! Pleeaase?"

"Alphys: ...Oh, fine."

"Undyne: Yess! Victory!"

"Sans: lol you guys are weird"

"Papyrus: Hey!! At least we're not making really horrible puns!"

"Sans: ya got me there, paps."

"Papyrus: Nyehehe!"

"Undyne: Sans, you never said what you're gonna wear to prom!"

"Sans: what do you think i'm gonna wear? lol"

"(Y/N): A pretty pink dress lmao"

"Sans: pfft, shut up"

"Alphys: OMG! I'm dying laughing! I just imagined Sans wearing a dress!"

"Papyrus: Nyehehehehe! That is very funny! But he wouldn't look better in a dress than I, the GREAT Papyrus!"

"Undyne: Oml, you guys really are weirdos"

"(Y/N): Maybe"

"Alphys: Definitely"


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