| Chapter Twenty-Seven |

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"I smiled as I continued trying to go back to sleep."


A couple of days went by, and it was already Wednesday. I walked into the school and noticed that there were a crowd of students surrounding something. I walked towards all the students and pushed through the crowd to see what the big deal was. It was a flyer on the wall. It basically said all the information about the upcoming prom.

Information like what day it would be and when it would start. The flyer said the prom would be on May 12th. It starts at seven o'clock and ends at twelve o'clock. I pushed my way out of the crowd and noticed that Sans was at his locker.

"Oh, hey, Sans." I greeted. "'Sup, (Y/N)." Sans smiled. "Did you get the chance to see what all the commotion was about?" I asked. "Nah, did you?" Sans replied. "Yeah, it basically just said stuff about when the prom would be." I explained.

"Oh, cool. When is it?" Sans questioned. "On May 12th at seven o'clock." I stated. "Alright." Sans replied. I went to my locker and started getting the stuff I needed for my first hour class. I can't believe I'm actually gonna go to prom; that's awesome!

When I got home from school, I told mom about the prom that was coming up in a couple of weeks.

"Oh, honey, I still have the dress I wore for prom! Hold on, I'll go get it. I think you'll love it!" my mom exclaimed. I smiled as she quickly walked to her bedroom. After about a minute, she came back into the room with the dress. As I looked at the dress, my smile faded. The dress was kind of... ugly.

It was bright blue and had a hot pink poofy material on the bottom.

"Soo, what do you think?" my mom asked excitedly. "Uh, well... i-it's..." I trailed off. "It's pretty...! Heh..." I lied. "I knew you'd like it," mom smiled brightly. "I loved this dress when I was your age, and I'm so happy to see that my own daughter will be able to wear it too!"

Now what am I gonna do? I just lied right to her face! But, if I told her it was ugly, it would hurt her feelings! I'm so stressed out. I'm going to have to tell her the truth. I don't want anyone to see me in that ugly dress!


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